New map's darkness...

There is one that is darker than that even.
I just had the map you showed. It is brighter than the other one.
I think pig and ghostface who sneak will be happy with the new map as well as the blendette's who have been forgotten since the lighting rework over a year ago now.
This truly is a game changing patch on a major scale. For both killers and survs. Not seen the breakable walls yet. Are they in?
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It’s too dark. Blendettes have it so easy.
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I can't see anything on the new map at all,as either surv or killer lmao
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I think that's an issue with low settings?
That or there's a day and night time variation because I've seen people playing on both dark and bright as day maps.
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I tried survivor too and it was awkward. I’d hate to face Trapper on this map.
Either way though dark maps always favour survivors. Its so dark it’s a little irritating. I was using reshade too, gonna have to up the brightness.
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It seems like you upped the graphics of low by alot. Walls(shack ones) are textured like they are on medium/high/ultra now fr example.
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I have Medium settings. The first map i got was the dark one. I cant be a low/medium setting issue. The second map i got was the one pictured. I did not chance settings so there must be a dark map and a light map.
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Please, change this map darkness. I dont want to use low settings and change my brightness just to play 1 map.
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So that means if I play on low settings to have the best FPS experience on my PC would put me at a disadvantage and make the map darker for me?
That's terrible and I hope that is not the case...
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Yeah can’t see ######### in this map. Very similar to the Oni map...
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AGAIN? Really? We told you with the Oni's map and Yamoka WE CAN'T SEE ANYTHING.
This was never addressed but instead we're doing the same problem all over again
BHVR for the love of god please listen to your players one of these days, at least a little bit.
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i play on medium and its still darker then claudette
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Yup, same here. Play on medium and it was so dark I barely could see things I'm running into.
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i just came back to live version how can i test new stuff when i cant see where im going to
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this map needs to be brighter ASAP more than it is normally.
and all maps need to be brighter for killer, there is still some basements that you cant see ######### with freddy
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What about if you literally can't run DBD on medium? The lag I get on medium is game breaking for me.
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He's already explained it's a bug they intend to fix
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There are more players than just you, you know.
What about pigs and ghostface who have to sneak around? In todays maps they might as well carry a light bulb over their heads.
Blendette's? We have been all but forgotten since the lighting rework.
I dont mind that map. Not one bit. It is the opposite of the old lery's which was really bright.
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Exactly, and a lot of them have voiced the same problem. Claiming someone else is being selfish when they have just as if not more of a widely shared belief is just ignorant.
I would have respected your own opinion, but don't slander or try and attack someone's character just because they don't agree with you.