Bury the DC Penalty Hatchet. (Question for DCers)

Alright, I don't DC enough to find out.
But people are outright saying that DC penalties are multiplied for killer.
This doesn't sound right at all. How does the DC penalty work, is it a timer independent for each side?
Or is it a shared consequential timer? Ie. I play 2 killer matches, DC from each and get a 5 minute timer for both, then play survivor and get a 15 minute timer (vice versa, flip the situation). This sounds waaaaay more likely to be the case. Someone clarify this for me... seeing people say that the timer is strictly multiplied for Killers makes my brain into spaghetti
There is no multiplier for one side or the other. The game doesn't care which side you play, it'll time you out for disconnecting all the same. The timer is shared between sides, so you can't get a timeout for killer and then go play a survivor match while you wait for the timer to wear off.
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Best thing that happened to dbd in a while.
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DC penalties are needed. The only “game-breaking” glitch I’ve ever experienced is the basement hook turning your screen black, and that was fixed fairly quickly.
Like the mod said, the timeouts are shared for killer/survivor, as it should be. There are far too many babies playing this game who DC because they were the first to be downed.
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I'm not saying they aren't needed.
The thread was for people who think the DC penalty is actually multiplied for Killer exclusively.
Basically, monky boys they are 🐒🐒🐒
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Question is what do we do with the penalties applied because of game/server fault? I only got it once so its not a big deal for me right now. I can wait 5 minutes out but what happens if it happens twice or three times in a day?
I was playing a killer match yesterday, all good, hook a survivor and move to trap a generator as The Hag. I click M2 to place the trap, it gets stuck in placing trap animation and game does down. Server disconnected.
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This. Unfortunatly there are some poor souls that got actual crashes three times in a row. It's an exception tho.
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Right, and if your game crashes 3x in a row the same day then it’s probably your personal hardware or connection, not DBD’s fault.
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Yep. Still feeling the pain sadly. :)
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At this point Xbox doesn't have DC penalties as they took down the dedicated servers, but one game last night the killer's lag was so bad I had no choice but to dc--the game was literally unplayable.
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So no penalty if it was Killer Host.
They could try Peer to Peer but I hope not that's hell and far worse lol.
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(controversial RESPONSE - WARNING).
The DC issues were as follows:
- "Survivor did not like KILLER trapping them in a corner so they could not move.
- Killer did not like their hex being broke in the first 15 seconds of the match.
- "Survivor did not like the killer closing the hatch." So they left the match. I had this happen ALOT as killer. Just last week on HAL labs someone did it on me, despite penalty system.
- Killer did not like survivors "butt dancing" in the exit zone.
- " Survivor did not like getting struck through a window. So they left the match.
- Killer did NOT like the team gen rushing.
- "Survivor could not move out of the area they were in. So they left the match.
- Killer was looped the whole match. They stopped in the middle of the chase and left.
- "Survivor felt that their team mates were not even trying.
- Killer was mad they were 4-teamed with flashlights and could never see again. (bug).
- Survivor was pulled OFF the hook infront of the killer. so they left the match
- Killer was mad that a survivor was abusing the infinite sprint-burst glitch
- Survivor was mad that the killer found them through cheating, which later was BBQ or nurses calling... possibliy.
- Killer was being sandbagged and couldn't hook survivors.
- Survivor was going to be mori'd.
- Killer kept getting palleted.
- Survivor gave UP and left before they were HOOKED, to PREVENT BBQ used against their other team mate.
- Killer did not get to use their Mori.
- Survivor had a killer spawn very close to them.
This is just scratching the surface of what made these issues happen.
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Essentially people being petty
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we get it DCers should be crucified, theres been 100 other posts about it
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The devs should allow the killer to open the exit gate at any point. As survivor, if you are having a bad game you can just sacrifice yourself on the hook which is essentially a disconnect but without the penalty, as killer you have to endure the game to the very end.
Either that or stop survivors killing themselves on the hook, make struggling automatic.
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The killer has to endure the game?
Or you know, they can end it earlier by killing off the rest, closing hatch, boom EGC, next game.
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The DC penalties were needed. I had matches as a killer before egc. The last survivor dc'ed I would message them asking why the DC and the response I got back was basically no other choice. There was no have breaking glitch or bug they just didn't want to get hooked. That is a crap reason to dc.
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And I could say to the survivor that sacrifices themself on the hook to just wait for the unhook, repair gens and open the gates, but that isn't reality. Some games you are just outmatched completely by a depip squad, especially with how bad matchmaking is now. Where it is obvious they will be dancing around you the whole game. Same goes for survivor, sometimes you get a bad team, camped, tunnelled etc or just outmatched due to the bad matchmaking, but survivors have an easy get out of jail free card by just giving up and moving onto the next game in no time at all. Killer has to endure the humiliation.
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Oh no. I'm so sad now. I'll make sure to be extra careful as to not hurt anyone feelings. The last thing I'd want is to be banned from the forums of indie video game. I just don't know what I'd do if that happened. Lets not pretend you aren't being petty if we want to mention maturity. My point still stands bud. DBD isnt stable.
Post edited by Inji on1 -
If you can’t express your point without resorting to childish name calling then you won’t be taken seriously. Good day to you, bud.
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Woah there bud. Careful with the insults. I hear people are sensitive around here.
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needed? maybe... but eventually at what cost. people don't even care about the penalties, there are still a lot of dc's going on and as time goes on there will be more people that care less. there's a dc at least every 2nd game I play at the moment. the only thing its ultimately going to cause is longer lobby wait times, people will stop playing the game and move onto something else or people will create smurf accounts and absolutely destroy new kilers/survivors which means no one is having a fun time. it's discouraging for new players. matchmaking is going to cause the same issue. i've been matched with new players and they just give up
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Because telling me “STFU with that garbage you idiot” is you trying to have a mature discussion. Good job.
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Move on bud. This clearly isnt productive. Didn't know you'd take this so seriously. Apologies.
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Regarding game breaking bugs, I’ve only ever experienced the one I mentioned (basement hook glitch). I’ve also had the one where I can run “through” the exit gate without the escape proc, but at least EGC made sure I wasn’t stuck there forever :/
Never has my game crashed, I’m on XB1.
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That isnt what the post is about.
The post is asking why people thought it was multiplied for killer but not survivor.
Dumb that I had to ask bc there was just no way
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I'm not sure what bug you're talking about tbh. I've seen a small handful of bugs preventing the game from ending even after EGC. I can only imagine how titling that would be even if you only had a five minute ban.
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That has not been my experience since the penalties have came. Prior to the penalty it was very common for DC I have not been in a game since the penalties have been implemented where there has been a DC. The long wait times are not due to disconnects it's due to a lack of killers wanting to play the game. After a few months I would like to see how much the disconnects have dropped by. It would be interesting