Game crashes, I get disconnection penalty (PC)

chocobro Member Posts: 2

DbD crashed while I was in a match, after I restarted I had a disconnection penalty.

I play DbD on PC and during my last match the game just froze. I waited for a while, but nothing happend. In the task manager it said "no feedback", so in the end, I had to manually close the game via task manager.

Is there any way for me to handle a situation like this so that the game will recognize that the disconnection wasn't my fault?

When I restarted the game, I couldn't immediatly start a match, because I got an penalty for disconnecting. Now I am afraid that I will get more penalties, if this ever happens again. I really appreciate that disconnection penalties are implemented, but why do I get a penalty if it's not my fault? It's not a big deal if it's just this one time, I am just afraid of bigger/more penalties, like I said.

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Not a bug · Last Updated


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,493

    This is not a bug, the system does not tell between a rage quit and a pc/internet issue. This avoids players trying to bypass the dc timeouts.

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