How does disconnecting as killer affect the game negatively?

I understand how disconnecting as survivor can mess up your teammates and stuff, but when your about to die on third hook and you get downed and disconnect, why is it bad? Your game was pretty much already over if you were being carried to the basement on death hook, most of the time anyway.

What do survivors lose when the killer DC's? They all escape and win, so why do killers get punished for doing it too? I don't wanna sit there and deal with a toxic SWF, and if anything disconnecting gives them a free win. Does it like not safety pip the survivors?



  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Well there are various reasons you could be feeling like that such as what Killer you play, the map, the skill of the Survivors, etc.

    My advice (as someone who isn't the best at Killer myself) is to just play for what will make you happy instead of what the system wants. I felt way better after making that adjustment personally.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Ermm so to the first part, why would you DC at all, wait a few seconds and die like the gameplay intends...

    To the second, you dont have to play, you can just go sit in the basement tbh and wait for them to leave.

    Apart from that the game would be quite ruined if people who are doing badly just dip out early every time.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    Can't killer just open exit doors? I don't play killer so don't know when they can do this?

  • chaosdriver
    chaosdriver Member Posts: 74

    I've lost pips to killers who dc :(

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Same here. Worried I might trigger an auto system. I wish they would just give us a surrender option. When they're so ######### sweaty and making the game zero fun why do I, as a killer PLAYER, want to keep playing a game for FUN that is producing ZERO FUN?

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2020


    When I am utterly deflated from a ridiculous Benny Hill match, I go to the basement and stand in the corner facing the wall, contemplating my failure like a bad killer who knows the entity will be displeased and that he'll probably be going to bed with no supper tonight.

    EDIT: Meanwhile, the puppet master puts down the Dualshock 4 and beckons Mary Jane over.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Lets start easy: You cannot play a matched you queued up for. You may not even black pip. You do not get more BPs. You may not be able to fulfill your challenge. ... Does this satisfy you? Killers are in the same spot as survivors, when it comes down to DCs. Also DCing as killer is quite pathetic.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited April 2020

    All gens have to finish first before killer can open the exit gate

    Even if killer did that and hide in shame around walls/corner some survivors refuse to leave the gate and farm(cleanse totems, open chest) and/or toxic(spam vault window/pallet, drop every pallets) until timer nearly run out

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    It just robs survivors of points and possibly a pip.

    But with that said, if you dc because we are kicking your butt, that is like triple pipping for me!

    Sorry but you queued up to play killer, then dc because you got outplayed and your noed didn't pop. Boohoo so sad. Thanks for giving us a great laugh, as well disrespecting us killers that play fair, albeit maybe a bit sweaty, and take the occasional loss with class.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    People don't want a black pip. People want their potential pip and the points from mid and late game (where a majority of the points come from) after waiting in queue.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    When I DC, I do it because the survivors I'm playing against clearly just want a game of bullying a killer. I'm trying to relearn nurse now that I've got shadowborn, I load into a game with 4 survivor offerings, one map and one BPS.

    When I get to the main building it's survivors who clearly just want to bully me. ######### that. You want to play the game after queueing you treat the other guy as a person too. Especially if you're a ######### 4man swf.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Well that is not us. We play to have fun and escape. But bullying is not what we do. It is often hard to find more then two of us together as we split up to put the most pressure on that we can.

    With that said, if we face a hard tunneling killer. You know , just chasing the same guy all game, ignoring all other survivors, tunneling right off the hook, we will attempt to take the hits and force the killer to at least see how bad their tunnel vision has been.

    Can I ask, what do you consider bullying? I have played a lot of killer and rarely find those I would classify as good enough to bully me.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Because then what would be the reason for survivors not to dc? Get 5 gens done and the killer disconnects, it happened so much.

    So why would you stay in a losing game as survivor? You’re not allowed to win but you’re expected to stay in the game when losing?

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    so are you guys aware or fixing the DC exploit on xbox? getting very annoying tbh and theyre being rewarded for it

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    No he hasn't. because you go right back in the queue to continue playing the game. All the killer did was end a match early. Youd on't stop playing the game until you actually stop playing the game.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    But pips are meaningless anyway. Especially when the SBMM is live, after that rank is absolutly losing his last meaning it had.

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    I agree. Just allow them to open the exits but noed and rancor and things of that natute won't activate.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2020

    Disconnecting is a ######### thing to do for either side and is not permissable behavior for either side unless it's because of circumstances outside of your control (but let's be honest that isn't the case most of the time).

    For me specifically, playing as survivor OR killer I usually play with a purpose. This means with Archive Challenges or Daily objectives in mind, and even when I have neither of those I'm still putting out Bloodpoint Party streamers or really good BP bonus offerings to maximize the amount of bloodpoints I'm earning.

    If I'm playing survivor, it absolutely sucks, when I'm the one doing my absolute best and damndest to get an archive challenge or daily objective done for a character I don't play. Last tome I was stuck for literal HOURS playing David and Jane for what should have been extremely simple challenges but just for the life of me I just had terrible luck completing. Here I am, in solo queue, being extremely frustrated - dying a bunch, escaping a bunch (without getting the objective done) but still seeing my matches through to the end even if I'm getting stomped or it would just be easier to disconnect if I know I'm not gonna succeed.

    And then finally, I'm close to getting the master challenge done the match is going well, and the killer is salty because he can't take one loss and he disconnects. When I've been frustrated and "losing" (by the standard of not getting my objective done) for a string of matches more than 5 or 10 in a row. That's so dumb

    You have no idea what the people you're going against have been going through in their gameplay, they could be on an actual loss streak for a couple of hours and finally they have the upper hand but you decide to DC. Denying them the satisfaction of success even though arguably they've been through worse because they're more persistent and have stuck with it

    This applies to survivors who DC as well for obvious reasons but you were asking about what the problem is for killers to DC so that's what I described.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    No they're not. They're just ending the match or delaying you. Only you (or your internet blinking out) can stop you from playing the game.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    In Xbox a lot of killers are disconnected because they don't have any penalty, will you fix it?

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    It robs them of the joy of being face- or close perimeter camped and immediately tunnelled off the hook when the unhook animation has ended.

    And of the joy of not being able to play 4/5th of the game with most of the killers dull gamestyle.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    4 other players have to re-queue

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    If you're that burned out, just play a different game until you're feeling it again.

    The only real takeaway here is that BHVR should've given killers a bloody concede button when they asked for it instead of ducking around with the EGC. A small amount of ehc mechanics could've been implemented as qol measures, but yeah, concede should've been first.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    You missed the part where the queues are insanely long. You finally get a game after 5 minutes just to have a game end very prematurely. So yes, to a certain extent he is stopping you from playing a normal game. You take 5 minutes to load, 2 minutes to get into the game, and then play for a minute or two just to be DC'd on and not actually be able to fully play a normal game. So then you go back to a 5+ minute queue and repeat the cycle hoping you don't get DC'd on again. In total, this can pretty much stop you from playing the actual game for upwards of 15+ minutes. I've had this happen to me so many times. When players of both sides DC, everyone suffers.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    Sitting in a lobby is not playing the game lmao. You don't even need your hands on your controller/keyboard. If I can play on my phone while waiting for a match, I'm not playing the game, I'm waiting to play one. The actual game is within the trials. Not by the campfire.

    I assume you're a troll. If not, you should realize what people mean by "playing the game" and adjust your opinion accordingly.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    So you get back into the queue to continue playing. Huh... So you didn't stop. The round just ended.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    Yeah. I guess you can spend bloodpoints only during a match. And you can only customize your character during a match. OH! You probably can only visit the Rift to pick challenges or listen/watch lore snippets. And of course, you can only create your builds during a match as well.

    Maybe you should about how much more there is to playing the game than running around in a match?

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    What if that's how they enjoy playing? Who are you to tell someone how they should or shouldn't play?

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    In this particular case I had been practicing nurse as is finally unlocked shadowborn. I load in to the game, instant OoO so I know this isn't going to be entertaining. I follow them to the main building, they're all there, I get head-on stunned and flashlighted.

    In what way is that supposed to be fun? I have similar games at least once a night, and I only play 4-5 games a day.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    Yes you did stop. Because you're back in queue not playing a game that you should be playing. It does stop you from playing the game. Yes, it is temporary. But not being able to play the game for upwards of 25 minutes because someone couldn't control their temper isn't good or right.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    So ou can spend bloodpoints only during a match. And you can only customize your character during a match. OH! You probably can only visit the Rift to pick challenges or listen/watch lore snippets. And of course, you can only create your builds during a match as well. All these things that go into playing the game you can only do in a match...

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    "And you can only customize your character during a match."

    A very niche thing. Not everyone has 456 outfits that they change every single time they queue.

    "You probably can only visit the Rift to pick challenges or listen/watch lore snippets."

    I want to play the game, not sit and get into the lore. Maybe if you could do this while queuing, you'd have a point. But it doesn't pass queue time.

    "And of course, you can only create your builds during a match as well."

    The majority of the player base isn't switching builds every time they queue. Many stick with one specific rotation.

    You can't use niche things as an excuse for people who ruin the game for others because they have a bad temper.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    "You can't use niche things as an excuse for people who ruin the game for others because they have a bad temper."

    Niche things? XD You're reaching hard with that one. Creating your builds, spending bloodpoints, choosing rift challenges.... all these are niche?

    Your ealize niche means that these things only appeal to a small number of people. Are you honestly saying only a small number of people do these things? Brilliant.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    "Are you honestly saying only a small number of people do these things."

    On a consistent basis, yes. A very small number of people consistently rotate their perks and outfits.

    "Yes, it is temporary. But not being able to play the game for upwards of 25 minutes because someone couldn't control their temper isn't good or right."

    You listing secondary things you can do in the game doesn't change the fact that it isn't okay to ruin the core gameplay. The large majority of the people don't play the game specifically for the archives, or changing their outfits, or changing their build every game. They play it because they want to actually play against another living being and try to out play each other. You stopping them from doing that for the upwards of 20 minutes because you had a little temper tantrum isn't alright.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    You admitting that people don't stop playing the game just because they're not in a match was enough. Thanks!