Just wanted to let everyone know the "ds is an anti tunnel perk" argument isnt valid anymore

This was on my post asking if the devs confirmed ds is an anti tunnel perk.

Just wanted everyone to know that argument is officaly not true



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Sad this didn't become clear to people until now

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Both sides will keep using the tunneling argument even though it was proved to be false

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Problem #1: The meta perks are all old perks

    Problem #2: We only ever get 4 perk slots :/

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    These are good problems but I meant specific examples sorry

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    I didnt make an us vs them thread tho? Its about an argument thats officaly been proved to be false

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I just called and fired my lawyer. Looks like I don’t need a definition of tunneling argued for my political benefit in DBD anymore.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Far from mad, this was a blatant I told you so, cried to dad thread.

    Like I said y'all want a cookie?

    I watched this whole thread come together between the other threads made about ds and the fishing to get a dev response and now we get a whole new thread to win an argument ?

    Must feel good to be right lol.

    My point is why feed into this childish behavior and act all righteous being right?

    I just do not see the need or point. Every thread here is constantly and up hill battle about what side is winning.

    Hard to see the forest from the trees I guess?

    I must be mad or just over thinking all this ?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    This thread is literally just stating fact. Inserting context that makes it seem childish is your fault, not OP's. Good attempt at trying to make OP feel guilty for no reason 👏🤗🌟

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Urgh fine. I can't belive that you think that al perks are fine and perfectly blanced but everyone has an opinon I guess.

    So that I don't have to write down what's wrong with all of these specifically I'll just name a few perks with usefulness significantly below average that desperately need changes to make the more usefull since they aren't even situational or combo perks and have no real redeeming qualities. Some of them I didn't even see played in my 2,2k hours unless I played them myself for the memes.

    For killers - cruel limits, furtive chase, mindbreaker, monstorous shrine, spies (SFTS), overwhelming presence, predator, zanshin tactics

    For survivors - Buckle up, Deja vu, No one left behind, this is not happening, up the ante

    I could call out more but some of them would be more debatable then these which are extremely rare to find in games (from my experience either never or at least 1 out of 100 games)

    Then there are the strong perks that are meta and can be abused in ways that are bad for overall DBD's health like for example Noed or even DS when abused. Both lack proper counterplay when abused and both don't care about notifieing either side that they'll be in play with their possibly game swinging potencial and are rather unfun to get hit by since both feel cheap in certain scenarios.

    I could go on for a loooong time about many other perks that could use changes or are problematic in some other way but I feel even this much effort will be wasted on you since based on your previous responses you don't seem to be open to unbiased discussion.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I will be fine with changing DS, if we're gonna have more anti-tunnel perks for solo players. Sorry but being tunneled every game is not fun to deal with it.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Alright, here are some problems with some perks.

    DS essentially makes the survivor immune from being picked up in any way for 1 minute after being unhooked. While you can avoid a DS stun as killer by ignoring or slugging that survivor, that costs a lot of your time to counter a perk they might not even have equipped. Additionally, the perk can guarantee an escape in the endgame, so it's normally better to tank the DS stuns whenever possible to remove that possibility.

    NOED punishes survivors for not cleansing totems, but in a similar way to DS, devoting a lot of your time to countering this perk the killer might not even have can cost you the game. This is even more of an issue when you aren't on coms with your teammates. The only way to guarantee NOED will not come into play is to be on coms and count the totems together.

    Perks like Wake Up, Off the Record, Fire Up, Streetwise, Pharmacy, Autodidact, Sole Survivor, Poised, Dark Sense, Bloodhound, Predator, Unnerving Presence, Territorial Imperative, Beast of Prey, Huntress's Lullaby, Gearhead, Buckle Up, No Mither, Breakdown, Iron Maiden, Bodyguard, Camaraderie, and Cruel Limits are all so bad that running them is extremely close to running no perks at all. Why the hell would you run these when perks like Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes The Weasel, Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Iron Will, Adrenaline, Whispers, Save the Best for Last, and of course, DS and NOED exist? Even mid-tier perks like Botany knowledge or Brutal Strength would get some value each game. A huge problem is that even when those bad perks get value, it's minuscule. You save a few seconds or avoid a chase one time out of 5 games, great. Those perks need a buff badly.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I disagree that the idea that it was "purely to stop tunneling" came from the community. I think most people in this community know that people will get tunneled because they used DS. It's more of a "tunnel me!" kind of perk.

    Joking, joking...

    Seriously though, whether it's designed "purely to stop tunneling" or not, the devs clearly gave it conditions that activate to protect somebody from being tunneled. Sure, it's not purely to combat tunneling, but I still believe that's one of the goals they had when they designed it. There would be no other reason to give it such specific conditions. If it isn't the intention to at least make it partially about countering tunneling, then I feel like the design team just simply screwed the pooch on this one. The perk clearly has problems regardless of its intended use being to counter tunneling or not.

    To try to make it all about semantics and "is it X kind of perk or Y kind of perk?" is just to ignore the actual concerns of people who dislike the perk.

    Please don't try to twist me saying this into "I hate DS, it's still only meant for anti-tunnel." I don't care what you call it, just don't act like nothing is wrong with the way it works. We don't need 4 similar posts all talking about what to call the perk, something that doesn't even really concern the game's health.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    There's a reason "Meme Builds" exists.

    Honestly, if they did a full revamp of the perks in the entire game. Like dedicate a full chapter to it just to design every single perk in the game to be viable or useful in certain ways, certain playstyles, certain builds. It would make the perk diversity much more... Well diverse.

    Every single game I keep finding people with Dead Hard, DS. Dead Hard, DS. Dead Hard, DS. If not DH, some other exhaustion perk.

    Like every single game, without fail. If I don't see a Dead Hard I would be shocked.

    The only other decent perks Survivors and Killers sometimes requires you to synergize it with other perks to make it worth it. Effectively using 2 or even 3 perks to get some use out of 1 perk.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Correct those perks you mentioned(except SFTS) are problematic because they're nearly useless. NOED you could argue that it's not a problem and instead camping and the solo-swf divide overall is to blame. DS is a 4 second stun if you pick up a survivor within 60 seconds of them being unhooked, it's avoidable and a 4 second stun isn't too bad. At end game DS can be very punishing but so can Adrenaline and BT so meh. Overall I appreciate your response and I admit that you make some good points.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You have NOED's effect misunderstood. Used by a bad killer, you are correct that NOED punishes survivors who neglect countering NOED. Used by a good(or camping) killer however, NOED is a powerful end game reward for keeping good pressure on survivors using only 3 perks.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    "DS essentially makes the survivor immune from being picked up in any way for 1 minute after being unhooked."

    False. The survivor can be picked up like any other survivor, they just have a 60 second window from the time they are off-hooked in which they can stun the killer for a 5 second head start on their next chase. Killers who waste their own time living in fear of a 5 second stun are dumb. That is not the fault of DS. And you are right, it is more advantageous to eat it early, as it's much more powerful in end game.

    I don't know how an argument about NOED makes a valid point about DS being a problem?

    I also don't know how other perks being under powered or less useful is a valid point for why DS is a problem. Unless you're trying to argue that all meta perks are a problem and should be nerfed, which would be silly.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    There isn't anything wrong with the way it works. It works as intended.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127
    edited May 2020

    It sure is, but it kinda shows how little variety there is in the perk builds doesn't it? Or how little variety there is in terms of playstyle for both sides.

    That's a problem. Because that means both sides are afraid to experiment with the pages upon pages of perks they have on every killer and survivor. Meaning there will be less fun and interesting games. You already know what to expect from both sides. And there in lies the core issue with DBD's balancing.

    Perks are a means to respond to player playstyles. No one wants to play to lose of course, but everyone in this plays like it's eSports ready. Responding to how their opponent will play long before they get into a match with them.

    Typically if I want to play a Killer, I just plop whatever perk I have that I think could be fun to see work + BBQ, and see how well I do with it. Same with Survivor if I'm not feeling tryhardy. But I know most people don't play like that. Which can lead to a lot of bland and boring gameplay, which I suspect is the reason behind a lot of those forum threads.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    So survivors are just intended to run up and do things right in front of the killer and be essentially immune?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Exactly. Since the game is a competitive game according to most, people come prepared to counter the most efficient strategies the enemy can employ. Survivors will counter tunnelers, and Killers will counter generators.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    The concept of DBD is sound, and it is a fun game. (I didn't sink thousands of hours into it if I thought it was crap).

    But they honestly need to work on how their perks work, because right now there's only like 10 perks that are worth to take on both sides and hundreds of perks that are either mediocre or really really bad. One perk even get worse the more you level them up like Discordance.

    Because the only thing reason why I think something can be boring in this game is if you see it over and over again. You'll just give yourself an eyeroll because "Oh look, the Killer is playing that Killer again. Great. Time for another "Fun" match." because you already have bad experiences with previous killers who played dirty.

    Or "God damn it, stupid Decisive Strike urgh!"

    People tend to remember negative memories more than positive ones, which then leads to the toxicity of this community.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Have you read the perk?

    For 60 seconds, yes. The survivor is intended to be more bold. And the idea that it is immunity or god mode is bullshit. It's a 5 second stun, if they hit their skill check, and then they are completely murderable again.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You must be one of those SFTS cultis right, no offence ofc but some maps literally have crows only on rocks in corners of the map. Yeah if you get 1 out of 3 good SFTS maps spies is almost decent but 80% of the time it's near useless. I think more crows at most used travel routes are need for it to be decent or even good.

    Noed is problematic since it's totem spawn is random. That alone is extreme problem with some totems beiing so well hidden (very rare) or it just spawns in a spot that in itself is uncounterable at that stage of the game for some specific scenarios like near both gates on killer's patrol or besides 1-2 hooked survivors. These souldn't be happeing and that's not even touching that instadown+mm is in itself not very enjoyable design that can be easily abused. Solo's don't need to suffer from perk like this with how bad the matchmaking is so I truly believe that devs should give it major update making it more fun for both sides with less room for abuse.

    I don't hink that camping in itself is a problem but the lack of more options for survivors to use against it. Something with large disadvantages but to be usefull to counter the most "toxic" abuse of this strategy as a last resort that won't results in that survior's death and gives them a chance. Camping overall is needed for killers as it is one of the most realiable ways to force survivors to make mistakes. If it should be significantly nerfed then the game needs to be tailored around killer beiing able to do 12 hooks which right now it 100% isn't.

    DS I'm not really sure how to properly fix without nerfing it's ability to force killers to play more "fun". Since it was buffed to this state I've seen extreme more DS then before it was changed. I feel like there used to be better counterplay to old DS compared to this new one. Slugging survivors sounds nice on paper pressure wise but in reality, slugging at wrong times of the match can be as damaging as 2 min chase without actually downing that chased surivor which is near guarantee loss against competent survivors. I don't like it and all the ways it limits killer's gameplay and all the ways it's beiing used by survivors.

    Whoo, I probably just felt like sharing my viewpoints on perks today since that was a lot of writing. I don't think we'll agree on this topic but I appreciate you actually responded seriously.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I said it's essentially immunity. There's some things you can do about it but they're far and few in between, especially when people run additional perks like Unbreakable to cover more weaknesses. I don't know if you just don't play high rank killer or something, but even I, as a highish rank killer (purple, sometimes red, not yet rank 1) have games that end extremely quickly. I'm not saying that I can never do anything to make it slow down, but there's several reasons I could just not be trying 100%. I could be playing for a daily ritual, playing a killer I haven't leveled up a lot, etc.

    If you have to worry about every player running DS and count to 60, for each one, combined with the times it actually takes you to get somebody down with some killers, the time easily adds up beyond what some games will last.

    Unless you want killers to just run a mori and extreme tunnel people to get them out of the game ASAP, every single game, then sure. You can have your 60 seconds of immunity. I personally wouldn't prefer that because I feel, as I'm pretty sure the developers feel, that special things like an ivory mori or a high tier addon should be treats for people to use once in a while, not a regular thing they bring in their loadouts. On top of that, I'm just personally not a fan of being 1 hook mori'd every single game. But as I said, unless you want stuff like that to be regular, then survivors can't just be "more bold" (essentially immune) for 60 seconds. Yeah, they're not literally invulnerable obviously, but unless you're playing against people who don't know what they're doing, the time it's going to take for the killer to consider multiple DS, along with any additional "second chance" perks a survivor might bring, and the chases they have to go through, the time really adds up.

    And no, it's not "bullshit." People obviously don't mean they literally have god mode. What they mean when they say that, is it's a 5 second stun that practically guarantees that they're going to get away to a safe position, and therefore have wasted your time, whilst you're able to do nothing about it because you know that if you attempt to stop them they're just going to do it in your face anyway. If you think that's the idea of "working as intended," then I really have nothing more to say than that I don't have time to try to convince somebody with such a survivor sided mind.

    I'm personally not a fan of the whole "us vs. them, killer vs. survivor" mentality, but it really feels like you don't have a lot of experience as killer if you think somebody being able to just do whatever they want for 60 seconds is "working as intended."

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    So it is a brainless free second chance Perk and was intended to work as such?

    Not surprising.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    But a lot of people's arguments are based on things they thought you said. Should they not be affected?

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Exactly that was the whole point of the thread you can still like or dislike the perk but the argument its an anti tunnel perk isnt viable. You replied to like 3 of my posts in a row lol. Why are you the most active dev on the fourms?

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I think it's because he is both a Dev and a Community Manager, so it is kinda his job to also be on the forums answering questions.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Oh snap. Pointless I told you so thread was pointless?

    Who would have thought.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    That's actually a good thing. I'm glad it isn't an anti-tunneling perk, because if it was killer would use the "I'm not tunneling and still getting hit with DS" bull excuse they've been saying for a while now.

    So I'm glad it's not an anti-tunneling perk. Good.

  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    I think all older perks need to get reworked. How many dlc are we in and the meta for Both killer and survivor hasnt changed? All the new perks has conditions before they can be used unlike the older ones that are straight forward but they are still as or even more effective.

    This should not be the case, i prefer that all the perks have high conditions like the newer perks.

    Note: this doesnt only included the meta perks but also the perks that are bad like monstreous shrine.