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Pyramidhead OP posts incoming

Member Posts: 3,666

Just warning you all. His range attack is godly and that cage thing is just massively good for stall.

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  • Member Posts: 16,732

    There will also be "Pyramid Head UP"-Posts.

    It is always the same.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    Oh that's such a relief lol. I misunderstood it as "on the dying state" on the stream

  • Member Posts: 22

    It works each time you are cursed. I didn't check if the ranged attack gives torment

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Seems more obnoxious than OP. At least from my observations so far.

  • Member Posts: 14,901

    Let’s just all be happy that only those pesky survivors are complaining about OP killer. Imagine if in addition to that, killers would also complain about OP survivor perks.

    oh. Wait..

  • Member Posts: 395

    Plz remove illuminati head

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, maybe some of us want to wait a while to see if natural counters form BEFORE calling for the nerf-hammer.

    I don't have access to the PBT and I can see that he is a strong, yet predictable killer. Trenches are easy to spot, and unless you're trapped somewhere, then they're easy to avoid. Or just wait out the timer on it. If you can dodge a Doctor's Shock Therapy, you can dodge his ranged option.

    Perk builds are anyone's guess, but I'm theorising two main builds: Chase rush, featuring perks like Enduring and Spirit Fury to end chases quicky and go onto others or slowdown builds with perks like Thanataphobia, Sloppy Butcher, Deathbound and Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Right, but the doctor at least needs to charge its shock and slows down in the meantime.

  • Member Posts: 181


    Are you delusional? '400%' is a made up statistic of yours so therefore it's not official reliable information what you're saying. In my opinion the game is arguably balanced right now, yeah there's things that need improvement but we're getting there.

  • Member Posts: 704

    hes not op. in fact he probably needs a few small buffs

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    The skill is still the same though. But like I said earlier too, console player, so I can't test anything myself.

    It does seem quicker than Shock Therapy, but ST is also in a cone shape as opposed to a straight line and does deny certain actions.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Oni was OP in the PTB though, he's fine now, but he was definitely OP in the PTB.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    He doesn't need Enduring or Spirit fury, he can ignore pallets.

  • Member Posts: 8,606

    I've run every Pyramid for multiple gens so far. Not saying he's underpowered. He's been out for a day. There's an audio and visual cue on the ranged attack. Break LOS at a loop and make distanfe when you hear him stick the sword in the ground. You counterplay him the same way you play against a Doctor or a Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    There is also the equal whining about the killer being too weak or new survivor perks being too strong. Remember the tears over All for One? I've seen that perk used once in the past month and it was supposed to be broken and meta.

    Overreacting is the hobby of both sides on this forum.

    In all fairness, Deathslinger, with his tiny TR is still easy mode. It's who I run when I want easy BP without the fuss. Heck, I even started running him with only MA and no other perks or addons. Fish in a barrel.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    This could be an interesting thing to add to other killers with similar prerequisites of course

  • Member Posts: 332
    edited May 2020

    You'll get this a lot because looping has become the time wasting meta so that gens can get done as quickly as possible. PH specifically has powers to push people off loops. Loops are safe. Once they start it's just winding down time until either someone slips up or blood lust kicks in proper.

    PH dosen't have this problem and when you see people play on the PTB you can tell they are struggling with the concept of "jape and loop once or twice then abandon to a new path" or the even more dreaded "Actually do something beside try to circle this table"

    In short. PH biggest weakness is if they treat like an actual killer and try to avoid being chased by him...if chased by him...focus on getting actually away instead of time killing. He'll prove to be a lot less seemingly OP.

    Drop a pallet. run away. Pretend to go one way or another. Ectr ectr

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    The only thing worse than seeing "killer OP/killer sucks" threads immediately after content is released is seeing threads and comments making the bold "prediction" that these will happen.

    At least sometimes in those threads the person might give some valuable feedback amid their knee-jerk reaction. Other people will comment and share strategies when going against the killer. Others will say what about that killer may need a buff. Etc, etc. What does this post contribute to the forum other than a false sense of superiority for the same handful of people who like to rag on survivors daily anyway?

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    pyramid head will be nerfed down to triangle face 😒

  • Member Posts: 7

    The only thing that I can really see that looks questionable is his one shot down potential. If you are right behind a survivor and use your ranged attack, the lunge from swinging your blade will actually injure the survivor and the trail itself will down them. Sorta the same effect bubba gets, but far better. Not sure if that was intended or not, but I can see killers getting VERY good with this mechanic.

    Quick side note: I don't think the torment should last forever or until the survivor gets hooked. Maybe add something similar to mending where you can take the wire off. Or remove it after unhooking/uncaging a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 358

    All joking aside, I saw the video by Otz, and he was showing that P-Head can teleport someone to a hook/Box in like 2 seconds. That is seriously OP. That gives the killer SO much extra time, and takes away SO much chance for good plays by survivors, completely ignores DS, Unbreakable, Boil Over, flashlights, the increase wiggle perk, and many more. But the main problem is the several minutes that the killer will not be transporting to the hook over the course of the trial.

    The ranged AoE is pretty OP too. But let's talk about one thing at a time.

    The only thing I can think to balance such OP is decreasing his base speed.

  • Member Posts: 75

    Not trying to be snarky, but you all should keep an eye out for people complaining about the grind to level characters. The current system is completely outdated and was useful when the game only had a handful of characters. The entire philosophy of "just run grind perks till..." ruins the game imo. The game "off-the-shelf" now is only for people who have been on since the beginning. A lot of people agree. I don't understand why you don't adopt a formula more like rocket league--cosmetics, cosmetics, cosmetics, cosmetics, and more cosmetics. Grind for the cosmetics, not basic gameplay elements. A huge grind for gameplay mechanics feels uber gimmicky and just frankly frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    There are too many aura reading perks and detection perks to play stealth. So avoiding all together is not likely. As for losing a killer during chase, that is not so easy with the perks I mentioned above or the killer's power of Killer Instinct. I get that looping is completely stupid and makes no sense, but what other choice is there? This is a game design issue and on the developers to fix. I don't personally think this killer is OP, but it does not lend to alternative ways to escape. Drop pallet and run does not work when the killer can have any number of perks to tell exactly where you went.

    I CAVEAT this by saying I prefer killer play over survivor by a country mile, but I understand the frustration and stupidity of survivor play. They have very limited options other than hit gens and loop the killer. Stealth is NOT an option at all when you consider any number of perks and powers that counter it. So, we end up with a gen rush and looping. If we really want this game to balance, they have to completely rebuild gameplay.

    Seeing this killer makes me almost want to play survivor because he would be really creepy to see coming after me. I'd love the fun of having that rush of "Holy Crap he's scary!". That said, my biggest fear is that they just created the perfect camping killer. They may have created a better camper than Bubba. Insidious on this guy will allow him to drop survivors at the hook left and right. Wait for the unhook, unleash power and drop the unhooked immediately while also injuring the other. I often think the developers don't think of the toxic ways to us a power/perk or how it combos with other perks. It's a shame because I do like the concept of this killer.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Yeah those Demo and Deathslinger nerfs were devestating

    Grow up and cut the victim act

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Wow who could've guessed people will do what they always do. I am in awe of your genius and nuanced analysis.

  • Member Posts: 47

    but pyramid head is basically the huntress, with wide axes which can clip through walls and he has infinite amount, he doesnt need to got to a locker to refill

    and thats just one ability

  • Member Posts: 5,873
  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I don't know why I do that every time. I mix 'For the People' with a skill from another game. Weird, but my son gets annoyed with me every time I do it.

  • Member Posts: 1,192


    I can guarantee that i'll see just as many "Survivor perk OP" posts as "Killer OP" posts. I personally, as always, roll with the punches whatever I'm playing. But i see an awful lot posts like this and while i don't mind them its interesting to see people act as if its only 'pesky survivors' who complain every update.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Wait, you talking about a my hero academia game? Do tell me what it is, if it is an actual game for my hero academia!

  • Member Posts: 684
    edited May 2020

    Don't forget

    -Killer stop playing after they buy the new killer but get big nerf

    -We get more longer queues time

    -Play Civ5

    Trust me, the matchmaking time seriously take some age. Not only that but also almost get broken/unfair match

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Jesus, I made this thread to advise against making this kind of abhorrent posts that dont contribute anything not so that you could force your "killers oppressed" circlejerk

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