OoO vs Wraith

Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

Does it see Wraith?

I thought they had changed so it wouldn't see stealth killers.

Just had a "match" on cowshed, and a Claudette was able to give my position to her team the whole time.

I just went afk cause there was no point


  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    It was changed so that it wouldn't see stealth killers when they were using their ability, not avoid seeing them at all.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Lol lucky enough to get an OoO and quit. If you hooked her she probably suicides on hook because stealth killers are a HARD counter to Object, since the information is one sided.

  • Epicu2
    Epicu2 Member Posts: 46

    idk. i find it hard to see wraith but if he's close to me I'll see him just fine

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    OoO & SWF on comms is Gg

    SWFs should never be able to use a perk like, BHVR should really rework that perk

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Using wraith and getting an OoO just makes me so happy, the guy basically just have a map-ranged spinechill that only serves to cunfuse him as to when I am close and when I am far from him

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    I'm pretty sure she was able to see me while I was in stealth.

    I think they changed Spine chill.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,655

    She can kinda guess where you are because OoO will light up when she is looking in your direction. But she will not see your Aura while you are cloaked.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
    edited June 2020

    While cloaked, Object of Obsession will not show your aura. Cloaking makes you Undetectable, and Undetectable blocks aura reading.

    The perk icon will, however, light up to signify that they are revealing their aura to the killer. They can use this to tell if they're looking in your direction, although they won't see exactly where you are. They have no way to tell if you're across the map or right next to them.