We can't mix/match Cheryl's cosmetics? Are you kidding me?

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You don't think it would have been a good idea to clarify that before people started buying cosmetics?
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I am pretty sure that this was part of the deal.
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Nop, because people wouldn't have bought the cosmetics...
And your reaction is proving me that I am right
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I understand the Lisa skin but other than that we should be able to mix and match her outfits. It's the same character model. Would entice me to buy more cosmetics for her.
Not many games care for customization these days and DBD stands out in that area. Hopefully these sets don't become a common thing.
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Can you add a warning in the store before people buy them? I also didn't know you couldn't mix and match and looked all over in the discriptions just to make sure. Then when I bought one and saw the head and other items were seperate I went ahead and bought both so I could mix. Only when you get in the survivor custimization lobby do you get told you can't mix them. If I had known I wouldn't have spent my money. Please add a warning in the STORE>
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Of course you're right. It's called common sense.
GG BHVR on the bait and switch. Not the shadiest thing you guys have done so far, I suppose. Crooks.
THIS. I mean JESUS BHVR. Are you guys for real with your shady crap?
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i regretfully purchased one of the other outfits thinking I could mix and match. it was not clearly stated ANYWHERE that it was outfit locked. :/ i hate the clothing i just want the hair.
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To be fair, I completely understand the "legendary skins" for Lisa and Alessa, but the two green ones confuse me. Like I was actually going to buy them because I thought I would be able to mix and match them. I like the pink shirt and the dark jeans but will never get to wear them together, so I opted not to buy them.
I do think they were being a tad tricky in language though. Like they should all be called "Legendary Skins" in the title and not have separate rarities. Because until someone explained to me that the icon in the top left indicated they were legendary on not the rarity I though I could mix and match.
But as much as I love DBD and BHVR, their not great with words, remember "end game perk"...
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I totally get the legendary ones. TOTALLY understandable. I'm referring to the Cheryl outfits and the plethora of shirts you can buy for her.
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We do actually mention it in a couple different places. The first being in the very first line of the patch notes. The second being in the top left corner of the outfit, and the third being in the top right of the outfit when you hover over it in the store (seen below).
The goal is not to mislead you, we want to make it clear up front what you're getting. If you have any suggestions to make it more clear, please let us know.
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I feel like you misread or didn't read the very first line in my statement
To be fair, I completely understand the "legendary skins" for Lisa and Alessa, but the two green ones confuse me.
Basically I also don't understand why the green ones are "legendary"
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It would be one thing if you had to buy the whole set but once you did you could mix and match, but all this accomplishes is restricting player choice for no good reason. It's not like Lisa where it's a whole new character. I think if anything this decision hurts your sales.
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I think it would be a good idea to have all the cosmetic pieces appear on the side when selected, like they normally do for outfits, then have a link visual between them to show that they can only be worn together. Also, you can read the descriptions without buying that way.
Side note: Is it possible to get outfits with only 2 pieces that need be worn together? So that maybe outfits like Robbie The Rabbit can be worn with a different knife, unless that is licensing issues.
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The first line of the patch notes is pretty vague. Look, I'm from Montreal too - I get that English can be hard, but at least get that stuff proof read.
You guys are an actual meme.
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I'm right there with you on that one.
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I have to agree. I don't understand why this, along with Legion's Robbie outfit is all a 3-piece link. Many people like to mix and match their outfits. I personally wanted to use the Alessa head with Cheryl's base outfit, just so it was a kind of Dark Alessa costume similar to SH3. BHVR needs to make it far more obvious than a icon, and a row of icons beside it's name. I can see that it's a linked outfit sure, but the 3 + icons makes me also think that this outfit must be bought together, where other outfits can be bought one piece at a time.
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Not to meant rude but, Change the lobby name,and add "actual different and unique voice for the skins" if they re going to cost more than usual,i don't want to hear Lisa Garland Or Alessa Gilliespie With Cheryl's Voice,Please And Thank you
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Agreed. It should say it, CLEARLY, in the description of the cosmetic. None of this vague bait and switch crap.
Yeah, honestly, if you're going to charge more, it better be a COMPLETE audio/visual cosmetic.
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Instead of symbols, just say in words that it is a set that can not be used with other cosmetics. As the dbd exam showed me, symbols are only good when you know what they mean.
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It is clarified well enough, it's people's fault for not informing themselves well enough before purchasing, the bigger problem is the fact that the sets themselves often don't make much sense. All of Heather's cosmetics besides the legendary one make no sense as sets. I can see the Legion bunny ones being sets, and something like Bunny Feng should be a set (the hood without the proper jacket looks awful, period.), but Heather has unrelated cosmetics branded as sets.
I know this time they're sets for the sake of being sets, since sets are a new feature, it's nice to have some to sell, I just hope this doesn't become a thing, cuz sets used like this actively detract from the experience, rather than add to it. Sets should be unique cosmetics that just don't look well seperated (again, Bunny Feng is an example)
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Oh yes, a vague line in the patch notes and an icon that isn't defined anywhere is "clarified well enough". Sure.
I guess me, most here, and people like Zubat who play this game for thousands of hours are all idiots. Makes sense.
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How much more clear do they need to make it? They stated it explicitly in the spotlight, the patch notes, and on the description of the outfits that they are set pieces that can't be mixed and matched. It's not the devs' fault you aren't paying attention and reading before you buy.
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I mean, when it's a majority of people (judging by content creators and the forums) experiencing this, I'd say it's not clear enough.
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I want to second the idea of separating sets from outfits. I think that would make it more clear (and maybe some small red text under the purchase button that states pieces cannot be dissembled/worn with other items). Unfortunately there will still be mistakes, but being able to point to how you've separated the sets from outfits, as well as explicit text, will help a lot.