PS4 Decisive Strike Not Working Properly

Derpyapple Member Posts: 2

So I get saved off the hook first time, DS activates problem, but lately and every other game, my DS is not activating on Death Hook, so after being hooked twice, it doesn't activate.

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  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 324
    edited September 2020

    this is beyond frustrating.....I'm not even going to search like I did the struggle bug or the skill check bug or the UI bug....this was posted in July and it's September. Pending pending pending....guys come on. If you are not going to devote a chapter to game health then your team that works on bugs needs more support and so does this forum's team. Your players are reporting timely and supporting evidence. I'm tired of seeing game breaking bugs reported back in March with still pending labels - no one is looking at them or if they are, they are not communicating back. and i am not exaggerating. I put a significant amount of time and money into this game and I love to talk it up to get new players into it - I can't do that anymore. No one is going to want to play regularly like this. So let's try this again...the ds skill check is not activating on death hook. I missed it after the first hook but. it. doesn't. come. back. It's happening whenever I miss the skill check. you already know I'm on ps4 and where i am - i post frequently enough :/

    9/28/20 this time it did not light up or activate after 2nd hook even though I did not use it after the 1st hook at all - I didn't need it.

    Post edited by coley_219 on
  • TwiztedMannix
    TwiztedMannix Member Posts: 34

    I thought that is how it worked, tunneled after 1st hook then DS and run away, it didn't work next time cuz ONCE per game.

    If you succesfully hide (timer runs out on DS) and get hooked again then DS activates after 2nd unhooked

    If you succesfully after each unhook until your last hook then DS activates.

    Once per game like Deliverance. So hide out after every unhook (DS timer has to run out for next hook use) and save it for your last hook, stun killer before timer runs out and stun killer for escape out of map.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,507

    @coley_219 If you miss your DS which is shows in the video that you did - this means that DS will not proc again, it's a one time chance thing - you missed it, so you lose it. That's how the perk is designed, a one time chance. So this is not showing a bug at all.

  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 324

    is this a change then recently? because this is not the way it worked before. It's been in my build for quite some time now and if i missed it the first time then next time i am unhooked i got a chance to use it. And even if it was changed recently, the 2nd video shows it is bugged in that it didn't activate at all after 2nd hook even though i didn't use it or miss anything after the first hook.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,507

    There's not enough in the 2nd video to say anything, because it doesn't show when you got unhooked etc.

    Missing your DS does cancel the perk - it says that on the perk text as well, this change came in patch 2.6 I believe it was, which was well over a year ago.