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How To Learn Nurse

So I took a break from Killer for a month, but I only went down to Rank 9 (From Rank 8) and I was wondering how I should learn Nurse at this rank. I’ve never touched her before so she’s still at level 1 unfortunately and I have no idea what add-ons and perk builds I should use on her. I play on console which I hear is a lot harder for Nurse. I’m slightly afraid to play her at Rank 9 since I always go against red ranks and very strong teams. If anyone has tips please share them with me. I would appreciate it very much!


  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356
    edited July 2020

    There’s a common add-on that lets you see where you’re going to blink to (even through walls)

    I recommend getting a few of these before first playing her, and then using them to learn the distance of your blinks.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    If you are on PC OhTofu has a Nurse guide that might help.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    I suggest going to watch some videos of people explaining the basics, tips and strategies of nurse gamestyle so you won't start completely blind on it. Videos of people playing as nurse, or facing a nurse as a survivor are equally good because they can both teach you strenght and weakness points you will have. 🙂

    I also suggest spending some points on your nurse instead of going perkless. This way it will be less of a steep experience at the beginning when you face survivors at that rank. It's not necessary of course, but it will improve your odds at the beginning when you'll have to get used to her.

    While levelling her try to take as many Plaid Flannels addons as you can (they are common rarity), as they will show you where you will land with your blinks, which is incredibly useful at the beginning. 👍️

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,958

    I'd also add to this, if you can go into a KYF match and do some practice with her.

    If you don't have anyone you can do that with, on the DBD Discord there's plenty of channels and I am sure that people there will go into a KYF with you and help you to practice on her.