Question about cross-progression...

It is possible to include the mobile version on the cross-progression?
I'm a mobile player, and i was thinking about buying a pc exclusively to play DbD, but if this is not likely...
I dont think so since the mobile game have a completeley different unlock system etc.
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no This is not very likely to come because the mobile version is handeled as a different game entirely and the progression is not similar between the two versions..
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How it is different? I have no ideia since i've never played the pc version, and i would like to know about it
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I don't think so. Mobile is free, handles a completely different way of game progression and is developed by a different team.
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There are plans but not for mobile.
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Well, it is free, but doesn't mean i should not pay for the pc version. Overall, it's sad, basically i wasted money when buying auric cells for mobile.
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Wait so is console to pc cross progression in the works then?
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PS4 Cross-Progression will probably come once I get all the perks unlocked for a second time -_-. If it comes at all. (Someone wanna give me 45 million bloodpoints to test this theory?)
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They are working on Cross-Progression for PC, Stadia, and Switch to ideally come out in September of this year. Other consoles and DbD mobile are not currently a possibility (at least based on what was stated in the linked article).
I would be interested to hear why cross-progression specifically involving Xbox and PlayStation isn't currently feasible, though I'd imagine it involves some kind of resistance from Sony and/or Microsoft or has to do with how information is tracked and stored for those consoles.
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Resistance on Sony and Microsoft's part I imagine since they said they don't know if it'll ever come or not.
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That's fine with me it just means I could by a pc to try it without having to worry about starting from scratch took me ages to get every single unlocked killer perk I have so far
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It would be great if cross-progression becomes available on all platforms. I like the casual experience on my PlayStation 4. My friend let's me borrow his gaming laptop so I can play DBD on the go but I don't have many teachables unlocked PC (Steam).
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Yes! I have tendonitis, and playing only with two fingers on mobile isn't so pleasant. So, i was thinking about migrating to PC, where the playing form is thousand times more flexible, but thinking about losing every perk, evey character and etc just because i'm changing platforms is discouraging.