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Report Players to BHVR?

GhastM4n Member Posts: 4
edited October 2020 in Ask the Community

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but anyways

Had 2 Killer Games today where i went against EXTREMLY toxic people. After over a thousand hours in this game im used to comments like "gg ez", "noob", "such a bad killer" etc. etc. . But there are just some players who seriously deserve a ban if you just look at the screenshots i took. I did not even camp or tunnel in this game i just played a normal game of Dead by Daylight and well. There are always people like this i know that but i think there should be a way to report extremly toxic people like those. If I can report them somehow or send the Screenshots to another source i would be glad if you would tell me :) (those were the same 2 people in both games and in the second game i had to afk for a few minutes because i had to help my parents just in case you were wondering about the comments, also they wrote way more stuff this is just an extract).

Anyways have a nice day, I hope you guys dont encounter people like this and see you in Dead by Daylight (unless the map is Coldwind then i probably wont see you)
