Devs, please just listen to us.
Around 3 weeks ago, I started a break from dbd. I still watch streams, videos and the dbd subreddit but I'm not playing the game. This was because there are too many things in the game designed to make the game unfun for the other team. Yes, this is a competitive game. Yes, someone has to lose. But why should someone be forced to lose so hard? Why are keys a thing? Make the game 10x harder for the killer. Why are moris a thing? Makes the game near impossible to win as a survivor. Why are Iridecent heads a thing? It takes very little skill to use them with a massive reward, completely ruining all the fun for the other team. Why is NOED a thing? The survivors are winning and theres a perk that just steals that win from the survivors with 0 skill needed. Why is DS so powerful? An anti-tunnelling perk is good but the way the devs have designed it is pathetic. Its been a problem for so long. Why is Rancor a thing? Why should 1 player be singled out for death at the end? That player might not have even brought an obsession perk but they still get punished for having DS. Why can't this game have good perks like Save The Best For Last, Dead Hard, Pop Goes The Weasil, Windows of Opportuinity. These perks are very powerful, but take skill to use. They can be played around. They add variety to the game without completely breaking it. I enjoy games against these perks, but so many people just want a free ride to rank 1 so they bring these overpowered perks/addons/offerings. Every second post in this forum is about these perks. There have been thousands of ideas for these things. The devs just refuse to listen. I took a break because I am tired of going against people who have no skill and use these to ruin the game for me. What do the devs do? Ignore us. I'm tired. I thought after the new update I would come back and give it a try. What a mistake. Pretty much everything is bugged now, I don't understand how some of these things happen when they worked fine before but okay. Its sucks but its expected at this point, its not uncommon. What really gets me is the fact that the new killer is released full of bugs and with a perk that doesnt even work. This is just lazy and rushed. I'm not a dev but it seems obvious that if you want to release a product, do it properly. Dont give us an unfinished killer, wait a few weeks and release it then. Nobody is telling you that you need to stick to this schedule, its just you. I get that its around Christmas and thats where all the money is, but you really dissapointed me and I know I speak for others here too. How can I sink more money and time into a game which wont do the same for us? Give us killers that work. Take a few months off making DLCs to fix the killers we have. I would much rather have all the killers we know and love working well and enjoyable then having more and more new killers that just infuriate everyone. I respect the devs, they have a great game that they have worked hard on, but you guys really need to sort out your priorities. Fix the things that make people mad. Change DS, lose the moris, NOED can go, Rancor needs a change. All this stuff is known to everyone in the commuinity. It's what we have been asking for the longest time. Why are you nerfing stuff like discordance but leaving everything else? I just don't understand.
Thanks for taking the time to write your opinion, I've answered a few of your points below.
- Keys and mori's are somethings that have been discussed for a long time, both sides of the argument are heard. Things take time to change in a live game, it's dependant on what's decided to be changed and what can be fitted in with which update - so even if changes are going to be made (this isn't saying there are changes, just changes in general) it does take time to implement these things.
- NOED - no idea why people have a problem with this perk tbh, as a survivor if you're hit with NOED you've been careless in not taking out the totems. It doesn't reward no skill killers at all - that killer has played with only 3 perks for the majority of a match, and the match doesn't end until you've either escaped or died as a survivor, not just when the gens have been completed.
- Rancor is a great perk - it gives some help to both sides during the match and the killer still has to catch the survivor at the end of the match providing all generators have been completed. It might be completely useless to the killer or might reward them with a Mori, much like Devour Hope, I think it's an excellently balanced perk
- Decisive Strike is an Obsession perk, so running it can make you the obsession.
- There will always be "meta perks" and they will always work on some characters better than others, and taking skill to use shouldn't define a perk - plus perks like Windows of Opportunity don't really take skill to use and that's fine - not all perks have to take skill to use. I personally prefer perks that are risk vs reward, and there's nothing wrong with that - that's why we have choices in what perks we can use.
- The Developers do listen, we take relevant feedback from the forums to them but what you must realise that a lot of ideas for perk changes etc aren't going to work within the game and that maybe the downside is too much or the perk would be too strong. We rely on their expertise in this area.
- The Patch Notes have explained the issues with the latest Chapter and that these will shortly be fixed with a hotfix.
- It's subjective about whether or not taking time away from producing DLC's would work - a lot of games rely heavily on new content to keep the game fresh so I am sure there's reasons as to why this isn't viable in the present time
- Discordance was actually buffed and not nerfed.
- DbD is a Live game, making changes to a live game takes time - that's why things happen slower than people would like. Changes are made very regularly to this game and bugs are fixed as quickly as possible (some bugs are easier to fix than others). The latest Chapter will have a hotfix which has been discussed already in the patch notes.
A lot of changes get made within this game - it's come an awful long way since it's release in 2016 and I think a large part of it staying alive for this long is the fun of the game, the iconic characters, plus the regular content - I know that's something that definitely has kept me playing. We all have our own ideas about what changes we would like to see, which is why this section of the forum is so useful, so thank you for sharing your ideas today.
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- It's subjective about whether or not taking time away from producing DLC's would work - a lot of games rely heavily on new content to keep the game fresh so I am sure there's reasons as to why this isn't viable in the present time
What good does putting out more dlc if the base game is broken? I'm sure you're aware of the list of over 100 bugs and issues that this patch alone has caused making even swinging weapons with some killers doesn't even work right. I don't know if you're apart of the dev team or just a mod here but the only way this even makes a little sense is if you're just trying to rope new people to buy the game or into in game purchases. If the base game stays or keeps getting broken over and over, the diehard players are going to stop playing then new dlc means nothing cause you have no one to buy it.
After the sorry excuse for a Halloween event and everything this patch has brought, it literally just seems like the devs don't care and are just putting out broken content for a cash grab.
I think the devs have lost all their goodwill and benefit of doubt with this last patch. What happens in the next couple weeks or month might actually kill this game if they keep showing they don't care and just in it for the money.
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"The Developers do listen, we take relevant feedback from the forums to them but what you must realise that a lot of ideas for perk changes etc aren't going to work within the game and that maybe the downside is too much or the perk would be too strong. We rely on their expertise in this area."
Bullshit, the only act like the listen, and only when a loss of money is involved. I bet Dead by Daylight will legitimately be dead in the next 2 years if the developers don't change the attitude towards community feedback, and Mobile style monetization.