Should BT have a cool-down?
I think it should mostly to prevent teammates from farming with no repercussions. It doesn't have to be super long, but enough to force survivors to use it wisely. This way the killer can legitimately punish bad saves while also preventing face camping. What are your thoughts?
I'm sorry, is your issue that the same survivor with Borrowed Time got two unhooks in a short period of time? And you want to take away his Borrowed Time?
I mean, if you are hooking Survivors SO FAST that you can't keep up with all this unhooking it sounds like you are doing pretty well for yourself.
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Borrowed Time used to be one use per trial but it protected both the rescuer and the hooked person. (ie if a hillbilly chain sawed the rescuer the rescuer would only go into proto-mending) Now that it's gone trading at the hook is more common. Unless my team is going down -that- quick I don't really rescue more than once or twice per trial usually. Kinda hard to imagine BT with a cooldown.
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ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... No.
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Well yes that is true, but also if you have someone rush into the basement while carrying someone then that's free saves. They did nothing skillful or tactical to get those saves other than run a perk. The same thing for body blocking applies. You can't do anything except hit that survivor who most likely has DS as well. Sure they have to mend, but 12 seconds of downtime while everyone else is doing gens isn't very impactful on it's own. Too many perks in this game reward mindless plays and I think a lot of frustration/unhealthy gameplay comes from that.
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I don't know. I think Borrowed Time does what it is intended to do. I've certainly never had to deal with it twice in the same minute. If it really bothers you, you could just whack the rescuer. A common thing I do is hit the savior as they approach, do my wiping animation as they unhook and then hit them again right afterward. The first victim is freed, but wounded and the savior went from healthy to dying state. You are up two wound statuses and if you are quick about it you might still be able to catch the now fleeing survivor. And the cherry on top is 50% of the team is currently neutralized.
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There's always this rabbit trail counter argument talking about "But that means you're doing well!" Do you think we care? Do you think that somehow makes it right?
I think it could do with a cooldown. Weaker perks have gotten cooldowns, especially killer ones. So why not Borrowed?
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"You can't do anything except hit that survivor"
You know you can like...wait out the BT. Or hit them immediately and not lose much distance on the other guy. Or run STBFL and you'll always be happy to see borrowed time.
Also judging from your name you're a Bubba main. Bubba doesn't give a single ######### about BT and can outrun the initial speed boost and hit the survivor again.
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The problem is that sometimes farming is necessary. Especially if the killer is camping.
So in other words, the game will not be able to tell the difference between when it’s a survivor being reckless with BT vs a survivor who is saving more than one person as a strategy to get out of sticky situations.
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"Do you think that somehow makes it right?"
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GTFAway from the hook, problem solved.
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So the Bubba wants to remove BT? The one killer known for face camping and multi-killing off of hook.
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The name is a meme. I'm a pphead main.
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So what about when people farm in front of your face? Am I just not suppose to punish the team for making bad plays? Yea, sure I can get a 1 for 1 most likely, but now there's a survivor with invulnerability. Plus if that survivor who traded is on their first hook I don't get as much pressure as I would with being able to slug the farmed person. BT rewards bad plays while sometimes helping to prevent face camping.
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If you are really a Pyramidhead main than BT should mean nothing to you.
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Borrowed time has probably been nerfed more than any other perk since I started playing. It's fine right now. Good infact. Not too strong. Not underpowered. Just good.
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Honestly, since the rework, Bubba doesn't even care about BT. He can chainsaw the unhooked survivor and then still manage to catch up to them with BT.
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It wasn't single use. Back then I would say the perk was broken when it also affected unhookers. Now its perfectly fine.
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Yes, but when I play other weaker killers i.e Pig, Legion, or Myers, I do feel the pain. Not being able to do ######### while people get free saves is painful to watch.
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Nah. Completely unnecessary.
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Pig just crouch. Myers unless you're right by the hook BT won't trigger.
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I wouldn't like a cooldown, but reduced time when active. Currently you have to wait out 15 seconds which is slightly too long and allows for protection hits of teammates.
Plus, there's way more problematic perks then BT, such as DS and UB, so I kinda want BT to stay as it is.
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no its a balanced perk imo
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It should be short enough to prevent body blocking with should definitely be long enough to protect a survivor running away. I feel Borrowed should be your own perk, and DS should be given to you by the unhooker(swap conditions), but that's just my opinion.
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No. Just. No. Its the only thing useful when survivors daily have to deal with killers camping or tunneling.
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BT should be only allowed to be used once.
It should also not work once all 5 gens are done.
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I disagree with this idea. I think especially when it comes to a killer who is camping the basement this change would just help campers.
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I really don't think BT needs any sort of a rework at all, I think it's in a good place right now. Before when it protected both players it was incredibly strong - now it helps out the person who was hooked, which is the one that needed the assistance.
I don't normally see BT in my games as killer as if someone rushes towards the hook when I hook a survivor I immediately go for them anyway so they're effectively down a perk. It's on a rare occasion that they will successfully "Jen Tech" the survivor they've saved (dead harded to make me hit the recently unhooked survivor to proc BT), most of the players who go for the rushed save get downed pretty much instantly, so I hook them instead.
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I think BT is fine the way it is now. It's one of the very few effective anti-camping and tunneling perks. There's still killer players who will actually count down and wait out the timer.
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Bt is fine.
With that being said. My opinion is that bt promotes an unhealthy gameplay style
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It's used yostop tunnelimg. Yes.
But why should it still work once the gens havw been done.
In a swf lobby. 2 ppl sat infront of you.1 unhooks with bt and they all run to thw exit gaye together taking hits.
Is that fair on the killer?
All escape because therw isn't a damn thing you cam do about borrowed time at the end.
Once the gens have been done bt should im fact stop working.
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BT should have tokens. At least 2 and should deduct a token if the unhooked survivor gets hit.
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Borrowed Time is already self regulated by the "unhooking" survivors health state. With borrowed time currently, even if a person is farmed off the hook, due to there being no cool down, the "farmed" survivor can essentially act as though they had a complete health state. The fact that someone is being saved inside a killers terror radius suggests that map pressure has waned and the killer now has immediate access to two survivors, and can pinpoint their location. Someone farming off a hook with or without BT is already a good thing for the killer. bearing in mind the killers main priority should be to prevent survivors from completing gens. any hook save automatically determines that 2 survivors can't do gens. forcing a survivor to mend inhibits the farmed survivor from doing gens immediately as well. if people are going to waste time with altruism then you should take it as a good thing. the gens really are the only thing that matters.