I have an idea , the banland in dead by daylight , but not for hacker , just for skins cheater or trashtalker , glitch abusers etc ....
That's can be pretty cool , I think
I think I prefer our current way which is to directly ban people from playing the game.
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Maybe allowed the banland for the old players or +1000H or plays , cause they loves this game :3
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Why? It's irrelevant how many hours you have in a game, if you cheat or break the game rules in other ways, a ban is the deserved outcome imo and removing a persons access to the game is the right result.
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Maybe allow the banland for no one and just ban them.
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Just for waiting an unban I think , but u have reason
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I watched my gal play last night. She had some creep threaten torture and murder in the post game chat. I don't think sending people to Banland quite cuts the mustard.
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I wouldnt mind seeing a game full of cheaters go at. Maybe like the cod way placing hackers with other hackers
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You gonna say , meh just ban cheaters lmaoooo
BUT , be ban is frustrating ( it's you'r fault lmaooooo ) but when u'r innocent ( AND THAT'S EXIST ) or just hack skins , banland it's a good idea and dude if u don't like that , don't be ban :D
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Hacking is hacking and fully deserving of a ban, there's absolutely no difference to someone hacking skins and cheating in game. Which is why most people support permanent bans for cheats/hacks.
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I didn't talk to perm ban ?
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I'm agree but sorry for my traduction ( i didn't use google traduction, just because I'm French ) If you doesn't understand my english , tell me
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Doesn't matter what cheat or hack have you used, if you don't want to get banned don't cheat, it's easy as that.
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"If you didn't want to be banned" It's not the question or subject dude