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A question regarding body blocking

poorpuppy100 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2021 in Ask the Community

So I was afk for a bit, came back and there was 1 gen left on the game map. So I go to the exit gate to open it and of course some survivors come over, now this is by the white van and the pallet. A survivor drops down the little ledge, in between the van and the railing pallet area. I take a few steps back and boom they are stuck. Then another person comes by and drops down into the area getting stuck as well. the last gen was done and the door was opened after a minute, so the endgame collapse started, the two people that where in there died to the end game collapse.

Is that still considered body blocking/ game staling even though they willingly went into that position?

Post edited by poorpuppy100 on

Best Answer

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    Answer ✓

    Are you the one blocking them from falling, causing them to be stuck? And if you were to move would they become unstuck? If you said yes to both of these, then yes, that is considered body blocking.


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