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Devout Emblem broken.

I had a few games where it seemed like my Devout was a little lower than it should have been. However this last game was obvious enough so that I felt like I needed to post. I got 4 kills with 11 unique hooks and ended up with a Silver Emblem.
Did anyone disconnect in that match?
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Nope, no disconnects.
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Try lerys institute, The Game map, Hawkins laboratory, Yamaoka or coldwind farm, on these maps I had gold devout with 10+ hooks
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Seeing as 10+ hooks is a minimum of 2 kills, I would suspect that in those games you should have gotten iridescent Devout instead of gold.
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Trying to figure out what could have happened...what map was it on, and was the basement used?
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Azarov's Resting Place.
Basement was not used. I ended up spending 90% of the match on the side of it without the basement.
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Thank you for the extra information @FFirebrandd
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No problem.
One thing I should maybe mention that shouldn't have mattered but might... I don't remember how many exactly but a fairly large percent of my hooks ended up being on one particular hook. The survivors kept going down near a particular Gen, so the nearest hook got quite a workout.
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If I remember correctly below 10 was silver, and I got one iridescent but it was 12 and no one killed themselves on hook and everyone was saved before each hook stage passed.