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I constantly forget I have a mori! 😂😭

It might just be me, I am hoping it isnt, but does anyone else constantly forget that they brought a mori to the match? I have had way too many games where I go through the whole match, like my last one, sweating, struggling, slugging and being 3 man swfd, lol flashlight saves out the ass! When the whole time I could have just killed most of them near the middle of the game had i remembered i had a mori! 

I have so many bad memories of having really hard games, and finishing the match and seeing my effing ebony mori grinning at me in mocking amusement. Hell sometimes i still do really well and forget and it still pisses me off when I see it post game lol! Please, fellow killers! Tell me I am not the only one who does this lol 

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  • Member Posts: 965
    Forgotten alot and feel bad specially when i could of used them on toxic people.
  • Member Posts: 123
    Exactly! Lol i was getting so frusterated when i would pick someone up and immediately get flashed. I probably downed each lf them 3 times each, but I kept going for the pickup when I could have morid the balls off of them. Keep in mind i hit rank 1 killer last season and have about 500 hours in this game(mostly survivor) lol. I should not be forgetting
  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Same here, forget I have it all the time. Don't usually sweat it though, I think between my killers I have nearly a total of 200 ebony mories and maybe 100 ivory ones. Still, it's embarrassing.
    Don't you worry, you're not alone :)

  • Member Posts: 1,371
    You are not alone! Im guilty of that too brothers and sisters. I have so many wasted moris as my witnesses
  • Member Posts: 1,073
    All. The. God. Damned. Time...

    Bring an Ebony Mori. End game chat from survivors: why didn't you mori anyone?

    Me: Oh god damnit...
  • Member Posts: 942

    @LightsOut88 said:
    It might just be me, I am hoping it isnt, but does anyone else constantly forget that they brought a mori to the match? I have had way too many games where I go through the whole match, like my last one, sweating, struggling, slugging and being 3 man swfd, lol flashlight saves out the ass! When the whole time I could have just killed most of them near the middle of the game had i remembered i had a mori! 

    I have so many bad memories of having really hard games, and finishing the match and seeing my effing ebony mori grinning at me in mocking amusement. Hell sometimes i still do really well and forget and it still pisses me off when I see it post game lol! Please, fellow killers! Tell me I am not the only one who does this lol 

    Sometimes I'll finish off matches as survivor and after, I see that the killer has brought an Ebony Mori and didn't use it! Their loss, I guess.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Dude, I sometimes forget I have Whispers equipped and start wondering what all the noise is (it's Whispers).

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,592

    Same, I always forget I have a mori, I've wasted so many of them. Everytime I take one now, I've taken to sticking a post it note to the monitor to remind me that I have one!

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @MandyTalk said:
    Same, I always forget I have a mori, I've wasted so many of them. Everytime I take one now, I've taken to sticking a post it note to the monitor to remind me that I have one!

    Lol. When I bring one, it's usually for the clicky flashlight guy. Don't use them unless u see that Claudette or Bald Dwight with a flashlight. You'll keep the mori in mind as u tunnel them ;). That's what I do anyway.

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    About 80% of the time I'll forget I have a mori till everyone is already death hook anyways. xD

  • Member Posts: 123
    Orion said:

    Dude, I sometimes forget I have Whispers equipped and start wondering what all the noise is (it's Whispers).

    Lol what EXACTLY does whispers do, in detail? Ive never used it i always seemed like a perk that would be only helpful once per game or not really at all. 
  • Member Posts: 446
    Two games in a row yesterday I forgot I had an ebony. First one sucked, but I burned another thinking I wouldn't forget. When I finally noticed the kill button on the past person they disconnected
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @LightsOut88 said:
    Lol what EXACTLY does whispers do, in detail? Ive never used it i always seemed like a perk that would be only helpful once per game or not really at all. 

    With a little thought, you can triangulate a Survivor's position. You can also walk past large areas with the confidence that nobody's near them.

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