I have some views on this
- I think it’s fine I don’t really mind but
- i think this will backfire badly cause when Leatherfaces masks were removed they were removed cause people were being racist and only killing colored people.
- by announcing David is gay it’s pretty much enabling every Homophobic person to tunnel, camp and be toxic. This is going to end up like the leatherface situation again.(maybe not but it Could happen).
ayo I'd rephrase the last 2 words of point 2 cos it has bad history. Just say POC instead :)
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So revealing a character is gay is 'dumpstering' them, okay. Try to be a little more subtle wit your homophobia next time.
Also I thought people didn't like it when characters were revealed as gay too quickly since it's inorganic and 'shoving it down our throats'. David and Soldier 76 were both revealed in a good, fair way. People complaining are simply unhappy about having comfirmed LGBT+ characters in their 'safe space'.
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I think his complaint is grounded in the idea that it clearly wasn't what they were going for originally, but then they changed their mind/received advice or something along those lines and adapted the character rather than creating a character from scratch.
While personally the change doesn't bother me, I do find it rather strange from a decision making standpoint. It's def more of a fanservicey kind of change (Judging from the community's behaviour toward the character I mean), which again is totally fine if you're a fan of that kind of thing
End of the day BHVR can do whatever they want with their characters, if people are happy with it then so am I for the most part
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Reflections in 2016,the christmas one.
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Well, this is cringe to me...
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Very, very tacky move to just pick the one a lot of gay guys like when it's in his existing lore that he isn't gay. Comes off as very "oh well just slap on the gay tag to shut them up."
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Alright that clears things up. I honestly hadn’t read it in awhile so I couldn’t remember exactly what they mentioned
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People already say they are tunneled for rainbow charms. Been that way
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I'm not sure I agree- if BVHR wants to do this properly, IE, make it a relevant and integral part of a story being told, they kinda have to do it in a tome. There's simply not room to do more than mention offhand a character's sexuality in base lore - and while there's absolutely no reason they shouldn't also do that, if they want their first big push to be something substantial, it's gotta be in a tome.
So, it was always gonna be an extant character, and while there are a lot of good choices for who, David is also pretty clearly up there. The dude's from Manchester, even, it definitely doesn't clash against his character in any way.
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Can we please have positive vibes in here for once?? This is great for DBD.
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I’m not saying anything bad about them I’m just describing the characters they were killing. I understand the history. But POC can be anyone. Blacks, Hispanics, Latinos, Chinese, Japanese. Anyone can be labeled like that.
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Gonna need that one dog for the next few days /s
In all seriousness though I'm glad so many people are happy about this.
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Skyrim haha. When the most aggressive character is your spouse and they end up turning soft... "Goodbye my love..."
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This is not how it works and it is a really stupid take.
This is the same stuff that game up when the Pride-Charm was introduced. "Now Survivors will get Killers banned because they claim they were tunneled for being LGBTQ+!!!"...
And this did not happen. If a David claims that you tunneled them because he is a Gay-Character, you will be fine. If you say you tunneled them because they are a F-Word, you are not fine.
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Therrre it is
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my personal favorite
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Devs literally came out and stated that if you target anyone with rainbow charms, it is considered harrassment and bannable because it was happening. There are threads on this forum about it, nothing stupid about my take. COnsidering it is the length at which these things reach
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Oh yea I know there's no ill intent behind it it's just that the term "coloured people" has been used a lot in history as a racist term and is a bit frowned upon to say these days.
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I may not play the game anymore but massive respect to BHVR for this.
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What a very handsome dog
I wonder what their various opinions are...
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My personal favourite is "Pack it up Skittle Squad"
Edit: found it
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And another stupid take.
The Devs also confirmed that they will not ban anyone for tunneling. They will ban someone if they tunnel because they are homophobic.
You will not be banned for tunneling Davids. You will not be banned for tunneling people with a Pride Charm.
You WILL be banned if you tunnel Davids because they are gay. You WILL be banned if you tunnel people because they are LGBTQ+ and/or want to show support by wearing the Pride Charm.
It is the reason WHY you are tunneling. And not THAT you are tunneling.
Seriously, why is this ######### so hard to understand? When the Pride-Charm was introduced, it was all the same, Killers claiming that they will probably get banned because Survivors report them for tunneling. And this did not happen. And it will not happen this time.
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That's literally not what they said.
If you specifically target someone because of the pride charm and target them and nobody else across multiple games, making it clear in the chat that it is because of the pride charm, it is bannable. If you do not do that, and you simply tunnel someone with the flag once, you are in no danger.
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My personal favourite.
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I don't have a problem with them using an existing character.
Because it doesn't really feel forced to me if the characters sexuality was never really explored to begin with expanding on the characters never a bad thing.
Now David is stated to have had a girlfriend previously but coming to terms with your sexuality while the is something people do some people have been in heterosexual relationships before they eventually realise it's just not them.
As long as as they write it well I'm all for it.
Personally I would have preferred if they had picked someone else Min, Yui, Jeff, Adam ( honestly these are some of the characters I would have picked if I made that choice) but honestly I can't really complain I'm excited to see what they write and I hope it's good
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Yeah I didn’t think of that actually. That’s a good point
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"Today we're pleased to confirm that Dead by Daylight can officially celebrate the game's first gay character: David King"
The Chatterer: Am I just a joke to you?
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To be fair I think the Cenobites aren't exactly what you would want to represent you as a group right?
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Also gotta ask, what's with the "we consulted extensively with gaymerx."
Way to put in way too much effort BHVR, you spoke to a whole gay person.
Glad to know a single individual speaks for a whole community.
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Soooo... instead of letting the information be discovered naturally by the players, BHVR posts a big message on Twitter to support and highlight this facet of the character. Like... almost all productions (series, films...).
Maybe one day you will understand that we are not fairground animals. Would you have written the same message if he was heterosexual ? No. So why do it for homosexuality, if not to press on "the difference" again.
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That’s very anti-cenobite of you.
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As has been pointed out, it does not state in the existing lore that he isn't gay. It states that he previously dated a woman. Something that a vast number of gay men also did at one point in their lives.
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It's a charity founded by lgbt+ people, who have lgbt+ volunteers, who help lgbt+ people get jobs in major firms- I think there's a larger percentage of people than just one on-board.
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It's ironic bc I'm a Pinhead main 😱
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Aight enjoy continuing your flawed argument as to why you're happy about this representation but it's bad, actually, because of X Y or Z.
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Please avoid misrepresenting what has been said.
Targeted harassment has always been against the rules, regardless of the motivation:
The devs simply confirmed that targeted harassment aimed at people for gender / sexuality reasons is against the rules.
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"Devs literally came out and stated that if you target anyone with rainbow charms, it is considered harrassment"
I used the word "target" specifically for that, perhaps my wording was not the best but I didn nothing wrong... now can you delete these posts calling me homophobc? Why is this allowed?
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Because LGBTQ+-players have asked for representation.
A straight person does not really ask for representation. If you want straight representation, you dont really have to look at all, you get represented all the time.
But having a LGBTQ+-Character was asked a lot.
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Some survivors will complain no matter what. Again, I'm a bi dude. Some people just don't like getting outplayed and get snippy the second you down them even once. Some even DC from the match because *Rage Quit*
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So now what happens if a David player gets tunneled in a game and the player reports the killer for “harassment”?
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I mean, he had one for sure. Technically it's always possible for someone to not realize they have a certain sexuality due to whatever outside things, but I do think David would have better been off bi.
Overall, the main story pushed was more in the lines of "the only things confirmed are sex and ethnicity by default" around characters. Which I am overall a bigger supporter of, as giving a character a defined sexuality it also limits creativity a bit, especially when it comes to fans.
I personally find it much more important for kids to have confirmed sexuality than for adults, especially because IMO adults wouldn't need to confirm their sexuality on characters who do not have their sexuality defined. Especially not when there are cosmetics that could easily represent more than one. I don't necessarily see it as an issue, my biggest issue is more people that say that the method of "their sexuality is forever unconfirmed" is lazy rather than free for fan interpretation. Because let's be honest, plenty of characters have been thought to be LGBT+ by a very large portion of the game. The only people who really have a big reaction to this are people who are utterly against it(I mean, look at the amount of people negatively reacting to the pride flag, those people will now never play David again), and people who think unconfirmed is lazy. The rest will either think it's too late or don't care at all.
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Absolutely nothing, unless your intent behind the tunneling was homophobia, and they can prove your intent was homophobia, across multiple games. The exact same as the pride charm. Stop making this argument because it does not work.
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Can't believe it wasn't Trapper.
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Target doesn’t always mean tunneling.
Targeting is going after someone.
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nothing, because they would most likely have no proof. There's just too much factors that go into why a killer will act a certain way to really pinpoint it to harassment.
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Different people work on different stuff in BHVR.
Writing lore and balancing a game do not have transferrable skills, so people good at writing will do lore and people who can balance will balance the game.
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As I already said, poor choice of words, but what was meant is "singling out/tunneling/targetting" that player to grief or harrass.
I admitted my poor choice of words, again, I am happy for the lgbt folks here, and apologize if anything I said was taken the wrong way. I meant tunneling a person for their charms.
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Unless they brag about it in the post game chat/steam comments
Which a lot of them do because they're vile people who thrive off the annoyance of others, just plain stupid or both. Usually both