I think the new Mori change is really bad for the game, here's why

>Mori updates: Mori's removed from offerings
>They're adding The Finisher Mori - Killer immediately and automatically kills the last survivor on downed
So, I HAVE to bully the final survivor? I can't let her go?
Sure you can say "well, just don't down them" but I want to establish my dominance before I let her free. I don't want this change.
This removes options from the killer. I want to down the final survivor and then let them go.
I don't think I'm the only one here who is against a change that encourages mercilessly slaughtering everyone. We all need to inject more friendliness into this game, and I feel like this change is directly taking friendliness and joviality away.
NOTHING was mentioned about actual mori offerings. The new thing is ONLY for the End Game.
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They aren’t removing moris?
Also if you wanna let the last survivor go you can just not chase them
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I hate this change. It's stupid. I've seen loads of survivors in Solo queue disconnect to deny a Mori.
So I wonder how many survivors will just hide in a locker or behind a rock until the timer runs out.
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I'm gonna miss killers carrying me around to hatch. It's like one of the few things in this game where players have a nice moment.
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So did they make it so that keys will only spawn in chests now too? Because it's really starting to feel like killers are being targeted.
And to be clear, I don't think keys should be chest-only nor do I think moris should be removed. Stop touching moris and keys. They are finally balanced.
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A lot of us actually like that. I'm not sure you realize, but this game is chock full of bitterness and toxicity. Having the Killer carry me to the Hatch was kind of a fun bonding moment as weird as that sounds. It made the other person human and was this shockingly pleasant surprise.
You also have made it so less Killers will be benevolent to the last survivor.
Edit: Can a survivor just hide and wait out the EGC to be spiteful over the Mori?
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This is fair, but what about carrying to the hatch? Is killer-survivor friendly interaction being prohibited?
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If slugging for 4k does the slug automatically get mori'd once the other survivor is found/killed? No more escaping through hatch because you lucked out with it opening next to you because killer left you alone on ground? Or last chance to escape thanks to Adrenaline popping you up when killer closes hatch?
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My basically one and only concern is the interaction with things that require hooks such as BBQ stacks or archive challenges where you need to hook survivors, as being forced to mori could negatively impact progress on these kinds of things. But other than that I think this was the best way to incorporate moris into the killer's basekit and I'm excited for this to go live.
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The actual best way would be to allow the option to mori the final survivor by holding down the attack button exactly the way it works right now instead of having it be an involuntary action that completely prevents any kind of bonding moment.
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I would be fine with that.
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I have a theory that BHVR knows the level of toxicity and rivalry in DBD. The whole Survivor Main vs Killer main dichotomy is lucrative for them. Many perks/changes they make encourage bitterness. It can't be coincidence.
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Every survivor should be eligible for a finishing mori. Considering how the devs practically throw an escape chance at the last survivor; it just sounds like a mechanic that will be forced and not a natural flow of gameplay.
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If you need to down a survivor and then let them go to assert dominance you are not the type of person who should be playing this game. you might want to rethink things.
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Damnnn that’s a dark thought. Still one has to wonder..,
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It's really silly based on what I've read. I can imagine tense scenarios where you're just about to escape through the exits or hatch, you just need to crawl for half a second after the killer hits you down... but then BAM you're tped to a place and being moried.
This also removes the ability to use your DS endgame if every other survivor has left. And other niche scenarios. What if you're slugged, the 2nd last survivor is forced out and you're about to recover with unbreakable or soul guard but then BAM you're tped away and moried. Or maybe you were hoping to get lucky and find the hatch? Would no longer be possible.
Today I saw a tense clip on the dbd reddit of a guy escaping with tenacity, after crawling from one side of the map to the other as the last survivor. That would no longer be possible.
I really don't like this change.
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I like to see reasons aside from my own as to why this change is not optimal.
It's an easy fix - just allow the mori to be optional instead of involuntary.
Right now, this change feels more like "a cool idea that someone in corporate thought of" who doesn't actually play the game to know the nuances of the community. Like yes, ON PAPER it seems like a good change, which is why the corpo dudes thought "yeah let's do this" but in reality it's awful for the game because it denies bonding moments and friendliness.
I wish they played their game more.
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Shouldn't be automatic it should be purely optional if I just want the mori or the hook
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I think, just like with the Mori offering, there should be a choice. Maybe you want to hook the survivor instead to get a challenge done? I don't think the Devs have thought about that
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Exactly, I mentioned this later on.
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Nothing matters in business unless it's making/losing money. If competitiveness drives up profit, they will feed the beast. They will tap that vein until they go too far and PR will announce; "Hay gurl! We heard you loud and clear about that thing! Your feedback is so important!". It's dark, but common lol.
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Yeah it should be optional.
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Now that I think of it, they might push this update no matter what. The real reason they are doing this could well be (I'm presuming) because they intend to sell new mori animations in the store.
...I'm feeling pessimistic today after a certain announcement, I better go sleep.
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I like this change. It will lead to less toxicity despite what you've claimed. There we be less teabagging at the exit gate, since they run the risk of being the last downed then mori'd. Win-win.
As for the other "bonding" moment, lol please, this is dead by daylight, so try to reason with some context.
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Wouldn't a better solution be to not automatically trigger the mori?
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To the people who want to bond with the enemy...
Just preorder "Hooked on You", and live out your fantasies!
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Why not just keep it as a prompt like the offerings used to. In the final 1v1 if I'm facing an excellent looper and I'm planning on letting them go because they worked hard for it, it will often end with a clutch hit at a window or a good mind game. To which afterward i would either find hatch for them or let them wiggle out to find hatch. Its not a 'establishing dominance' thing. Its a sportsmanship thing. Don't get me wrong though I think limiting the mori to the end of the match is a great change.
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Faster matches are a good thing and the lore favors killers putting on a bloody show.
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So you're going to "buyback" all our moris right?
Also this will make DS even better than it is currently. The reason to use a Mori right now is to eat one fewer DS to kill survivors mid game on 3rd hook. I assume this was the intention.
This is just another +1 bad change for the game.
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One thing to keep in mind tho, for every killer that carried a survivor to the hatch, there has been 5 killers waiting nearly 4 full minutes for the bleed out timer to reach the final 0.1% only to pick up a survivor, carry them to the hatch, hook them nearby and close the hatch.
This is why we can't have nice things.
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-> I want this game to be more friendly.
-> I want to establish dominance.
Make up your mind.
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And honestly, having been on both sides of things (getting slugged forever, or crawling in a corner and never been found..... or never finding someone who crawled away.. not slugging them forever, I don't do that) yeah it's a ######### boring way to end a match, I prefer the game instantly ending.
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Mori should be optional
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I want the killer to carry me bridal style to the hatch 🥺
If they're going to go through with this change then they need to just make it so the final survivor is mori-able after you down them. The idea of it instantly transitioning into mori sounds unfair because what if you get downed right next to the hatch as it opens? This does happen and while it's pretty RNG based it's still a thing and this change would rob survivors of that which I find a little unnecessary.
Then on top of all that, if I want to give a survivor hatch it just seems silly to me that I have to let them go and get it themselves. Chasing and smacking them = more BP for me. Carrying them to hatch gives them a chance to wiggle and get points too. I just don't like anything about this idea in its current state and I hope they reevaluate it before they introduce it later on.
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This makes me think, what will happen on a grab? Instant Mori too?
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What happens if a survivor gets hit with a bear trap with Honing Stone? DireCrows from the Artists and other ranged attacks?
Does it just start the mori immediately if the killer walks within a certain distance of the last dying survivor?
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But why not just have the fatality as an option? Sometimes it is faster to just down them and carry them to hatch, imo.
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Maybe it could be on a timer? So the killer can choose whether to hook or auto-mori?
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Or you guys could let us choose between picking up and killing. Though that would be a nerf since this way you can probably down the last survivor right at the gates and it will immediately start the mori before they can get out, which is neat <3
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It's also the obvious solution, not sure why they didn't go with it initially.
At least it's sensible and fair enough that they will include it as an update soon (most likely.)
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I'm just worried I'll get slapped with noed the second before I get to the escape point and insta mori. Or all my teammates get to the gate we all try to leave but I get hit with a hatchet when they leave.
Instant death like that sounds bullshit.
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Some of the coolest clips I have seen from survivors are escapes from killers who are BMing them. That all goes out the window now that they are instantly executed.
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Another stupid change that makes every match feel the same. Should be optional for killer, triggered the same way as current yellow mori. And this "feature" doesn't necessitate retiring green and red mori offerings. I don't see the point.
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Oh, I didn't catch that part.
I now see automatic as simply perfect. Great job BHVR.
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I've been given hatch far more often than bled out on the ground. I don't think most killers are as toxic as you're implying.
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I unironically would carry the final survivor bridal-style to the hatch. This change is one of the worst things that could happen to friendly killer players
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I want to carry survivors bridal style to the hatch 😭
These are great points - it is a "the Entity has willed it" situation when hatch spawns right under or beside the survivor and I wouldn't want that to go away. It's happened to me precisely like that only once as a survivor, but that one time was nice. How about clutch solo hatch crawls after being slugged for the 4k? Are we just going lose the pulse pounding slow race to a not-directly-under-you-but-audible hatch?
Yeah, often I want those extra BPs to take the last survivor down (Pig's scoring is pretty paltry sometimes 😑) and hey, that person might be a fun chase and maybe I can get in some lower pressure ambush hits... and sometimes I still want to give hatch as a GG. And if they feel like wiggling off to get points, too, that's cool.
Something else that occurred to me: is it possible that 3-man SWFs could intentionally abandon a solo queue teammate to get them instantly auto-Mori'd? That would be miserable.
And another thing: does this make Deerstalker more useless?
On the other hand, yeah, as others are saying, getting a killer who bleeds you out for the full timer for the sake of toxicity not fun. We could all do without that.
Maybe having a significantly reduced from what it is currently bleedout on the last survivor is the way to go? With the built-in-final-survivor-Mori OPTIONAL with a prompt on the survivor to incentivize not losing your slug. That could allow some (but not a lot of) time for the survivor to crawl to a visible or audible hatch AND allow some time for the killer to CHOOSE to use the prompt for the Mori OR pick them up to hook OR pick them up to carry them to the hatch. And if the killer has lost their slug, oh well, at least everything is over with for both parties quickly.
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If they make it an option its fine, but i dont like that it seems to be forced on us.
Theres many instances where you could get an escape by being down as a last survivor, like what if your teammates leave as you get downed right on the edge and you have DS or sth like that? Idk i just dont like the lack of an option. Sometimes you can get some cute moments when a hatch is given, i like having fun and cute moments in my matches if possible.
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Im not worried about bming toxic killers.
I'm worries this change will cause some disgusting stuff.