I think the new Mori change is really bad for the game, here's why

>Mori updates: Mori's removed from offerings

>They're adding The Finisher Mori - Killer immediately and automatically kills the last survivor on downed


So, I HAVE to bully the final survivor? I can't let her go?

Sure you can say "well, just don't down them" but I want to establish my dominance before I let her free. I don't want this change.

This removes options from the killer. I want to down the final survivor and then let them go.

I don't think I'm the only one here who is against a change that encourages mercilessly slaughtering everyone. We all need to inject more friendliness into this game, and I feel like this change is directly taking friendliness and joviality away.



  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    They aren’t removing moris?

    Also if you wanna let the last survivor go you can just not chase them

  • SoloQueue
    SoloQueue Member Posts: 18

    So did they make it so that keys will only spawn in chests now too? Because it's really starting to feel like killers are being targeted.

    And to be clear, I don't think keys should be chest-only nor do I think moris should be removed. Stop touching moris and keys. They are finally balanced.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,332

    If slugging for 4k does the slug automatically get mori'd once the other survivor is found/killed? No more escaping through hatch because you lucked out with it opening next to you because killer left you alone on ground? Or last chance to escape thanks to Adrenaline popping you up when killer closes hatch?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Every survivor should be eligible for a finishing mori. Considering how the devs practically throw an escape chance at the last survivor; it just sounds like a mechanic that will be forced and not a natural flow of gameplay.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    Damnnn that’s a dark thought. Still one has to wonder..,

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    I think, just like with the Mori offering, there should be a choice. Maybe you want to hook the survivor instead to get a challenge done? I don't think the Devs have thought about that

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Nothing matters in business unless it's making/losing money. If competitiveness drives up profit, they will feed the beast. They will tap that vein until they go too far and PR will announce; "Hay gurl! We heard you loud and clear about that thing! Your feedback is so important!". It's dark, but common lol.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Now that I think of it, they might push this update no matter what. The real reason they are doing this could well be (I'm presuming) because they intend to sell new mori animations in the store.

    ...I'm feeling pessimistic today after a certain announcement, I better go sleep.

  • SnakeSSC
    SnakeSSC Member Posts: 8

    I like this change. It will lead to less toxicity despite what you've claimed. There we be less teabagging at the exit gate, since they run the risk of being the last downed then mori'd. Win-win.

    As for the other "bonding" moment, lol please, this is dead by daylight, so try to reason with some context.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Faster matches are a good thing and the lore favors killers putting on a bloody show.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    And honestly, having been on both sides of things (getting slugged forever, or crawling in a corner and never been found..... or never finding someone who crawled away.. not slugging them forever, I don't do that) yeah it's a ######### boring way to end a match, I prefer the game instantly ending.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,120
    edited May 2022

    This makes me think, what will happen on a grab? Instant Mori too?

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    What happens if a survivor gets hit with a bear trap with Honing Stone? DireCrows from the Artists and other ranged attacks?

    Does it just start the mori immediately if the killer walks within a certain distance of the last dying survivor?

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    But why not just have the fatality as an option? Sometimes it is faster to just down them and carry them to hatch, imo.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Maybe it could be on a timer? So the killer can choose whether to hook or auto-mori?

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Or you guys could let us choose between picking up and killing. Though that would be a nerf since this way you can probably down the last survivor right at the gates and it will immediately start the mori before they can get out, which is neat <3

  • Leon_Loves_Cheryl
    Leon_Loves_Cheryl Member Posts: 104

    It's also the obvious solution, not sure why they didn't go with it initially.

    At least it's sensible and fair enough that they will include it as an update soon (most likely.)

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Some of the coolest clips I have seen from survivors are escapes from killers who are BMing them. That all goes out the window now that they are instantly executed.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Oh, I didn't catch that part.

    I now see automatic as simply perfect. Great job BHVR.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,596

    I've been given hatch far more often than bled out on the ground. I don't think most killers are as toxic as you're implying.

  • Leon_Loves_Cheryl
    Leon_Loves_Cheryl Member Posts: 104

    I unironically would carry the final survivor bridal-style to the hatch. This change is one of the worst things that could happen to friendly killer players

  • BohemianWaxwing
    BohemianWaxwing Member Posts: 17

    I want to carry survivors bridal style to the hatch 😭

    These are great points - it is a "the Entity has willed it" situation when hatch spawns right under or beside the survivor and I wouldn't want that to go away. It's happened to me precisely like that only once as a survivor, but that one time was nice. How about clutch solo hatch crawls after being slugged for the 4k? Are we just going lose the pulse pounding slow race to a not-directly-under-you-but-audible hatch?

    Yeah, often I want those extra BPs to take the last survivor down (Pig's scoring is pretty paltry sometimes 😑) and hey, that person might be a fun chase and maybe I can get in some lower pressure ambush hits... and sometimes I still want to give hatch as a GG. And if they feel like wiggling off to get points, too, that's cool.

    Something else that occurred to me: is it possible that 3-man SWFs could intentionally abandon a solo queue teammate to get them instantly auto-Mori'd? That would be miserable.

    And another thing: does this make Deerstalker more useless?

    On the other hand, yeah, as others are saying, getting a killer who bleeds you out for the full timer for the sake of toxicity not fun. We could all do without that.

    Maybe having a significantly reduced from what it is currently bleedout on the last survivor is the way to go? With the built-in-final-survivor-Mori OPTIONAL with a prompt on the survivor to incentivize not losing your slug. That could allow some (but not a lot of) time for the survivor to crawl to a visible or audible hatch AND allow some time for the killer to CHOOSE to use the prompt for the Mori OR pick them up to hook OR pick them up to carry them to the hatch. And if the killer has lost their slug, oh well, at least everything is over with for both parties quickly.

  • fengminenjoyer
    fengminenjoyer Member Posts: 62

    If they make it an option its fine, but i dont like that it seems to be forced on us.

    Theres many instances where you could get an escape by being down as a last survivor, like what if your teammates leave as you get downed right on the edge and you have DS or sth like that? Idk i just dont like the lack of an option. Sometimes you can get some cute moments when a hatch is given, i like having fun and cute moments in my matches if possible.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    Im not worried about bming toxic killers.

    I'm worries this change will cause some disgusting stuff.