BHVR just killed the game
So what this update is about:
- soloQ will be worse, because some killers will camp even more because of Unbreakable base kit, literally prepare for Bubba basement every 4-5th game, doesn't matter which MMR
- games against SWF will be pure hell, you can no longer slug that 1 annoying person with flashlight
- survivors basically got free chance to undone any mistake they do
- mori got literally destroyed (because what will trully happen here is that you'll never get that finishing mori, because if you hook 3rd survivor, you open the hatch, if you don't, it's endless round again and again until one of them will bleed out)
- Soul Guard has now endless uses as base kit
- weak killers like Myers or Twins will be unplayable
- another buff for SWF, if you take Devour Hope as killer, they can bully you with saboteurs and you can do nothing about it
- killers mains will spam Blight and Nurse even more, because they are fast and they will prevent you from that base kit Unbreakable, more survivors will cry about it, more people won't enjoy their games
So, yea, good update BHVR... We have really bad issues with cheaters and instead of giving hope to the people and do something about it, you rather just go and screw up game in different way, this is gg. There were tons of interesting and bad updates but this is pure bs. (I wonder if some moderator will again edit my post and opinions or if they even accept this thread, very curious).
It doesn't mean who you play, this update isn't good for anyone. It's garbage update with garbage ideas, if you didn't enjoy the game till now, after this update you can forget about word "fun" in this game.
There is still plenty of time for them to read the feedback and change it before it goes live.
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I'm getting the same 6.1.0 vibes from this post. xD
Relax, don't over exaggerate.=)
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Ye, I know, that's the reason I wrote this thread. Because this whole update is really bad idea. Nobody will benefit from it. They will delete any fun from this game for survivors and killers. Literally nobody can be happy about it, maybe only toxic SWF who can abuse their powers more.
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I'm getting more 1.9.2 vibes and hopefully the devs will repeat their actions from 4 years ago and change their plans very promptly.
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I might be entirely wrong, but I can't help notice that that's singular and only referring to the basekit Mori.
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Finally a good post.
Nothing you've said in here is wrong. They absolutely should not go through with any of these changes: they're all bad.
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To my eyes, the singular feature they are referring to is the Finishing Mori System, which encompasses the Last One Standing features (including basekit Unbreakable), finishing mori, and perk changes. I would hate to be proven wrong.
Don't do it to me, BHVR.
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i legit hope they scrap every single change made in this one
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Make yellow mori basekit.
Remove yellow mori offering.
Declare the rest of the update a September Fools Joke and give us some bloodpoint login "we're sorry" gifts.
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Same. This is pure bs. It doesn't even help to survivors. It will make killers even more aggresive and camping. This update is without any exaggeration killswitch for the game.
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Idk if I would say this would kill the game.
I honestly don't see a lot of slugging in most of my survivor games, because it's just easier to tunnel a survivor out. the only time I see slugging is usually at the end with 2 survivors left and might force killers to actually hook the survivor instead of dragging out the game which I would personally love to see.
I do think there is issues with the idea and some of their changes, but hopefully since it's not being pushed out for 6.3.0 it means the devs will refine the system before going live with it.
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"Omg the game is gonna die": Says someone literally every update.
The game will be fine and in fact better and healthier.
Slugging has not been removed. Slugging indefinitely is what is being targeted and that is perfectly fine. You don't need to leave anyone on the ground for more than 45 seconds. It doesn't take that long to chase off a person with a flashlight. If it does, that's an issue.
You don't need to slug for a 4k. You down the 3rd person and don't know where the 4th is? Hook them. Play the game out and let it end however it ends.
This is not a game killer, trust me
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and they ruined a couple of fun perks.
soul guard, Hex: Devour, rancor, and no mither
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So what you're telling me is you wanted that auto-mori kill for free?
More and more I do believe some killers in this game think this is PvE.
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i don't think this is going to kill the game but it's going to make it a hell of a lot less enjoyable. might take another year long break if any of this makes it to live tbh.
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I’ve already taken a step away from DBD and now I’m strongly considering uninstalling if these changes make it to the live version.
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Man, I love coming to the forums after an update announcement and seeing in how many ways the '"sky is falling" this time.
I'm neutral on the whole thing, mostly because I've given up caring. Changes are made so much that it's pointless relying on any aspect of the game being the same as it was a few months ago, so I just roll with the punches and adapt as I can. I will say that it does seem that behavior has buffed, nerfed, and band-aided themselves into a corner, trying to satisfy two sides who will never be satisfied as long as they perceive the other side as having too much of an advantage.
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If that were the case (and it isn't), the game would have been killed by the very killers who slugged 4k from the start of the game
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Soul Guard is barely ruined. The cursed infinite pick up thing basically never happened and now you can pick yourself up without needing to be cursed. If anything the perk is better.
Devour isn't ruined. You still have the ability to instantly kill a survivor at 5 stacks, it's just now via the hook. While worse than straight up mori, it does allow you to trigger perks that activate when hooking a survivor. So kind of a net neutral change overall.
No Mither and Rancor are both nerfed by this, but they are both bad perks that won't really be that heavily affected by the change since it's not like people were running these perks before.
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They have said enough to give bad vibes to everyone. I don't like it either, i hope they come with something completely different and healthier for the game and not a rip off trade to just nerf Devour and Rancor.
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These are good changes current endgame and constant slugging for 4k is obnoxious, it's better than the last 10 updates, "they killed the game" but you're all going to play it anyway, just adapt
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For those who are flouting about this and saying "uhm, game will be here forever", ye, game maybe, player base not :)
You want to argue against numbers? And those are numbers even before that update. How many players will be there after it? Half of it? More? Less? Even now has game half/less of the active players than had year ago or 2 years ago or 3 years ago or 4 years ago in same month.
But ye, game is in perfect state, nothing happens, everything is fine. Numbers are just coincidence, right? :) Not even talking about those cheaters BHVR is ignoring.
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if you don't care: you don't get to talk about it. Simple. As. That. 🙄
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If you'd actually read into the stats you'd find that ~35k is rather standard for DbD. Not to mention that is is Steam only. We don't know the stats for any other platform/storefront.
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The only one I don't agree with is the base kit unbreakable. Its rendered a lot of plays/killers/scenarios as useless.
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Really unhappy with these changes. I would have much rather they used the dev time to go after camping and tunneling personally.
Infinite Unbreakable is a massive buff to flashlight and sabo SWFs and will only make playing non-S tier killers feel even worse than it already does against groups of survivors in voice chat.
When I play killer I like having the ability to carry the last person to hatch and also find it pretty satisfying to pick up and hook slugged survivors after a close game. Not to mention moris can get kinda repetitive since each killer only has one. And I think the new mori offering is pretty useless personally. You're basically gambling getting your blood points back which feels bad to take over an add-on.
At least these changes have the benefit of stopping toxic players from slugging all 4 and watching them bleed out I guess, which I think there are better solutions for (let them press a button to toggle bleeding out faster or "give up" after a certain amount of time being down consecutively).
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I'm going to remind everyone that this is something that's being tested and something that we're going to be watching for feedback on intently during the PTB.
This is not scheduled to be in the next update on Live, it's something that we're requesting players test and give feedback on.
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I don't think it's dead but I do think it's beyond hilarious that survivors screamed bloody murder about .2 and .3 second changes but demand more and more meta base perks. We now have 2 of the most popular survivor perks basekit. At this point they might as well just get it over with and make spine chill, iron will, dead hard all basekit too.
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Honestly I'll take camping and tunneling over slugging any day. At least it's semi engaging and goes by quicker.
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Ye, killers won't slug, instead of it you will meet more and more campers and tunnelers. Because nobody will want to deal with this.
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Sure, just as soon as you become a forum mod and get to decide that sort of thing. Simple. As. That.
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Yes, we know. But I think it's time to say something against bad decisions. Honestly, you have cheaters epidemy out there but BHVR is making changes for gameplay? Alright. Are the changes good? No, not at all. Devs should turn on the game and play for some hundreds of hours with randoms. Then they will delete those ideas even without threads like that.
With all due respect to the developers and the game, they don't listen to the players very often and this is a pretty critical update that if it gets to the game, it will change a lot of people's minds about the game. According to the "popularity" in a few hours from the players and from the content creators, you can see that these ideas did not meet with understanding.
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I'm all for testing it out, my concern lies with 3 main areas.
1) End Game: If your survivors have finished all Gens and are going for the doors, this will make any kind of endgame comeback extremely difficult unless your running perk.
2) Downing survivors under pallets: If the team is around, it's game over for you. While your trying to chase of the clicky's waiting for the pallet save, they just get up and leave.
3) Beginning a new Meta: Does unbreakable join Off the Record as part of the new Meta?
We'll see. Going into this with a open mind, but not feeling good about it, lol.
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Which is the whole point of a PTB though, so players can actually play around with it and test it and it can be refined from there.
Nothing is set in stone here, which is why it's not scheduled for the Live build.
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The whole idea is a load of BS, the moris as bp?! You can do better especially when you get more when you use a survivor pudding which is a YELLOW offering and gives mori than an iri mori!
Base kit unbreakable is the most rash move I have seen them make in a hot minute! 45 seconds? I'm surprised it isnt 20! 10! How about 5?!
This should have never even left the idea room.
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I don’t understand why we need a PTB for this? I can tell everyone right now that I’m very often forced to slug survivors because I literally can’t get them to a hook. Zero of the PTB changes will address this. I can already say with great confidence this will be abusable by survivors.
And I’m already in so many matches where the last two survivors will just hide and refuse to do generators. So I know that when last standing happens, the last survivor will probably just hide the entire time, since they have zero reason to travel to the slugged survivors. Bigger FoV won’t help a killer find someone that’s hiding on the other side of the map.
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Yes but PTB doesn't always help to community. Do you remember, I don't know, some recent updates? Wesker for example? He had huge hitbox on PTB and what BHVR did for live? Nerfed his hitbox much more than needed. For a couple of days (I don't remember, 1-2 weeks?) was this character in horrible state.
Pig - players are telling to BHVR again and again that Pig is nerfed to the ground and BHVR always came with another update and with another direct or indirect nerf on Pig (just an example how BHVR treat with players).
This thread may seem like overreacting. But BHVR doesn't listen to the player base very much, doesn't perceive them.
And as far as these changes are concerned, it is clear just on paper that this is a bad idea. Are you seriously considering releasing it as a PTB? For the sake of all of us, I hope it doesn't make it to the live servers at all.
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Agree with you brother.
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No one asked for this or wants it. I suggest scrapping the idea and working on problems that the player base is literally screeching for. Hacking.
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The Hex Devour change I support as it gets rid of the Unbreakable Devour builds.
As for the other changes, the remove of other Moris is something I am heavily mixed on, on one hand, it makes it harder to just finish people off and make you actually have to use hooks, which is better for the survivors, but on the other hand, I don't mind that cause tunneling and camping people out is already a very rough thing to play against so this change would likely be beneficial in the long run, it would require testing to see if it truly does anything.
Now then, the Unbreakable thing, I don't know if it lets you pick yourself up if you fully recover or not, the way it was written it looked like you can't get up until 45 seconds have passed no matter what, meaning the recovery speed doesn't do anything but make it where you can get picked up faster. Honestly, that would likely be a better way of doing it if that isn't the, with perks like No Mither and Exponential possibly reducing the timer from 45 to lower.
The Rancor change makes no sense in my eyes, cause it would allow you to finish off the survivors in the end game using a rancor nemesis build, but it was completely removed in this, I don't think that should be the case, I believe that they should keep the rancor mori as it was cause by end game it isn't tunneling or camping someone out. Make sense?
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Generally features added for testing in the PTB make it to the live game in some fashion, with the odd tweaks here and there. I'm not personally aware of any major features that didn't, the only scrapped proposed feature that comes to mind is the automatic ban system which was merely mentioned, not actually put forward in a PTB.
So this understandably has people very worried, considering this new system is a monumentally terrible idea.
Nobody asked for forced, unavoidable Mori's, not survivors, not killers, and if this restrictive system requires the implementation of basekit Unbreakable in order to function, which effectively eliminates any and all meaningful play around the dying state, with the knock on effect of needing to completely rework all perks that interact with the dying state (which can no longer be called the "dying" state), I have to wonder how this idea ever got this far into development.
It seems like a snowball of heavy handed fixes to correct for an idea that should have been scrapped long before it got this far.
This basekit Unbreakable would not be necessary without the Last Stand mechanic, and nobody wants this mechanic. It removes player agency, as a killer I can no longer choose whether I Mori or hook the last survivor. This is effectively robbing killers of a hook, and makes it impossible to score 12 hooks, on top of removing more than half of the pressure that slugging generates.
Simply making the yellow Mori basekit and nerfing the Mori offerings in some way would be a far more appealing change.
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So much truth, man. Letting this go live would be a fatal mistake for the game. I just wish they take the right desition before it's too late.
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Yeah, not there best work I must say
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I am again disappointed that the developers didn't know this idea was crap until they had players test it.
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Except the large portion of the playerbase on console who dont get the PTB and can only give comments on the dev notes.
Those dev notes should also really be pinned on the top of the discussion page so they are easier to find, so people dont have to link them in every thread.
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These changes will make me finally after 6 years retire as killer. Who will want to play vs try hard SWF when they have +2 amazingly strong perks base kit?
The only thing that might balance this out is if they brought back the idea where you can heal twice per game and never again.
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To balance out survivors being able to pick themselves up within 5 seconds we have made it so killers instantly sacrifice a survivor to the entity when picked up. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
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I think I'm willing to trade any potential negatives from this in return for not having to be on the ground for 4 minutes, I don't love it but what we have now kinda sucks too so I'm willing to give it a chance.
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Well said. The other mori offerings don't need a nerf. There is nothing wrong with them currently. If anything, they could go after potential tunneling instead of nuking slugging, as it's far more likely to be the tactic used if the killer wants to mori someone.
That said, after this update, I'm terrified to see what monstrosity they would create as an anti-tunnel measure.
Also agree very much on the player agency statement. And as survivor it removes the possibility of so many clutch escapes, ie crawling to hatch as the last survivor before the killer finds you, someone popping unbreakable, soul guard, power struggle, flip flop, deliverance, adrenaline, etc.
Just last night, 3 of us went down next to a gate from a Bubba chainsaw sweep, but one of us had flip flop and was able to wiggle free and pop the door. The game resulted in an exciting organic conclusion with 2 of us escaping. Under this terrible new system that would all be scrapped for what, a canned automatic cutscene animation that will be boring to look at a week after release?? Hell no, I don't need to test this to know it sucks.