It's not normal that we don't start at the same time

So, I was playing survivor last times, and we got The Dredge...
BUT, strangely, the nightfall did not arrive immediatly (with Field recorder, sorry for my mistake) but only 10-15 secondes laters
I wish that's just some bug, but, if the add-on or the "power map" for the killer only launch when the killer can play, that would say that some survivor, or some killer, can play in advance, than the other, and I'm pretty sure, that's not normal
And even if it is normal, that's not fair
The iri addon doesn't start the game in Nightfall?
The two iridescent addons are Sacrificial Knife - which causes vault locations to block after exiting a locker in nightfall, and Iridescent Wooden Plank which gives the exposed status during the last 12s of Nightfall.
So if the Dredge was using these iri addons it's completely normal that you didn't start the game in Nightfall.
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Sorry, mistake here, in my head, the iri add-on of the dredge make that the game start in nightfall
I was talking about Field recorder(I fixed my mistake on the first post)
I got a game were the dredge have this add-on, but the nightfall only begin after 10-15 secondes, not immediatly
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There's also clips of people working on a gen for a few seconds before it gets blocked by corrupt intervention
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Ugh I hate that bug.
good bye BNP that I just used for a challenge to complete gens or something.
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I agree that it isn't fair. Back when my cpu was having troubles I'd occasionally have the killer on me before I could even play. This one Wraith managed to hit me before the camera finished panning and it bugged him out for the rest of the game.
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You don't use a BNP immediately anyway. Save it for at least half way through a gen.
What if the killer had Lethal and came straight to your gen?
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I use distortion
but it was just an extreme example how it can screw you, sure.
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And this is why I never play without Corrupt Intervention. Survivors can start completing their objective before you even load into the game.
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I had games where the killer was on me due to leathal persuader before i was loaded in and could move. I got down the second i could move, and went of to the first hook. Yeah, its not normal in other games, in this game, you have to cope with it.
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isn't that a problem with your device tho.
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Everyone should be locked in place until everyone is able to move
Perks like lethal and corrupt should also not activate until then
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Why do you think so?
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Once I got about 1/4 gen done before it kicked in
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I've had many games where my teammates were moving around me before I could move.
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I've had so many matches where my camera is still spinning while loading in and I can see other players moving around. My favorite is when I hear the killers terror radius and as I am spinning I see them heading straight toward me when I can't move, it's awesome when it's a killer with either an instadown add on or power too.
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Yeah, same. Also had the 'I go on a gen and Corrupt kicks me off two seconds later' bug a few times. And there was one time my computer was lagging, I loaded in pretty late, and the killer was already beelining towards me with Lethal.
It's definitely a lag issue, but it'd be nice if it was put on a tighter leash.
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If you have terrible internet or ancient hardware yes, there is a chance you are going to have a delay loading into the game.
It's not rocket science.
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Yeah this is a bit of a problem. I'm saying this and I frequently see people frozen the first 5 seconds or so. I can see it as bad from a killer perspective but only if all the survivors actually load fast. It's frustrating to start working a gen and see other survivors standing like mannequins. I've played killer and have been able to down survivors before they load but that's rare. It's more annoying knowing I'm playing a team game as a survivor and 2 or three of my teammates are running at a few seconds disadvantage. I guess I'm just surprised that my loading screen ends before other players. It's weird and even though I benefit from it I don't think it's good.
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It is not as clear to me. Why player loading isn't coordinated by server? Just keep players on the rolling screen longer.
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I've had this too. My camera is still moving around as I load in and my team mates are already crouch-greeting everyone and running off.
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That sounds extremely abusable by people that would just flood their own net on purpose to lock people into the game
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It doesn't sound extremely abusable at all.
Until everybody can move, the game should not be considered "in progress". As long as it's not "in progress" the server should be able to cancel the match at all times (so people can start to look for a new match). This includes situations where a player has an abysmal latency or other connectivity issues (may those be unintentional or intentional/malicious) during the loading phase.
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So anyone during pan screen could DC because they don't like the map with no penalty since the game is not considered in progress? You know what, I agree with you
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Afaik, this is possible. It's just hear-say, but Scott said it in one of his videos.
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Been fixed since quite a while
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Alright, didn't know that. 👍️