So a person threatened to ban me because we "were holding the game hostage"



  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    Wouldn't that criteria be met with 3 gens? If the killer refuses to continue a chase he is refusing to do his i wrong? lol

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 634

    Killer continues doing the job by defending the generators. It's more of a stale-mate because leaving the generator area will lead to loss of the match so killer has to drag the game. At least 3 gen can be avoided by not repairing gens that are too far from each other.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited March 2023

    Its situations like this that need to be addressed because they are completely unfair for the survivor. The game has too many hopeless situations where its all but certain the killer is going to win. The number of gens required to power the exit gate should scale based upon how many survivors remain. It is completely unfair and irrational to require 2 survivors to fully repair 3+ gens, especially if there are disconnects. Maybe instead of requiring complete gens there can be a progress bar to fill that goes up based upon repaired progress of gens. Just some ideas. I just know not every survivor that does this in this situation is doing it to be toxic. They just simply read the situation and realized how unfair it was for them to continue repairing gens.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,019

    This thread has gotten a bit out of hand, so I'll go ahead and lock it here.

    In regards to holding the game hostage, one side or the other refusing to progress the game (i.e. Survivors hiding and not working on getting the generators done to open the gates, etc) for a long or indefinite period of time would fall under this.

    As for Bugs and Exploits, Mandy put it perfectly: the Killswitch exists so if something is an issue, it can be taken out of rotation until resolved, and these are communicated through socials so everyone is aware. Anything outside of this realm is posted in The Game Rules for viewing if they are come across, and how to properly report them (or any rule-breaking behavior) to the ACMs for review.

This discussion has been closed.