People abusing the report function (this needs to be adressed at some point)

Lemonwolf Member Posts: 113
edited December 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

As mentioned, some people abuse the report function if the match doesn't go as planned.

I recorded the match. So if a Mod would like to take a look, just let me know.

I was running an aura reading build, together with spies from the shadows and deadlock.

3 survivors ran a stealth build with distortion and calm spirit. 1 player didnt run a stealth build. In addition 2 of them ran a sabo build.

So much for the basics.

It took me 90 seconds to down a survivor (Nea with sabo build), and one Feng (the one without stealth build) immediately sabotaged a hook nearby, forcing me to change directions and i barely got to another hook.

I proceeded to hunt down the sabo Feng and when i hooked her 2 gens were already done. After some back and forth, i discovered said Feng again because she was the only player not running a stealth build. I chased her down eventually, another gen done at this point. Tried to hook her but then the Sabo Nea came and sabotaged the hook and there was no other one nearby, so i dropped the Feng and went after Nea.

Shortly after hooking said Nea the 4th gen popped. Remember this is only 3 hooks so far and 4 gens are done. With only 1 gen to go i stayed nearby to at least secure 1 lousy kill. Shortly after Sabo Nea was rescued the last gen popped, game over for me.

I went after the sabo Nea because i wanted to get at least 1 kill out of this terrible match, but sabo Feng again sabotaged a hook and the other survivors tried to block me from going to another one. But eventually i reached one.

3 survivors left, they all could have left but insisted on making me go after them. This resulted in a Renato going down. At this point sabo Feng was constantly close by so i didnt know what to do as she would certainly go for the sabo again. Eventually i picked him up and Feng sabotaged the hook AGAIN, did a body block, then i dropped Renato and downed the sabo Feng, hooked her and then Renato. 1 other Feng escaped. The escaped Feng then said they would report me. No clue for what exactly. The Sabo Feng threw a tantrum in chat.....

I am at a loss here. These players confirmed that they played together, taunted me and told me how bad i am, that they would report me, all that lovely stuff you like to read.

It was clear they played the round just to upset me. My objective is to hook survivors, but constant sabotage and bodyblocking is just frustrating. Remember i had 3 hooks when the gens were done, yet they still managed to throw the game and according to them, i am responsible and need to be reported.

As mentioned, i can upload the game with blurred out names. But this really inst fun. People abusing the report function just to be petty.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,037

    People that abuse the report function (either lying, or repeatedly reporting things that are not reportable) will face consequences, as mentioned in our Game Rules and Reporting Process:

    There is no need to share video, as we do not handle player reports here, and a reminder that players are never punished without clear evidence of the rules being broken, and if you did nothing wrong, there is no need to be concerned about being wrongly given consequences.

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