Disturbed Ward (Crotus Prenn Asylum)

We'd like to know what you think about the Disturbed Ward map, part of the Crotus Prenn Asylum realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Disturbed Ward (Crotus Prenn Asylum) 295 votes
I feel like this map is almost balanced, it just needs a reduction in size, and a nerf to the main building which has some very strong pallets
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Horrible, horrible, horrible main building. It's right in the center and features everything bad about game dbd map design: weird collision on the ramps, several god pallets, and doors that HAVE to be broken. On top of having one of the strongest main buildings in the entire game, the map is also enormous. Xeno and Sadako also don't have a TV in main, for some reason it's outside of main building and completely useless.
This map looks and feels like it was made for a DBD from 5 years ago and is completely out of date.
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The main building needs more hooks, because this is one of the boil over favorite maps, just because of the main building.
Also, the main building is very strong, which means there should be a lot of dead zones on other parts of the map… but this doesn’t seem to be happening.
There are multiple maps with strong main buildings, where I don’t feel like the rest of the map was properly nerfed in compensation.
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This map would be actually really balanced if you removed the two rectangle extensions of the edge wall and just made the map a square. Having the main building be so big with 3 god pallets spawn in it with multiple vaults that then lead outside to safe pallets vs M1 killers (which is most of the roster) and you have a very Survivor sided map. If the two extensions were removed then the Killer would be able to have a presence on the map simply by navigation through the main building. It would be so much better and actually be a fun map to chase and be chased on.
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Feels big and the main is very survivor-sided you can get the shack into another strong loop and having an unsafe pallet around that too, feels so bad to vault the shack window into another window to a strong loop
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Main is obviously survivor sided and could use some toning down while the rest of the map should be upped a bit to lot feel like a deadzone ring around main. Also ramps are kinda weird but maybe I just need practice and actually pay attention to them instead of whatever I do.
also -just a side story, no need to adjust map for this - I always remember this one match against a Huntress that never left top of main and secured a three gen perfectly from there.
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Main building should not have 3 god pallets, size should be reduced. Sometimes there's too much space without pallets too, but that should go away with a smaller map size, I think.
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Main building typically spawns 2 god pallets and 1 unsafe pallet (the one where the pallet is beside a small room where a killer can easily go around the pallet). This often favors survivors more than killers, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Perhaps the biggest issue here is how main building can easily connect to other jungle gyms around the map. On top of the map being on the larger end of things, it favors survivors who know how to chain loops. Perhaps if the map had the rectangle edges removed and the map became a large square, it would balance out the commonly listed issues.
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Disturbed Ward has stood out as one of the most survivor sided maps for a very long time. Its massive size (4th largest) along with the awkward shape and its outstanding main building make the generators incredibly hard to defend on a normal basis. The layout itself is also certainly confusing for many players, making them feel uncomfortable in this map.
The main building plays a huge role in the outcome of the trial, its safety and its size are a beacon for the survivor team and the fact that it is located in the middle ensures it will be used if the survivors are fit to the task. It is not easy to reach a hook from inside the building. Some of the entrances have awkward collisions.
The 3 landmarks (the greenhouse, the small courtyard and the pathway with benches) at the main entrance of the main building are treated like filler loops and do not spawn their respective pallets consistently, which makes that area of the map specially unpleasant for survivors.
Many of the filler loops in the realm are both very safe and easy to use. They also have some clutter that may interfere with the killer's power which is a problem that is also present in some of the mazetiles. The mazetiles count is 7, an amount that is excessive (specially with 4 of them being 2 pairs of connected tiles), it should be reduced to 5 or 4 (not less or other problems would arise).
The pockets in the shape of the map are incredibly problematic. First of all, they make some generators very unproductive to defend, while also having a chance of having 3 generators very close to each other in that area and the one deep inside the pocket will be unreachable with the killer patrolling around. Second, they have a pair of connected mazetiles that make ending a chase there highly valuable to the team since the killer will be very far from the rest of the map while the survivor does not need to sacrifice chase time. Third, a broken hook (due to sabotaging or a sacrifice) can easily make it impossible to reach a hook from there. Fourth, a killer can decide to defend a hooked survivor deep into the pocket and control the entrance to said pocket to not allow the team to go through unharmed (making the rescue very costful for the team).
The realm Crotus Prenn Asylum needs to at least address the clutter issue and the overtuned filler loops.
The map Disturbed Ward requires a rework to its size, shape and layout while removing the pockets, weakening main building, reducing the mazetile count from 7 to 4-5 and maybe making the 3 minor landmarks more consistent with their pallets.
Post edited by AMGC on5 -
The map is way too big and main building is too strong. The strong windows and god pallets in main need to be toned down a little. Also If you could reduce or outright remove those 2 rectangle pockets near shack, it would feel a lot better to get around as killer.
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I like your feedback btw. Almost feel like it’s not worth commenting because you put everything so precisely.
Only thing I’ll add is that this map is one of the ones Boil Over exploiters try and get with offerings because main building top floor even as a solo is unhookable. Sure it’s not a guarantee but the fact this is a thing means this map badly needs changing. Boil over too but that’s not in this discussion.
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The first issue with this map is that it is extremely large, the size along with gens spawning far in corners of the map make it awful to defend as killer.
Next is the main building that has multiple god pallets and strong windows. The window in the room where a generator can sometimes spawn just exists to waste the killers time and the other window that spawns in main is extremely strong. The curved shape also makes a lot of killer powers near useless in this building.
Some other notes are that even though there aren’t that many filler tiles a lot of them are unnecessarily strong, and largely unplayable without a strong power. I think temple of purgation is a great example of a mix between strong and mid-strength pallets. And although there is a large main building it isn’t insanely strong most of the time.
Finally there are some issues with connectivity specifically on the two tiles that can spawn next to eachother on either side of shack. These tiles are already such a bad choice for killers to chase because of how far they are from the rest of the map, and the connectivity of these 2 tiles can create very strong set ups.
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This map has a bad habit of spawning gens in and outside of main building, doesn't happen a lot but it happens.
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Map feels much better than it used to, in all fairness. It's not nearly as frustrating as it used to be. Imo, a slight reduction in size and changing some of the pallets in the main building would make it balanced. It feels just a bit too big, especially for killers with no map mobility, but it doesn't need an extreme amount chopped off. Some of the pallets in main are just one's you kinda just have to break, which thankfully there are only a few, but they're not really fun to play around since you can't really mindgame them. I think if those kinda changes are made, the map will be completely fine
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Disturbed Ward has a very strong main building and the map is too big, which together make the map survivor-sided.
The main issue contributing to the map’s large size is these two sections circled here (the “cul-de-sacs”):
The map would feel so much nicer if these were removed. Cul de sacs like these are unfun for both sides because they are tedious for the killer to patrol (they are going far away from everything else), while survivors who try to do gens in these areas are cornered and don’t have a lot of places to go. This also makes them very strong for killers who proxycamp hooks at the ends of these areas (ie. getting a safe rescue can be near impossible), while at the same time making them very ideal places for sabotage plays - if the hook near the end of the area gets broken, it's very likely the killer will have nowhere else to go). Removing these areas would fix all of these issues while also reducing the map's size, something it definitely needs.
The other reason the map is survivor sided is because the main building being too safe. Since the building is in the center of the map, it is often easily accessible for survivors from a lot of places around the map.
This window is a little too safe:
Then, inside the building you always have a god pallet upstairs, a very safe pallet downstairs (basically god pallet vs. most killers), and then you either get a second god pallet downstairs (this one):
Or you get a really unsafe pallet that the killer can just easily go around (this one):
In the interest of reducing the building's safety, I would suggest making this unsafe pallet always spawn but increasing the distance between the 2 doorways just a little bit to make the pallet slightly safer but still mindgameable, and then removing the other downstairs god pallet spawn (the one 2 pictures above here), so the downstairs will always have 1 safe pallet and 1 unsafe pallet. And then nerf the window I showed in the picture a bit. The other downstairs window (the one by the breakable wall) and the upstairs of the building are fine the way they are. This is the other safe downstairs pallet (appears in 1 of 2 positions on this loop), this is a safe loop vs. most killers, but I think if the window is nerfed and the other downstairs god pallet is removed in favor of the unsafe one, then this loop can stay the way it is.
There can also be really bad 3-gens in and around the building, with the upstairs building gen + either 2 generators just directly outside of and near the building, or 1 directly outside of the building and another one on the lower floor of the building (the one that sometimes appears in the greenhouse). That greenhouse gen should be removed, there should only ever be 1 generator inside the building.
(And to clarify, what I mean by gens directly outside of the building, are gen spawns such as this one below. Having one of these + the main building gen is fine, but there shouldn't be 2 of these outside gens in the same match since this creates a tight 3-gen.)
I think that about summarizes my thoughts on this map.
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Pretty survivor sided map.
The two extensions with the double maze tiles make the map too large to defend. The main building is a bit too strong and it's easy to get stuck on a ramp. Also the little greenhouse and the little park are most of the time too unsafe.
Suggestions :
- Reduce the size of the two extensions to one maze tile each, close to the center of the map.
- Remove one pallet and one window from the main building.
- Remove some collisions on the main building's ramps.
- Create a consistant two-pallet-spawn in the greenhouse/park area.
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The map is slightly too big, the main building is a bit too strong and because of its position easily accessible from basically anywhere. The main building has some weird collision in the ramps and some other tiles that just don't behave like they should from the looks of it. The pallets and windows it spawns are just too strong, basically makes it one of the strongest buildings in the game, and it s shape allows you run the killer for a while without him being able to really cut you off or anything...
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One of my favourite main buildings. Round shape is such a fun thing and attached garden is pretty. Unfortunately the rest of the map have not as good aesthetic: some textures are low quality and the amount vegetation is less that expected from such a place. When it comes to balance i can say that this map feels balanced expect these two pockets, that are too deep
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I personally think the achievement of leaving this map specifically unharmed is way too stressful
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Disturbed Ward has always been played this way for me, if I get found, run to main building. I think the main building is too strong for Survivors. Specifically THIS place here:
This place is worst area, you can easily waste 10 seconds of the Killer's time without any loss of a pallet.
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Disturbed Ward is heckin massive. Like ridiculously massive, and the sleeves with 2 jungle gyms in them exacerbate the issue, as does the very safe main building that can be run into from just about anywhere on the map with the speed boost from an m1 killers m1.
Main building has a breakable wall you have to break if you don't have bamboozle, then it also has 2-3 God pallets after that which is crazy. It also has a deceptively strong window on a ramp, but don't tell the survivors how strong that window actually is. Beyond that it's big issues are artificially increasing map size since you either need to go around it, or navigate through it to go from side of the massive map to the other. It being central also means that it can be run to from anywhere, or that a survivor chased there can get to just about anywhere.
7 jungle gyms is also insane, especially with 2 sets of interconnected jungle gyms being guaranteed. That's always going to be reasonably strong, but if you get a particularly strong gym into another strong gym it's absurd.
On the flip side the landmarks don't have guaranteed pallets, and trying to do a gen by the greenhouse can be a death sentence without a single pallet or window within 32m. Shooting fish in a barrel isn't fun, but neither is trying to fistfight a fish in ocean.
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This map imo, is one of the most survivor sided maps and I have the reasons why,
Number 1: the map is way too big and it's literally like the Groaning Storehouse map which it has the pocket ally areas which makes it harder to pressure the generators cuz of how big it is,
Number 2: the Main Building is absolutely Overpowered, the vault next to the stairs is impossible to do a mind game cuz it has little collision and a wall breaks more chance on mind gaming it and if a survivor has the perk Boil Over it is literally impossible to hook someone in the main building cuz there isn't a hook in the main building on the 2nd floor, and there are so many exits across both floors and especially on the second floor where survivors can use balance landing and get so much distance,
Number 3: the tiles in the pocket allies are chainable,
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Main building needs less pallets and breakable walls and then the map would be fine.
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Up there for strongest maps in the game for survivors. Too large by far with the large main pretty central and reachable wherever you are. Gyms into gyms. An unegaging strong main, with 2 god pallets and arguably two too strong windows. The breakable wall you just have to break asap which isnt interesting.
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So annoying to be on as killer
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Obviously a survivor sided map. Only top-tier killers can barely turn advantages.
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very strong main building for survivors
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Reduce the safety of main, increase the safety of the area separating main from the surrounding tiles. Adding more of the semi-safe filler pallets and even edge map window walls along that band around main would do a lot to make it less of a place that survivors have to go to, while also not being a place that is as beneficial to go to as it is currently. I think making the 3 pallets and 2 windows in main tangibly less safe and adding 5 semi-safe filler pallets and "edge map" window tiles around main instead would be a good compromise.
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Massive air of foreboding. Everything is burnt and the there’s (almost) no way out. Constantly checking in and out of the asylum as you escape the Killer. Story wise are we the Survivors patients? Is the Killer a former patient too?
Thematically it’s amazing. Being trapped in the Asylum grounds with the Killer is classic.
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you can corner survivors in each part of the map. that is why there is a lot of resources but this isn't the main problem to why it is survivor sided. the biggest issue is map size for this map. The map is too big for most killers to traverse. center god pallets are annoying.
My strategy on this map as killer is to hook someone in one of two pocket corners and proxy camp the hook. When you break pallets in the pockets of the map, you create a deadzone where you can hook the survivor in a dead zone then get trades or even tunnel survivor off hook because there is physically no resources for the survivor to use. It is one of those maps where it is early gen-rush vs proxy camp hook timers.
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While I think Disturbed Ward does generally slightly favor Survivors (I don't think any one section of the map is absurdly unbalanced, but there are a few factors that favor Survivors slightly enough that when added up, it begins to make a difference), I wanted to take a moment to appreciate the design of the map and point out all of the gameplay affordances that the map offers, and point out the things that are really fun about the map! With these appreciations in note, I have a proposal for possible tweaks to the map at the end of my post to improve gameplay without removing the identity of the map.
I'd like to start by giving my 2 cents on the oft-cited "cul-de-sacs" of the Disturbed Ward, as discussed in these posts:
The deep end of these cul-de-sacs are far out of the way from Killer patrols; however, the shape of these pockets give Killers the upperhand when they approach on patrol:
These cul-de-sacs have one way in, and one way out. This means, that should Survivors want to leave these pockets, they have to run into the Killer, should the Killer stand their ground and zone players into the cul-de-sac. While these gens may be out of the way from patrols, this gives Killer an advantage on approach:
I believe having areas of treacherous gameplay for Survivors is important for Dead by Daylight to have, as not only does it give opportunities for Killers to have reliably strong areas to play around, but it also further enhances the theme of Horror.
Treacherous areas for Survivor also require players to switch up their playstyle within a match depending on where the action takes place, making sure Survivors can't become too comfortable in playing one way throughout a match, require them to think critically about the choices they make.
Something worth noting about these tiles is the appreciation for the spawn logic: NEVER do 2 jungle gym tiles spawn next to each other in these tiles, making sure they aren't ever too strong in their configurations.
Unfortunately I do agree that, should the killer take a patrol deep into these "cul de sacs" and find no one is there, there is a ton of time wasted. These pockets are huge risk-reward areas for the Killer to patrol to, but the risk can make or break the difference between a win or loss.
The Main Building of Disturbed Ward is incredibly fun to play around on both roles: It has a very unique and memorable shape, and there are TONS of opportunities for mindgaming, holes to drop through and surprise someone or sneak away, and tons of opportunities for both roles to engage in stealth gameplay in and around Main.
The strength of Main's window loop pictured below could be lessened; it's relatively safe for Survivors to play around, it's quite awkward for Killers to maneuver through the debris outside (although that extra distance required to navigate around the debris does give Killers more time to catch up... if they don't trip over the rubble), and allows Survivors to pretty reliably get in and out of the building, and chain together with the other tiles in the map.
The window vault out of the greenhouse is very strong until the Killer breaks open the door next to it, and even then it's still decent, however there is an oft-overlooked cutoff route that I think, if utilized more by Killers, would significantly change the trajectory of many chases through main:
The Disturbed Ward offers so many opportunities for Killers to cut off Survivors. Routes like the one shown above are severely underutilized, and I think should these kinds of routes be taken more often, games would be heading in a different direction. Maybe if there was some way to make these routes more obvious to players (draw their attention to these routes, especially this one that requires them to traverse elevation (gamers don't look up)), they would be taken more often?
Disturbed Ward is one of my favorite maps to play on, as I feel every area across the entire map is pertinent to every match, and that's thanks to Main Building's easy flow into and out of every section of the map. That's why it's important that the strength of a few of the resources around main be reassessed, so the map can keep its identity and place within the realm.
There are many maps in DBD where matches feel like they take place disproportionately in only a fraction of the entirety of the map: Since RPD's rework, most of the action in most matches takes place in the main front hall. Haddonfield's games take place mostly in one side of the street or the other, Azarov's Resting Place takes place on one side of the long skinny "bone" or the other, etc.
I like that the action on Disturbed Ward plays out fairly equally throughout a match.
Now, I want to discuss some hypothetical changes, and critically + practically discuss some proposed changes I've seen both here and elsewhere, and after discussing these, ultimately propose some changes that I think would address player concerns without removing the features that players love from Disturbed Ward:
If we do eliminate the deep pockets by bringing the tiles closer into the map and eliminate the inner walls (which block Nurse blinks), to turn the map from looking like this:
To looking more like this:
Objectively, the map would be smaller and easier to patrol for Killers. However, now we've opened up an incredible amount of easy synergy and opportunities for reliable maze tiles to be chained into each other, not even factoring in connecting filler loop pallets:
Suddenly, the Killer has lost their upper hand on approaching these tiles, and now Survivors can easily start pre-running to other tiles. This gives Disturbed Ward the same kind Survivor-sided advantage that's currently plaguing some areas of Ormond right now. The above solution, as it is, would create a whole new set of problems.
I also hesitate to suggest shrinking the map down to this size or any smaller, as I fear making the map too small could make it very frustrating and unfun to play on as Survivor. Yes, it is a large map, but thanks to the size of Main Building there are already surprisingly relatively very few pallet resources on this map, with the main resources for Survivors to run on the map being window vaults found on the maze tiles throughout the map.
Replacing a few of these maze tiles with filler pallet tiles while also reducing the map size as shown above could potentially make the map too barren for Survivors to play around in late game, and recreate an issue found on some maps where Survivors keep chasing in one section of the map because they know it's unsafe to go elsewhere.
However, replacing the left cul-de-sac with pallets could potentially create ample distance between structures, should the map be shrunk down:
It's worth noting that this garden section of the map in front of the Asylum's entrance has almost no reliable structures: These are very wide, open treacherous areas of the map where a generator always spawns, and only a couple pallet resources will spawn nearby. The Disturbed Ward is large, but large swaths of it are contained back here where there are minimal resources:
For this entire section of the map, there are only 2 resources that ever spawn:
So, while these garden sections of the map do take up a lot of space, chases through here usually are very difficult for Survivors to carry for long periods of time, and are usually pretty fatal late-game.
The gardens are a great space for gameplay, as the lack of resources makes Survivor stealth incredibly important; contesting these generators is important for both sides (they are strong generators for the Killer to patrol, so it's important for Survivors to attack these and important for the Killer to not lose them too early), and the gardens offer tons of stealth opportunities thanks to the trellises and large hedges, making sure this area of the map isn't completely unplayable.
Overall, this makes the gen spread of Disturbed Ward fairly reasonable: Just less than half of the generators are relatively unsafe for Survivors to stay at for too long (which is good), and the main building is constantly being frequented and pressured by both sides thanks to the map's flow, which makes it a consistently exciting place to be.
If, to keep the identity of the map's gameplay as it is, the map stayed the same but generators in the cul-de-sacs reliably spawned towards the center of the map, then strong 3-genning opportunities will arise in this corner of the map (even with the anti 3-gen system, which genuinely works really well, it can take a while to break these 3-gens, which is not fun). This would keep the map's identity without it changing shape, but would leave those deep pockets devoid of relevant match gameplay that's not worth Killers chasing into those cul-de-sacs as there are no objectives down there. This is not an ideal solution.
I think a better way to break up the map and also making it smaller to make it easier for Killer patrols, while keeping the identity of the gameplay, and also not creating situations where generator spawns are too close would be to reshape it very slightly to make only one of the Cul-de-Sacs shallower while keeping the inner wall to prevent easy chaining of tiles, such as this:
I would choose the left-sided Cul De Sac to shallow out as it is already in close-ish proximity to the adjacent Maze Tile above it. The bottom cul-de-sac is farther away from the right-side maze tile, making it harder to reach in a chase, so the strength of this side does not need weakened too much. Only having one pocket section of the map to have a high-risk/high-reward patrol cul-de-sac rather than two would greatly ease Killer patrols, while still keeping one that offers Killers an area of upper-hand advantage on the map.
The semi-pocket remaining on the left side (created by keeping the inner wall separating the two tiles) can create a smaller microcosm of the gameplay that gives Killers an upper-hand in the larger version of the cul-de-sac, without granting as many easy loop-chaining opportunities.
If it is determined the above proposal still has too many maze tiles, I think replacing the left cul-de-sac with filler pallet tiles while maintaining the inner wall to keep these pseudo-cul-de-sacs in this type of configuration could also help improve map gameplay by removing Shack's proximity to too many maze tiles:
In this configuration, I think no section of the map here is too isolated from each other to act as its own island separated from the rest of the map, as from any direction Survivors can head inwards towards Main to keep the chase going, and take the chase to another side of the map (rather than staying in the isolated map section for too long).
I think either of these layout tweak propositions, combined with some small changes to Main building (making multi/intra-floor chase routes like the one I recorded a video of more obvious and eye-catching for both roles, while reducing the strength of the one window vault surrounded by debris) could greatly improve chase flow throughout the whole map for Killers, without removing fun gameplay opportunities for either role from the map or flipping the tables and making the map too strenuous and difficult to play on as Survivor.
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i might be the only one that likes the layout of the map. the problem with the map is its main, quite frustrating structure especially for certain killers, and it's very strong too. the ramp window is way too strong considering there are 2-3 god pallets in it already and another window. there is no avoiding it for the most part as the killer either since it's right in the middle of the map.
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Do not touch the "HOLE" it would be a cardinal sin.
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The map is very survivor sided. It's big, lots of strong loops, strong main building, and there is a decent amount of cover for ranged killers but not that much for stealth killers. There is a problem with the collision on this map cause I as well as others, have hit or collided into air.
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Similar to Rotten Fields and Wreckers Yard, this map lacks easily-identifiable structures beyond the main building. With exception to the shack, all the titles look like copy-and-paste duplicates, thus leading to extreme confusion as to where I am actually located at on the map.
Disturbed Ward is hands-down my least favorite map to play because of this. Unless I have a direct line-of-sight view of the shack, it is nearly impossible to identify where I am at on the map.
This issue could be addressed by changing the exterior cosmetics of the main building -- adding distinct "front" and "back" entrances and exits (like on Father Campbell's or Thompson House). Additionally, this map could benefit by re-locating the main building farther north and east (with the shack staying in the south-west corner).
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Where to begin. Main build has a god window and a safe window even with the door broken. It always has two god pallets and usually a 3rd god pallet. Map is very large. There are two pockets in the map which both hold two maze tiles connected and both can be connected to shack. The killer has no reason to ever chase in those pockets because it hurts them a lot. the strength of them for survivors is too high and it isolates the killer from the rest of the map.
Now on to my single complain from the surivor side. There almost always spawns a gen at the opposite side of map from shack. that gen is usually always in a deadzone or has one weak pallet near by.
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Oh, Xeno and Sadako don't have tv in one main of one map? Shall I tell you about all the places that spawn no lockers for Dredge?
(Seriously though, good mention for the map discussion, just highlights how neglected Dredge is in this regard)
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Yes, please do, that's what the thread is for.
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Main building is awful. Very survivor sided. Im sure it’s not the intent by any means but good thing about this map, that’s really the only issue! It’s a good map in general in my opinion.
Post edited by MechWarrior3 on0 -
Everything about this map is awful,
the map is way to big, and just like groaning storehouse it has that weird L shape layout making it annoying to roam around as killer
the main building is god awful especially from that one window section that has the metal pipe which makes it impossible to chase survivors since you have to go around thus losing distance, I hope this gets removed cause having little details just like killer shack from knights map can be the most obnoxious thing do deal with
there are 3 safe pallets that are guaranteed to spawn in the map making it so easy to loop the killer around for so long
thats all my feedback and I hope this map gets changed soon
Post edited by jasonq500 on0 -
Disturbed Ward has one of the most complicated, maze-like main buildings in the game. It also has a mix of multiple strong pallets and strong windows, which is unusual. This makes it very survivor sided. However, this wouldn't be a problem if the map wasn't so big. Considering how large the main building is, the map is ridiculously large. The loops and jungle gyms outside the main building are taken from maps that have much smaller, less safe main buildings and can thus stay balanced with these loops. On Disturbed Ward, they make the map even more survivor sided. The generators are also spread across the map, making them difficult to patrol. This, combined with the main building, makes this map very survivor sided.
The size also leads to there being a lot of empty space at the edges of the map.
Overall, the map has an incredibly strong main building for survivors, and it is very large, which makes it survivor-sided.
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huge map needs a size reduction and main building has to many god pallets and a god vault
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One of the most survivor-sided maps in the entire game. It's very big and has too many filler pallets and maze gyms. Main building is incredibly strong even without pallets. My suggestions are to reduce the size of this map, remove one god pallets from the main building, and remove one maze tiles.
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main building is very strong for survivors, and also hinders map traversal since it's right in the middle.
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I think its almost balanced bit svr sided but plays more comfy for svr a lot
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Think the whole raelm needs a grafic and layout upgrade i love layouts witch fit into map like in rpd
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Please stop making appear 2 gens in the same building, is ridiculous
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This map is such a nightmare on killer.
It's huge, main building is ridiculously safe even after breaking the breakable walls, the pouches spawn strong and interconnected structures and filler pallets are so safe. I wish one thing was a priority compared to the others, but I dread this map as killer every time and I know as survivor I'm gonna have an easy time.
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This map is weird. On one hand I really like it on both sides, but on the other had I hate how big it is and how many strong and combinable loops there are. I once looped a Legion for 4 min at 1 Gen left on this map with 3 pallets left standing all over it. True WoO and Adre helped, but this should not be possible with a map of this size. There should be deadzones so the killer can catch me at that stage of the match.
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- Massive
- Strong main building (even if I love that little window loop)
- "pockets" that can feel bad for both sides
- Sometimes strong 3-gens (main, in main or just outside of main, third)