Clean Break question
This perk does not deactivate when getting broken status effect during its countdown. And no invocation perk states that this status cannot be healed. Phrase "for the reminder of the trial" means there is no time limit.
So my question is:
Does anyone tested it?
1. Starting clean break countdown.
2. Performing invocation.
3. If invocation finishes before clean break reaches healing, it theoretically should clean broken from invocation.
I can believe it is not the case, because clean break may deactivates after invocation completes, or invocation broken cannot be cleansed by any means. But based on descriptions, it could theoretically be doable.
Invocation broken cannot be removed by any means is the answer to your question, once you're in the broken state from one of the invocation perks, you can not become fully healed for the reminder of that trial.
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This should be explained somewhere ingame.
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It is explained in the game.
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For the rest of the trial doesn't mean "this has an infinite time length but can be cleansed", it means "you're afflicted by this for the rest of the trial". The wording is pretty clear if you don't try to reinvent what things mean.
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The rest of the trial means "it wont disapear after period of time", not "it cant be removed". If it was, it would be called "it can't be removed". I may assume that. I should assume that. But it does not means it.
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Since when has the broken status been able to be removed by Survivor actions? Never. Most other instances of the broken status have to be waited out, with the exception of Invocation perks and No Mither, which are permanent.
In fact, most other status effects have to be waited out as well, again with a few exceptions.
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Maybe for some other status effects, but since broken is a continual effect of unable to be healed by any means its impossible to remove even if it was a "limited duration", stuff like hemorrhage and mangled in the past while "infinite" were removed once healed but since you can't heal with broken by any means its fair wording, especially since we had no mither for ~8 years at this point with similar wording.
Also the broken status effect from clean break, isn't actually part of the healing, you just gain the broken status effect for 60s then become healed after 60s, this can be seen if you use vigil which will remove the broken status effect after 46s and then 14s later you become healthy, in this case you aren't "healing" through the broken status effect you are healing right after it goes away so it wouldn't work through any other broken effects.
Oh and if that wasn't enough you can't even activate clean break while already broken because no one can start healing you to activate it
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Broken effect should be time based, we are already spending so much time in basetment to get values from those invocation perks, make it 2 min at least not permanent, those invocation perks doesn't even have a strong effects, just a meh perks with more downsides