The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

SWF survivors already have an 4th perk// MAYBE EVEN A FOURTH!



  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @NathanExplosion said:
    That was already the case before the event, weird huh ?

    You serious?... I think we've been playing different games then.

    I never had any issues or time waits getting into a lobby as survivor... Not before the event.

    I was with killer though... getting several minute wait times.

    Now with the event.. I get instant lobbies as killer... but not as survivor, but maybe only 30 second wait.

    So I'm not sure what game you've been playing before the event. I was having no issues getting a lobby as survivor. Barely even ever dodged too.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @TheBean said:

    You serious?... I think we've been playing different games then.

    I never had any issues or time waits getting into a lobby as survivor... Not before the event.

    I was with killer though... getting several minute wait times.

    Now with the event.. I get instant lobbies as killer... but not as survivor, but maybe only 30 second wait.

    So I'm not sure what game you've been playing before the event. I was having no issues getting a lobby as survivor. Barely even ever dodged too.

    I wonder too.

    Killer lobby are instant since Hallowed's blight ended.

    While the waiting time only increased for survivors since December, to the current proportion.

    All these "Lobby simulator" threads popping on every forums since then are not coming from nowhere.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited February 2019

    @NathanExplosion said:
    I wonder too.

    Killer lobby are instant since Hallowed's blight ended.

    While the waiting time only increased for survivors since December, to the current proportion.

    All these "Lobby simulator" threads popping on every forums since then are not coming from nowhere.

    That is weird.. I play mostly survivor and live in Canada... Never any issues getting lobbies for survivors over the past few months. Killer lobbies...this is where my wait is.

    Yee... And the large portion of lobby simulator posts I see... Since I'm usually on these forums daily... Are those complaining about lobby dodging... Killers waiting over 10 minutes for survivors.

    I rarely ever see a post about survivors not getting into killer lobbies unless they are in some country that doesn't have many players in it and they keep getting red ping lobbies, or dodged all the time cause they are in a SWF.

    I find it interesting that Killers seem to rank up more fast then survivors. After a reset, if you rank up too fast as killer, you get long wait times until more survivors rank up. Yet with SWF being as big as it is in DBD.... Killers seem to do well against them after a reset when they can rank up too fast. Explain that one too me.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    SWF are annoying to deal with, but so what? Get better, git gud as they say. Killers got some buffs which help at least a little bit. I play a lot of killer and I can say that now it's less about survivors making the wrong choices or luck and more about your own skill as a killer.
    I think you should play more survivor to understand how they play, and learn how to counter them. Instead of getting angry over survivors playing together try to use your failures as experience to use in the future. I noticed you are only at rank 15, maybe the picture was taken right after the rank reset, if you start complaining at this rank you will never want to play this game again once you reach purple or even green ranks

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @LCGaster said:
    SWF are annoying to deal with, but so what? Get better, git gud as they say. Killers got some buffs which help at least a little bit. I play a lot of killer and I can say that now it's less about survivors making the wrong choices or luck and more about your own skill as a killer.
    I think you should play more survivor to understand how they play, and learn how to counter them. Instead of getting angry over survivors playing together try to use your failures as experience to use in the future. I noticed you are only at rank 15, maybe the picture was taken right after the rank reset, if you start complaining at this rank you will never want to play this game again once you reach purple or even green ranks

    hey everybody we got a live one!!!!

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited February 2019

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @LCGaster said:
    SWF are annoying to deal with, but so what? Get better, git gud as they say. Killers got some buffs which help at least a little bit. I play a lot of killer and I can say that now it's less about survivors making the wrong choices or luck and more about your own skill as a killer.
    I think you should play more survivor to understand how they play, and learn how to counter them. Instead of getting angry over survivors playing together try to use your failures as experience to use in the future. I noticed you are only at rank 15, maybe the picture was taken right after the rank reset, if you start complaining at this rank you will never want to play this game again once you reach purple or even green ranks

    hey everybody we got a live one!!!!

    I'm alive! :D

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337
    edited February 2019

    @TheBean said:

    That is weird.. I play mostly survivor and live in Canada... Never any issues getting lobbies for survivors over the past few months. Killer lobbies...this is where my wait is.

    EU, West America and Asian server want a word with you.

    Yee... And the large portion of lobby simulator posts I see... Since I'm usually on these forums daily... Are those complaining about lobby dodging... Killers waiting over 10 minutes for survivors.

    I rarely ever see a post about survivors not getting into killer lobbies unless they are in some country that doesn't have many players in it and they keep getting red ping lobbies, or dodged all the time cause they are in a SWF.

    While there was indeed threads like you described, this is definitely not the "large majority" of of the threads about Lobby simulator.

    Peoples could simply witness this by navigating between this forum and the Steam/Reddit ones.

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    Buffing killers wont help, it will f$ck the game, because not every survivor plays swf. and playing solo is weaker for a FACT.
    buffing the killers will make so fighting swf would be balanced, but fighting randos would be SUPER unfair.
    the correct awnser would be either: buffing killers and solo survivors (leaving swf where they are).
    doing something about swf.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Chicken said:
    Buffing killers wont help, it will f$ck the game, because not every survivor plays swf. and playing solo is weaker for a FACT.
    buffing the killers will make so fighting swf would be balanced, but fighting randos would be SUPER unfair.
    the correct awnser would be either: buffing killers and solo survivors (leaving swf where they are).
    doing something about swf.

    Or use better perks and learn how to counter swf

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522
    That would not work. If you were around for the beta or shortly after launch, you may remember how people used to play with their friends before SWF existed. People would queue at the same time as their friends and leave the lobby if they didn't end up in the same game as their friends. You would likely see the same here: the people who are only out to try as hard as possible are going to circumvent that to keep all their perk slots. Meanwhile the casual groups out there- the ones who are not the problem, the group of friends casually playing the game and chatting- are going to be left one or two perks down when they were never that great to begin with.
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Chicken said:
    So mister @LCGaster
    how does one counter swf?

    If you see them bring flashlights or whatever use Franklin's Demise, they love their stuff and will run back to it wasting their time, if you are playing Hag put a trap on the item. If you see that the one you are chasing is extremely good and can't catch him just avoid him, go for someone else. Remember who has Dead Hard and once you're close wait for them to waste it, or lunge an instant after they use it, so once the animation ends you will hit them. Once you catch the DS user either wait for them to waste it staying still, bring Enduring, dribble them (Only when you are close to a hook) or walk backwards before they use it, you don't know how many times they run right in front of me right after. Remember that they can see the Red Stain, try to manipulate it by walking backwards, looking at walls, etc. to confuse them. The next one applies to me, I don't know if it would work for you, play all killers on rotation, learn some tricks, I skip a few of them because I either know I'm too bad with them or the killer himself is under powered. Play a lot of survivor, I was a survivor main, and a few months ago I became mostly a killer main, by playing survivor you will learn how to think like them and understand what their next move might be. If you have more questions just ask

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839
    LCGaster said:

    SWF are annoying to deal with, but so what? Get better, git gud as they say. Killers got some buffs which help at least a little bit. I play a lot of killer and I can say that now it's less about survivors making the wrong choices or luck and more about your own skill as a killer.
    I think you should play more survivor to understand how they play, and learn how to counter them. Instead of getting angry over survivors playing together try to use your failures as experience to use in the future. I noticed you are only at rank 15, maybe the picture was taken right after the rank reset, if you start complaining at this rank you will never want to play this game again once you reach purple or even green ranks

    How does the killer counter 4 people using voice chat to tell each other the location of the killer, traps, and hexes? Not to mention the status of gens, certain killer perks (Make your choice, Spirit Fury, etc.), and what killer they’re facing before they themselves have seen the killer.

    With SWF the killer loses any element of surprise. This is bad because that’s something the game was balanced around the killer having. 
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Okapi said:
    LCGaster said:

    SWF are annoying to deal with, but so what? Get better, git gud as they say. Killers got some buffs which help at least a little bit. I play a lot of killer and I can say that now it's less about survivors making the wrong choices or luck and more about your own skill as a killer.

    I think you should play more survivor to understand how they play, and learn how to counter them. Instead of getting angry over survivors playing together try to use your failures as experience to use in the future. I noticed you are only at rank 15, maybe the picture was taken right after the rank reset, if you start complaining at this rank you will never want to play this game again once you reach purple or even green ranks

    How does the killer counter 4 people using voice chat to tell each other the location of the killer, traps, and hexes? Not to mention the status of gens, certain killer perks (Make your choice, Spirit Fury, etc.), and what killer they’re facing before they themselves have seen the killer.

    With SWF the killer loses any element of surprise. This is bad because that’s something the game was balanced around the killer having. 

    I don't think I have used the element of surprise in a long time

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @NathanExplosion said:
    EU, West America and Asian server want a word with you.

    Well sucks to be them then.

    I've been under the assumption that EU and ASIA are 2 of the biggest populations, but I'm wrong. BHVR has gone out of it way to include Asian specific content into their game... has made some convention trips to Asian countries.. but since they have a low population.. why would they do that?

    When I look during say 12 noon EST, I see the biggest size of the population during this time in DBD. Is that all Chinese players or EU?.... It isn't North America cause their peak times won't be till around 6 to 8 PM EST or evening time, which is when you will see a dip in the population. There is less people playing in North America during it's peak times then there are during its non peak times. So who is making up that other portion of the population?

    Right now when I look I see over 27K playing an hour ago.. compared to a 35K 24-hour peak time, which that peak happens around... 10 to 11 am EST... So... Where is that population coming from in comparison to the North American population?

    @NathanExplosion said:
    While there was indeed threads like you described, this is definitely not the "large majority" of of the threads about Lobby simulator.

    Peoples could simply witness this by navigating between this forum and the Steam/Reddit ones.

    Yee... I navigate those on a daily basis.. Sorry not seeing what you see. The most of the posts I see on a daily basis are ones like this, where it is the same players over and over stroking each other with the SWF tissues.

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    @LCGaster buddy.
    all that you've said there

    @LCGaster said:

    If you see them bring flashlights or whatever use Franklin's Demise, they love their stuff and will run back to it wasting their time, if you are playing Hag put a trap on the item. If you see that the one you are chasing is extremely good and can't catch him just avoid him, go for someone else. Remember who has Dead Hard and once you're close wait for them to waste it, or lunge an instant after they use it, so once the animation ends you will hit them. Once you catch the DS user either wait for them to waste it staying still, bring Enduring, dribble them (Only when you are close to a hook) or walk backwards before they use it, you don't know how many times they run right in front of me right after. Remember that they can see the Red Stain, try to manipulate it by walking backwards, looking at walls, etc. to confuse them. The next one applies to me, I don't know if it would work for you, play all killers on rotation, learn some tricks, I skip a few of them because I either know I'm too bad with them or the killer himself is under powered. Play a lot of survivor, I was a survivor main, and a few months ago I became mostly a killer main, by playing survivor you will learn how to think like them and understand what their next move might be. If you have more questions just ask

    is GREAT advice for playing agains't solos.
    these are great mindgames and things that actually work, but just that alone wont do agains't SWF.
    because they know eachother.
    because after you go away from that "Extremely good" guy, he'll do gens.
    and if you get mad and go after him, he'll tell his friends that you're chasing him.
    and if you stop chasing him right after that he'll tell that to them too.

    survivors aren't the only one to know these tricks you've stated above!
    the time a solo survivor wastes is huge compared to swf.
    SWF teams have an built in Kindred.
    they know when to heal at the hook.
    they also have bond built in.
    depending on the situation they have Spinechill built in.
    even premonition buit in.
    They can organize perks to go on a full gen build.
    toolboxes, prove thiself, and goes on.

    how is that balanced? or are you goin to tell me to "git gud" like a p3 claudette main?

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839
    LCGaster said:

    @Chicken said:
    So mister @LCGaster
    how does one counter swf?

    If you see them bring flashlights or whatever use Franklin's Demise, they love their stuff and will run back to it wasting their time, if you are playing Hag put a trap on the item. If you see that the one you are chasing is extremely good and can't catch him just avoid him, go for someone else. Remember who has Dead Hard and once you're close wait for them to waste it, or lunge an instant after they use it, so once the animation ends you will hit them. Once you catch the DS user either wait for them to waste it staying still, bring Enduring, dribble them (Only when you are close to a hook) or walk backwards before they use it, you don't know how many times they run right in front of me right after. Remember that they can see the Red Stain, try to manipulate it by walking backwards, looking at walls, etc. to confuse them. The next one applies to me, I don't know if it would work for you, play all killers on rotation, learn some tricks, I skip a few of them because I either know I'm too bad with them or the killer himself is under powered. Play a lot of survivor, I was a survivor main, and a few months ago I became mostly a killer main, by playing survivor you will learn how to think like them and understand what their next move might be. If you have more questions just ask

    All these tips help with dealing solos too. They do nothing to help killers deal with voice chat. 
  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @Chicken said:

    how is that balanced? or are you goin to tell me to "git gud" like a p3 claudette main?

    Still waiting for them to finally release this avatar :

    Pretty sure some peoples would enjoy it, and would also totally fit.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Chicken said:
    @LCGaster buddy.
    all that you've said there

    @LCGaster said:

    If you see them bring flashlights or whatever use Franklin's Demise, they love their stuff and will run back to it wasting their time, if you are playing Hag put a trap on the item. If you see that the one you are chasing is extremely good and can't catch him just avoid him, go for someone else. Remember who has Dead Hard and once you're close wait for them to waste it, or lunge an instant after they use it, so once the animation ends you will hit them. Once you catch the DS user either wait for them to waste it staying still, bring Enduring, dribble them (Only when you are close to a hook) or walk backwards before they use it, you don't know how many times they run right in front of me right after. Remember that they can see the Red Stain, try to manipulate it by walking backwards, looking at walls, etc. to confuse them. The next one applies to me, I don't know if it would work for you, play all killers on rotation, learn some tricks, I skip a few of them because I either know I'm too bad with them or the killer himself is under powered. Play a lot of survivor, I was a survivor main, and a few months ago I became mostly a killer main, by playing survivor you will learn how to think like them and understand what their next move might be. If you have more questions just ask

    is GREAT advice for playing agains't solos.
    these are great mindgames and things that actually work, but just that alone wont do agains't SWF.
    because they know eachother.
    because after you go away from that "Extremely good" guy, he'll do gens.
    and if you get mad and go after him, he'll tell his friends that you're chasing him.
    and if you stop chasing him right after that he'll tell that to them too.

    survivors aren't the only one to know these tricks you've stated above!
    the time a solo survivor wastes is huge compared to swf.
    SWF teams have an built in Kindred.
    they know when to heal at the hook.
    they also have bond built in.
    depending on the situation they have Spinechill built in.
    even premonition buit in.
    They can organize perks to go on a full gen build.
    toolboxes, prove thiself, and goes on.

    how is that balanced? or are you goin to tell me to "git gud" like a p3 claudette main?

    Welp, it works for me

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Okapi said:
    LCGaster said:

    @Chicken said:

    So mister @LCGaster

    how does one counter swf?

    If you see them bring flashlights or whatever use Franklin's Demise, they love their stuff and will run back to it wasting their time, if you are playing Hag put a trap on the item. If you see that the one you are chasing is extremely good and can't catch him just avoid him, go for someone else. Remember who has Dead Hard and once you're close wait for them to waste it, or lunge an instant after they use it, so once the animation ends you will hit them. Once you catch the DS user either wait for them to waste it staying still, bring Enduring, dribble them (Only when you are close to a hook) or walk backwards before they use it, you don't know how many times they run right in front of me right after. Remember that they can see the Red Stain, try to manipulate it by walking backwards, looking at walls, etc. to confuse them. The next one applies to me, I don't know if it would work for you, play all killers on rotation, learn some tricks, I skip a few of them because I either know I'm too bad with them or the killer himself is under powered. Play a lot of survivor, I was a survivor main, and a few months ago I became mostly a killer main, by playing survivor you will learn how to think like them and understand what their next move might be. If you have more questions just ask

    All these tips help with dealing solos too. They do nothing to help killers deal with voice chat. 

    As I said to the other guy, it works well for me

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @TheBean said:

    Well sucks to be them then.

    I've been under the assumption that EU and ASIA are 2 of the biggest populations, but I'm wrong. BHVR has gone out of it way to include Asian specific content into their game... has made some convention trips to Asian countries.. but since they have a low population.. why would they do that?

    When I look during say 12 noon EST, I see the biggest size of the population during this time in DBD. Is that all Chinese players or EU?.... It isn't North America cause their peak times won't be till around 6 to 8 PM EST or evening time, which is when you will see a dip in the population. There is less people playing in North America during it's peak times then there are during its non peak times. So who is making up that other portion of the population?

    Keep up with the condescending attitude you seems to share with a good portion of the survivor population.

    That will definitely give to other peoples the will to play with you, of course.

    Hence the current game's state.

    No matter how much you all deny it

    And here i am, tasting this sweet irony with a zest of karma

    Yee... I navigate those on a daily basis.. Sorry not seeing what you see. The most of the posts I see on a daily basis are ones like this, where it is the same players over and over stroking each other with the SWF tissues.

    Same here, and i didn't see the same.

    Now what ?

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    @LCGaster ok so do us a favor.
    start playing the game instead of only seeing gameplays
    and stop edgying with the Fancy text

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited February 2019

    @Chicken said:
    @LCGaster ok so do us a favor.
    start playing the game instead of only seeing gameplays
    and stop edgying with the Fancy text

    Do I have to send a bloody video?
    And I like my fancy text

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    m8 you proved to be a scum of the forum, don't need anything from you other than the favor i asked above.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @NathanExplosion said:
    Keep up with the condescending attitude you seems to share with a good portion of the survivor population.

    That will definitely give to other peoples the will to play with you, of course.

    Hence the current game's state.

    No matter how much you all deny it

    And here i am, tasting this sweet irony with a zest of karma

    Same here, and i didn't see the same.

    Now what ?

    Now what?... Doesn't matter... Neither of us have anything to prove to one another. That is the way it is.

    All I have to say is... "Suck it up buttercup, SWF is here to stay, don't like it, then don't play."

    Remember this thread, so we can come back to it one day. I want to see which side will be disappointed. :)

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Chicken said:
    m8 you proved to be a scum of the forum, don't need anything from you other than the favor i asked above.

    To play the game or the text thing?

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @TheBean said:

    Now what?... Doesn't matter... Neither of us have anything to prove to one another. That is the way it is.

    All I have to say is... "Suck it up buttercup, SWF is here to stay, don't like it, then don't play."

    That's already the case no worries, and it looks like a bunch of peoples shared the same idea.

    Remember this thread, so we can come back to it one day. I want to see which side will be disappointed. :)

    Agree, and i think it will come sooner than you think

  • Spirit_Hag
    Spirit_Hag Member Posts: 168
    1. The Devs are not going to punish players for playing with their friends. Period.
    2. Just because a youtuber decides to get to high rank without perks, doesnt mean the whole community should be forced to do that as well.
    3. "it is balanced because its fun for both sides and its fun to get good at" Whats fun about only being able to use two perks???
    4. "if you're good you can get at rank 1 with only some perks and buddies." This works both ways. If your a good killer, it wont matter if its a swf or not. Ive played swf many times where we got destroyed by the killer! Why? THE KILLER WAS JUST BETTER THAN US
    5. Someones mentioned this i believe, but just because im playing with someone....doesnt mean they are the brightest bulb in the box. Ive had plenty of matches where my "teammate" screws me over
    6. Even if you try to implement this, all this is going to do is make killer wait times take 10x longer because people are going to want to play with their friends and have access to all 4 perks so they will just keep dodging lobbies until they get paired with their friends like the old days and then youll be right back where we started.
  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    So as i said @Spirit_Hag
    Either the killers leave because playing agaisn't swf is unfair.
    or the spoiled swf'ds get nerfed (making them leave).

    you may think it is a choice based on wheter you like which side. but it acctualy isn't.
    you see. playing agains't SWF on VOIP, that know every thing the killer is doing at all times before they even see it is just broken.
    i wouldn't have to tell you this if you were competent enough to read the other comments.

  • Spirit_Hag
    Spirit_Hag Member Posts: 168

    @Chicken said:
    So as i said @Spirit_Hag
    Either the killers leave because playing agaisn't swf is unfair.
    or the spoiled swf'ds get nerfed (making them leave).

    you may think it is a choice based on wheter you like which side. but it acctualy isn't.
    you see. playing agains't SWF on VOIP, that know every thing the killer is doing at all times before they even see it is just broken.
    i wouldn't have to tell you this if you were competent enough to read the other comments.

    sigh you know someone is feeling the heat when they have to not only resort to disrespecting another person on a forum, but dont take their own advice. You tell me to read others comments without even taking a look at what i said.

    If you refer to point #5 in my comment, i stated that just because im paired with somebody, doesnt mean me and that other person will play optimally. Your speaking under the assumption that all SWF are super survivors who are guaranteed a an escape just because they are paired with someone and its just not the case.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839
    edited February 2019

    @Spirit_Hag said:
    1. The Devs are not going to punish players for playing with their friends. Period.

    It's not about punishing people. It's about balancing the game around features (voice chat and premade teams) that the game is currently not balanced around.

    I have no problem if you want to play with friends. I just want fair and fun games.

  • Spirit_Hag
    Spirit_Hag Member Posts: 168

    @Okapi said:

    @Spirit_Hag said:
    1. The Devs are not going to punish players for playing with their friends. Period.

    It's not about punishing people. It's about balancing the game around features (voice chat and premade teams) that the game is currently not balanced around.

    I have no problem if you want to play with friends. I just want fair and fun games.

    Honestly, i feel like the way that the devs have designed their game, makes this discussion and infinite loop. Its hard to definitively say whats "fair" because both survivor and killer are played so differently and each game has so many variables that come into play. Skill level, experience, access to perks, internet connectivity and a list of other things can sway a match in either direction and can skew a persons perception on just how balanced or unbalanced this game is or isnt. Im not blind to the fact that swf gives an edge to survivors, but i cant help but feel like taking away access to perk slots wouldnt be viewed as fun for a survivor to play. What i CAN agree with, is not taking away a perk slot, but limiting which perks can be used. Maybe if theres more than 2 swf members there can be no DS or something like that. Even that sounds semi difficult to implement because i feel like the killer would have to be altered in some way to not get too much advantage but you see what im getting at lol

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839
    edited February 2019
    One way to bajance around voice chat is to remove the terror radius heartbeat notification or make 50% quieter. The terror radius would still function with perks that work with it, it just wouldn’t make any or as much noise. That way SWF couldn’t track the killer so easily. 

    They could make hex totems dirty and covered in blood to hide them better. Maybe allow the killer to ignite a dull totem to replace the cleansed hex. That would encourage people to cleanse totems and help slow down the game.

    Add a mandatory secondary objective tied into the gens or exit gate. Make it so survivors have to collect 3 fuses before they can use an exit switch. Allow killers to regress the exit gate switch like they can with gens.

    There’s a lot the devs could do without limiting perks.  Killers already have to deal with Ruin and BBQ&Chili being mandatory on high ranks which limits their perk choice. I wouldn’t want survivors to experience something like that. 
  • Naiad
    Naiad Member Posts: 194

    @TheBean said:

    @NathanExplosion said:
    EU, West America and Asian server want a word with you.

    Well sucks to be them then.

    I've been under the assumption that EU and ASIA are 2 of the biggest populations, but I'm wrong. BHVR has gone out of it way to include Asian specific content into their game... has made some convention trips to Asian countries.. but since they have a low population.. why would they do that?

    I play EU and get fast lobbies, this could be more a platform difference.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Naiad said:
    I play EU and get fast lobbies, this could be more a platform difference.

    Yee.. didn't think EU was really having issues. I was being sarcastic to the other person cause they were speaking out of their ass.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited February 2019
    Chicken said:

    @Yamaoka then you do realize that with a 4 man swf group you CAN'T kill anyone without camping unless you're a god nurse.

    if i get 2 kills most of the games thats because i'm in a rank that suits my skills. if i'm #########. rank 19.
    if i'm average: rank 9
    If i'm good: rank 1
    but this doesn't make sense when a swf group takes place because they're basically hacking with a third party sorftware like Discord.

    Then why would DBD have an official Discord? It’s not cheating. Get off your high horse, and git gud. Please, and thank you.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Chicken said:

    You are a Prestige 3 Myers playing at rank 15 something doesn't add up. Are you deranking? Maybe deranking to smash NOOBS but instead having your lunch money stolen by swf?

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123
    edited February 2019

    @fcc2014 bro i got that image on google ######### LOL

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Chicken said:
    @fcc2014 bro i got that image on google ######### LOL

    yeah sure

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    Chicken said:

    @Yamaoka then you do realize that with a 4 man swf group you CAN'T kill anyone without camping unless you're a god nurse.

    if i get 2 kills most of the games thats because i'm in a rank that suits my skills. if i'm #########. rank 19.
    if i'm average: rank 9
    If i'm good: rank 1
    but this doesn't make sense when a swf group takes place because they're basically hacking with a third party sorftware like Discord.

    I'm sorry but just stop. Saying you can't get a single kill unless you play nurse against SWF sounds like a personal problem. I play against SWF all the time and don't have any issues playing against these "hackers" as you put it.

    Where's the git gud doctor meme when you need it?
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Chicken said:
    @fcc2014 bro i got that image on google ######### LOL

    Hmmm so you used a google images screen grab to help point out how OP swf are and why you lobby dodge?? You have the correct forum name for sure.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Chicken said:

    @Yamaoka then you do realize that with a 4 man swf group you CAN'T kill anyone without camping unless you're a god nurse.

    if i get 2 kills most of the games thats because i'm in a rank that suits my skills. if i'm #########. rank 19.

    if i'm average: rank 9

    If i'm good: rank 1

    but this doesn't make sense when a swf group takes place because they're basically hacking with a third party sorftware like Discord.

    I'm sorry but just stop. Saying you can't get a single kill unless you play nurse against SWF sounds like a personal problem. I play against SWF all the time and don't have any issues playing against these "hackers" as you put it.

    Where's the git gud doctor meme when you need it?

    use the salt gif instead i find it works more effectively

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Chicken said:
    @fcc2014 bro i got that image on google ######### LOL

    Hmmm so you used a google images screen grab to help point out how OP swf are and why you lobby dodge?? You have the correct forum name for sure.



  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @friendlykillermain said:



    I thought i was doing a public service by pointing it out.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @fcc2014 said:

    @friendlykillermain said:



    I thought i was doing a public service by pointing it out.

    did it in the best way possible

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    this conversation sounds fun

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Peanits said:
    That would not work. If you were around for the beta or shortly after launch, you may remember how people used to play with their friends before SWF existed. People would queue at the same time as their friends and leave the lobby if they didn't end up in the same game as their friends. You would likely see the same here: the people who are only out to try as hard as possible are going to circumvent that to keep all their perk slots. Meanwhile the casual groups out there- the ones who are not the problem, the group of friends casually playing the game and chatting- are going to be left one or two perks down when they were never that great to begin with.

    I could not have said it better Peanits. Many of us complain about SWF hit squads, but in my experience, those are far and few between. Most SWFs are not very good. I'm a bit of a softy and I tend to let some of them go if they played well, but just were not very good. Makes for fun convos after the game. I don't expect others to play that way, but it is how I have fun.