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A discussion about D-Strike - Do you like the change?



  • Member Posts: 4,061
    TAG said:
    More like Divisive Strike, mirite

    Of course a pig said this.
  • Member Posts: 1
     PTM ! Noooooo ( cry in spanish)
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @AshleyWB said:
    Of course a pig said this.

    Of course a default said this.

  • Member Posts: 361

    I love the changes, it actually makes Unbreakable a better perk than DS unless the killer has a mori.

    Quick question, what's the green perk icon in the background? Windows of Opportunity? Autodidact? Or a new perk?

  • Member Posts: 4,061
    Orion said BLAHHHHHHH *whacks* @AshleyWB
    I may be a default but at least I don't go around wheezing and whining after I go someplace. Plus I don't get why you would wear a pillow on your head just to hide your ginger hair. We'll accept you onion nurse.
  • Member Posts: 747
    To those complaining about unsafe hook rescues, note doing this you get to knock them down while they are at the hook. At most you'll have to dribble them.
  • Member Posts: 5,069
    I except a lot of bomb negative review.
  • Member Posts: 1,899

    @not_Queen How will this affect perks like Dying Light? If you already killed/sacrificed the obsession, will the obsession still change and reverse the effect of Dying Light? How about Remember me? If the obsession is dead and another person uses Decisive strike, will they be able to open exit gates at regular speed?

    To be clear I am very happy with this change but curious about interactions with other obsession perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,737
    edited February 2019

    @MRose said:

    @Acromio said:
    The fact that most people don't seem to understand that they are buffing it and pretending to nerf it is honestly flabbergasting. I hope this change doesn't go through.

    How is it a buff? No salt, legit curious.

    It's quite simple, if you think about it.

    Let's take DS as is now. The Obsession gets his ass graced instantly, the other 3 survivors, assuming they're running DS as well, have to wiggle to 35% before they can "lulz, think again" the killer. What this means is that while the Obsession DS has no counter, you may be able to avoid non-Obs. DS by downing the survivor(s) near a hook (you have 5 seconds to pick them up and actually hook them before they can run to their favorite infinite again and stall you for the remaining 1 and a half generators).

    Now let's take DS as it's going to be with the next patch. There is NO OBSESSION AT ALL, meaning the killer doesn't even know that someone is running it. If the survivors do a stupid unhook in front of the killer, they get rewarded for it. Everybody gets it INSTANTLY, provided that they've been hooked at least once (and, once again, the perks rewards survivors for failing). As if i-frames and borrowed crutch weren't enough of a problem. It's even more rewarding of the survivors' stupidity than before. Now hookrushing at the end game (and in general) becomes completely impossible to stop, even as pre-shadownerf Leatherface.

    This is not a nerf. It's _a buff disguised as _a nerf. And, as I said, it baffles me that the majority of the users posting in this thread don't seem to understand how poorly designed this new version of the perk is.

    Pretty gud job so far, BHVR. You've proven once again that you don't have the faintest clue about what happens in your own game.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I have a lot of questions regarding the obsession changing, nevermind the actual changes to the perk itself. Most of my questions revolve around how the obsession changing will effect other perks.

    Doesn't the perk only activating for a certain amount of time kinda make it pointless? The killer will just not pick them up until theyre sure the timer is out on it or just not go after the obsession. If you don't get to use it the first time, does it reactivate the second time you’re gotten off the hook? With killer obsession perks: How does it work for Remember Me? Does it count every time the killer has hit AN obsession or how many time the current obsession has been hit in the game, or is it how many times that survivor has been hit while being the obsession. If either the second or third options, does that change if the gates are powered and the obsession changes? How does it work with Dying Light? If the current obsession is sacrificed and the obsession changes, do the effects of Dying Light go away? For Play With Your Food, if the obsession changes while you were chasing the obsession, does that count as letting the obsession get away? With Rancor, if the obsession changes after you’ve killed the obsession, will the new obsession be exposed and able to be killed as well? How will the tokens be counted for Save The Best For Last?

    Sorry if this isn't the right place for all these questions, I barely use the forums but that's my thoughts on the change and it's mostly questions.

  • Member Posts: 1,796
    So apparently the skill check happens as the Killer is picking you up and there is literally nothing the killer can do about it. That part, I don't like.

    Without giving the killer the option to waste his own time dribbling or the opportunity to immediately use a hook that the Survivor got downed under, you are giving Survivors yet another reward for unsafe unhooking. Hook diving with BT and DS will be the new meta.

    Honestly, I expect killers will camp harder too, since the only way to play against it will be to hit rescuers on the way in and force trades.
  • Member Posts: 4,388

    I haven't used Decisive Strike in forever so I don't really care. I face it a ton when playing killer and usually more than 1. I really feel BHVR is creating more toxic behavior(pun intended) with this change the way it is. Killers will slug and wait the timer to run out. Survivors won't get to use their situational perk and DC. It happens now when people miss the DS or get juggled and can't use it. Wait for those killers who don't get hit with it often anymore and suddenly do. Guess what DC. You know what else survivors hate among getting camped and tunneled being slugged and waiting forever for killers to pick them up. The counter-play is going to be more survivors running instant heals,unbreakable and tenacity. You could have made Enduring suffer no stun penalty and no drop, could have made it so ONLY the obsession had the option for DS, could have made it so they have to use it for their first hook and are in the broken state the rest of the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    @TAG said:
    LCGaster said:

    I'm confused about one thing. Every time someone uses DS do they become the obsession? So more than one person could become the obsession or only the first one becomes the obsession? I'm only confused about that thing

    Assuming I am understanding it correctly, if someone uses D-Strike, they become the Obsession, and whoever was the Obsession before is no longer the Obsession.

    Ok, yeah, it makes sense. It will be pretty confusing since I love using Save The Best For Last

  • Member Posts: 1,260

    I have a few comments about this.
    First, WHY??? WHY CHANGE OBSESSIONS??? That part is confusing.
    Second, about the timer. Does it stop when you are knocked down? Does it keep going like everyone else is thinking? If yes to the first, slugging is no longer a viable tactic to avoid DS. If yes to the second, well... slugs are incoming.

    Otherwise, I like this. I refuse to use it myself in its current state (only exception being when I got Adept Laurie). Again, I don't like the obsession change, and the timer is a bit confusing, as well as the skill check occurring during the pick-up, but that I'm a bit better with.

  • Member Posts: 765
    not_Queen said:

    Our Community team is currently gathering all the questions and feedback on the upcoming DS changes. We will reach out to the Designers to bring you answers shortly. (hopefully tomorrow)

    Well, here’s somethingt to ask; are there any plans on making who the obsession is a bit more obvious now that it can be changed mid-game?
  • Member Posts: 1,101

    I'm optimistic about the change. Since I don't use DS or tunnel I cannot wait to see how it plays out in games with others.
    I hope they tell us how killer obsession perks will work soon.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    @yes said:
    I love the changes, it actually makes Unbreakable a better perk than DS unless the killer has a mori.

    Quick question, what's the green perk icon in the background? Windows of Opportunity? Autodidact? Or a new perk?

    Its Diversion.

  • Member Posts: 361

    @PigNRun said:

    @yes said:
    I love the changes, it actually makes Unbreakable a better perk than DS unless the killer has a mori.

    Quick question, what's the green perk icon in the background? Windows of Opportunity? Autodidact? Or a new perk?

    Its Diversion.


  • Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2019
    Once again you're making it harder on the survivors and making it easier for killers.  This makes me regret buying Laurie to get decisive strike.
    Post edited by CrimsonTyd79 on
  • Member Posts: 392
    edited February 2019

    Rly love the change it´s still a strong Perk but now you dont get insta f as Killer when the first guy you try to catch is a DS Guy (its all about the first hook to prevent 3 survivors from gen rushing). It`s still useful vs camper / tunneling. The switching of Obssesion might be a bit confusing.

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    @CrimsonTyd79 said:
    Once again you're making it harder on the survivors and making it easier for killers.  This makes me regret buying Kate to get decisive strike.

    Kate? you sure about that one?

    PS: mods can we PLEASE for all things holy and unholy get a megathread?

  • Member Posts: 1
    behavior smokes crack
  • Member Posts: 275

    I love these changes, can't wait for them to be implemented in the next patch. Also, any news on the freddy rework?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    So now it's attack of the alts?

  • Member Posts: 1,165

    @EntitledSurvivor said:
    Nice now you’ve made another perk useless because anyone with a brain can just slug the survivor until the 60 seconds has ran out....I like how noed will not be changed also definitely gives me a reason to distance from this game

    All the more reason to not get caught again :chuffed:

  • Member Posts: 845
    Is very nice,
    I actually may use it a lot, and I have an incentive to not tunnel as Killer
  • Dev Posts: 7,555
    TAG said:
    Peanits said:
    I like it but I'm a little biased. This was actually an idea that came from a discussion here, so I'm really happy to see it making its way into the game.
    You wouldn't happen to have a link to said discussion, would you?  Just for curiosity's sake.
    I don't, unfortunately. I'm on my lunch break and I can't seem to find it. If you want to take a look, it was in a thread about DS and I've narrowed it down to around December 9th 2018.
  • Member Posts: 819

    @Skarkio said:
    For those complaining about the incoming slugs...

    ... let' s say I, as a killer, down an freshly unhooked survivor, then whatI? I wait doing nothing for an entire minute while following the crawling survivor?

    Guess what? free gens for the other 3 survivors!

    Or I slug then follow the unhooker?

    Guess what? another survivor can heal the downed and then no tunneling happen!

    Cool isn't it?

    In the end if you as survivor, unhook in the face of the killers, and slugfest happen, then don't blame them or the dev for changing thoughtless a irritating perk!

    That will be you to be blamed!

    Be smart and do safe unhooks

    Slug the DS one, chase the rescuer, let the ds one be healed, down him again, hook him, nothing changed. Be smart.

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  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    @Orion said:
    So now it's attack of the alts?

    Surprisingly no, there doesn't appear to be any alts going on (at least from the bunch I've checked). I'm guessing that because DS has been such a hit topic for so long loads of people are only now creating accounts just to get their thoughts out there.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Peanits said:

    @Orion said:
    So now it's attack of the alts?

    Surprisingly no, there doesn't appear to be any alts going on (at least from the bunch I've checked). I'm guessing that because DS has been such a hit topic for so long loads of people are only now creating accounts just to get their thoughts out there.

    Color me surprised.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Dev Posts: 7,555
    MRose said:

    @Peanits said:

    @Orion said:
    So now it's attack of the alts?

    Surprisingly no, there doesn't appear to be any alts going on (at least from the bunch I've checked). I'm guessing that because DS has been such a hit topic for so long loads of people are only now creating accounts just to get their thoughts out there.

    I created an account specifically to talk about the DS change. I think this may not be the changes final form but I think it's a HUGE step in the right direction.

    All good! Welcome to the forums, we're happy to have you. Hopefully you'll like it here and stick around.
  • Member Posts: 7

    It's getting really obnoxious how every patch brings more killer buffs and does nothing to address the balance issues that favor the killer.
    I agree Decisive strike was a crutch perk and needed a nerf but this was a bit far.
    It would have been well enough to just make it only affect the obsession.
    This perk doesn't address many of the frustrating aspects of decisive strike.
    Killer can still dribble you and if you miss your skillcheck you still have a dead perk slot.
    Aren't there higher priority fixes
    How about some hitbox fixes!
    You recently buffed noed which is the killer version of DS.
    Can we get some balance.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @GodofRanch said:
    Killer can still dribble you and if you miss your skillcheck you still have a dead perk slot.

    Skill check is triggered as soon as you're picked up. Dribbling is gone. The skill check thing was always there, so that's a moot point.

    @GodofRanch said:
    You recently buffed noed which is the killer version of DS.

    Not in any way, shape, or form. That's just survivor rhetoric.

  • Member Posts: 2,340
    edited February 2019
    One question. If killer downs you near a hook you still don't have time to use it like before, how will that stop face camper?

    Assuming unhooker doesn't have BT.
  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I'm very happy with this change! Can't wait until we get the update 👍

  • Dev Posts: 7,555
    Eveline said:
    One question. If killer downs you near a hook you still don't have time to use it like before, how will that stop face camper?

    Assuming unhooker doesn't have BT.
    The skill check starts immediately when they pick you up. They don't have time to rehook you.
  • Member Posts: 2,340
    Oh thanks. That's nice. :)
  • Member Posts: 18

    I didn't sit and read 5 pages worth of responses yet, but I will say as a survivor main and a killer dabbler I think this is the best change they could have had.

    Introduce a little counter-play. How is this even remotely seen as negative? I've literally never used DS. Ever. And I manage to have fun and secure wins both solo and SWF. And it seems like most of the negativity surrounding DS has been addressed. Dribbling will cease, since by the time the animation finishes for a killer picking up the survivor the skill check will have come and gone. Skill checks will be even easier to hit for the potatoes among us. There's a time limit to counter, which can still result in a survivor win in late game if the killer doesn't play smart.

    You know, this basically means that the survivor player base has to evolve and adapt to new strategies. Which is something most of us are (apparently) against? Some of you have over 3k hours on this game and you're upset because they're introducing a change that forces you to adapt your playstyle slightly? This is not the end of the world.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    I love it. counters tunnellers.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2019

    Imo the timer for how long it's active to be used after unhooking is too long. If you're seriously getting tunneled that hard, a much lower timer will be effective. At 60 seconds I could literally make it across the map, down and hook someone else, then come back to find them again and they are still in that 60 second window to get the DS on me. That scenario isn't a tunnel and I get punished. I like the change, just lower the timer some so that it really is JUST an anti-tunnel perk, not an immunity for a minute perk.

  • Member Posts: 819

    @Poweas said:
    I love it. counters tunnellers.


  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @MegsAreEvil said:

    @Poweas said:
    I love it. counters tunnellers.


    Did you read the description?

  • Member Posts: 819

    @Orion said:

    @MegsAreEvil said:

    @Poweas said:
    I love it. counters tunnellers.


    Did you read the description?

    Yeah, tell me.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    @MegsAreEvil said:

    @Poweas said:
    I love it. counters tunnellers.


    The same way BBQ semi counters camping. It gives killer another reason to not tunnel. Devs made very clever move with this new change since it affects even games with no DS present.

  • Member Posts: 2,771

    @Poweas said:
    I love it. counters tunnellers.


    By learning to read.
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @MegsAreEvil said:

    @Orion said:

    @MegsAreEvil said:

    @Poweas said:
    I love it. counters tunnellers.


    Did you read the description?

    Yeah, tell me.

    It literally activates if the killer is doing what is commonly referred to in survivor lingo as "tunneling", granting the survivor a free escape.

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