Nothings for killers anymore
The basement which was meant to be a scary place for survivors to go into now is just another safe haven for survivors. Sure, people can't be held hostage but yet again you people bitched and whined and yet again another nerf for killers. This is getting ######### ridiculous. Pig is #########, Legion is #########, Basement plays are #########. Seriously. This is getting out of hand.
Oh no, I can't trap survivors in the basement and leave to grab a sandwich anymore.
The basement wouldn't have needed any change if some killers didn't abuse it.
49 -
You think this is bad? Dead by Daylight has been so much worse. What they're doing now is just ridding it of unfun mechanics.
Just ask anyone who played during the Howling Grounds event.
24 -
I mean the basement is still dangerous. You still can't get out without risking getting hit. It's still a single route in and out and is anything but safe. This is such a trivial change. I swear there's so many killer mains that will cry about anything and that's why we have such a bad reputation
25 -
where i drew the line is the survival rates for high rank, i'm doing my semi boycott doing my daily and that is it, and i suggest others do the same.
80% survival rate rank 1
60% survival rate rank 2
get's balanced only around rank 8 where it's 50/50
anyone who has played survivor and got to red ranks knows how much easier it is the higher rank you are, which should not be a thing.
let's get ahead of the 80% being high because you derank either the stats are taken when you start the game and deranking means nothing or the 60% escape rate of rank 2 is taking in all the failures of rank 1 and is therefore lowered by the amount that rank 1 is being boosted.
What these stats prove is that even the strongest killers who are most common in high ranks like billy at rank 5-12 and nurse at rank 1-4 the escape rate is insanely survivor sided.
Meaning the more survivors learn to play the game the more imbalanced the game gets.
With all the new nerfs to killers and the clear survivor sided balancing shows where the devs loyalties lie, they don't listen to feedback and they priorities survivor issues over killer issues.
11 -
Have you been reading the patch notes for the last 3 Years ?
For every 10 Survivor nerfs there have been 2 Killer nerfs.
Just kidding. For every 10 Survivor nerfs there have been 2 Killer buffs. That's more accurate.
When Exaustion hit the game, I was at a point that I simply could not play killer any more.
The lobbies could take up to 15-20 minutes to fill, everyone was like, "why bother playing Survivor when killers are just so much better right now". I remember maxing out my killers around that time and I felt like all the Bloodpoints were wasted. Everyone wanted to be a killer and there were simply not enough survivors to kill.. and when you finally got a lobby it was a full premade survive with friends.
People tend to forget easily.
Or... actually.. that's not the case.
People tend to just hop in the game after a new patch, play a few games, make an assumption about the meta, drop the game, and come back again for the next big update.
14 -
Where did you pull those stats from?? x)
8 -
You do know those figures were explained by peanits and the actual survival rate at rank 1 was closer to 43%.
14 -
Yeah its not enough that killers now get their 4th kill for free.
7 -
from the devs...
7 -
@twistedmonkey Yeah, after they threw in potatoes into the upper ranks by lowering the pip requirements. The 80% is explained by the way they acquired the data, but the 60% has only one explanation: survivors are too powerful, and it shows when you pit the top survivors against the top killers.
12 -
Do you know what actually means?
This game is balanced by stuffing potatoes into highranks who dont belong there.
Guess what the current new survivalrate at rank 1 is? The former rank 18.
The former rank 18's are now rank 1. Thats how boosted they are.
4 -
@twistedmonkey link please, also that is a gigantic disparity 80 to 43% so i highly doubt it
1 -
I hope you understand that the High winrates are completely fictional and completely dominated by Survive With Friends parties.
The game by default was meant to deny you the ability to communicate because that would be too overpowered for survivors. Giving the ability to a group of survivors to simply hop into the same lobby and communicate via Discord, makes this groups just that... overpowered.
That's why even though I used to be a survivor player I always screamed that Survive with friends is a mistake. At least give SWF a different ladder.
6 -
Are you joking? When did this happen?
Last I heard people were complaining about how hard it was to pip.
3 -
I'm going on a never kill ban 100% live with a 0 chance to die I hope all other killers do the same
No threat = fun right
0 -
Can confirm. The 80% rate is due to a couple different reasons:
1: The stats used your rank after the match, not before.
2: The pipping thresholds were much higher at the time for survivors.
The two combined means that:
1: Only the very best survivors were in rank 1 at the time.
2: Those that did die would likely derank, counting as a rank 2 death rather than a rank 1 death. This greatly inflates the survival rate of rank 1 (and the red ranks as a whole) since all the deaths are being offloaded on lower ranks.
I talked it over with the stats team and a more accurate number taken from April 11th is closer to 43%.
24 -
but survivors can abuse other things and no one seems to care right? LOL
DoUbLe StAnDaRdS
12 -
@TheBean he states that it was the best and that the strict conditions for the high survival rank, but we have to assume the same for killers of the same rank, meaning the best vs the best was less than 80% but more than 60% seeing as rank 2 would then have an influx of survivors coming from rank 1 dying and lowering the survival rate.
0 -
@Peanits i'm going to have to press x to doubt that rank 1 went from 80% to 43%, not the first time we were told something and it not being true. if not that is such a giant margin of error that none of your stats can be taken seriously...
because even though it was as you say best of the best survivors the rank system was not made more lenient to killers, so it was the best of the best for killers then and the rate was less than 80 but higher than then the boosted survival rate of rank 2 taking in the failures of rank 1.
So to me it seems you try to keep the cream of the crop killers at rank 1 to balance out the giant winrate of survivors at rank 1 by lowering the threshold for survivors getting to rank 1 thus lowering the skill required to get there and make it easier to kill those weaker survivors and therefore lower the insane survival rate
2 -
Yeah like the window exploit that they fixed this patch? LOL
You're not even using the meme right buddy.
3 -
Survivors:"Killer get 1 nerf and now they crying.
In the last years, survivors got only nerfs".
Survivors didnt get nerfs.
This things were fixes.
2 times SprintBoost in 1 chase is rly annoying.
And this pig nerf was totally stupid.
Because it destroy endgame piggy and they nerfed a low-mid tier killer.
I dont play Survivor, because I hate Nurse in High Rank.
I want pig in High Rank.
9 -
Healing nerf, removal of pallet vacuum, exhaustion nerf, flashlight nerf, fewer safe loops, etc.
There are plenty of nerfs. They were not "fixes". What is realistic is that you simply don't think they are enough.
8 -
"wah wah wah. I can't block survivors in for guaranteed unskilled kills. Wah, I can't chase someone while looking at the ground or moonwalking while their deep wounds meter runs down for a guaranteed kill with no skill. waaaah"
^ Summary of this post
I DO think they should have left the Pig Traps alone
8 -
The end game collapse is without question a killer buff. That alone pretty much negates the entire premise of this thread.
7 -
Wah wah wah i got killed because i did something stupid and got punished by it.
15 -
Um. Nerfs are a type of fix. Calling something a fix does not mean it is not a nerf
8 -
Healing: Ok yes, nobody ask for this.
Pallets: That was a fix. 25 pallets for each map and every pallet is safe, because the vacuum
Exhaustion: 2 times Sprintboost , if the chase is 60 seconds long. That was a great fix.
Flashlights: I got a video for you.
loops: Running in circles is sooooo funny and you need sooooooo much skill for it.
This loops were infinities. It was a great FIX, because it was a exploit.
3 -
@ShyN3ko fixes are still nerfs
6 -
If it effects the balance of the game in such a way that something will do worse then it is a nerf to that thing. And if it makes a thing better it is a buff to that thing.
0 -
they were nerfs. not fixes. using big font to be noticed.
13 -
"Necessary nerfs, because it destroy the game balance"
Is this better?
0 -
Since it was easier to pip for killer then how many potato killers were in those ranks?
It always works both ways and did has always been full of players that time played meant they got to a stage they couldn't compete in.
3 -
"Safe Haven"
There are no pallets, no vaults, no room to do anything.
I'm sorry the devs have removed the ability to pretty much remove Survivors from the game by standing in the middle of the staircase. I feel so bad for you.
5 -
Nothing could ever come close to the howling grounds....
Devs: "challenge excepted"
xD jk devs love ya
1 -
Killers are doomed.
I'm now not gonna play DbD.
I'm gonna sleep and tomorrow I will decide if I quit this game and uninstall it or if I keep getting bullied by (by the opinion of the majority of the community) incompetent developers who are willingly ignoring their own community.
4 -
But I CAN use Nurse with double range add on & I CAN use Billy with 2 charge add on WITH NOED! Check my comments. You'll see all the fun survivors have when they're against me. 😎
1 -
@ShyN3ko better <3
But they still count as nerfs when someone lists them out to make the claim that survivors have been nerfed. To say otherwise is the No True Scotsmen fallacy.
The only thing I hate more than a bad argument that disagrees with me is a bad argument that agrees with me. Since I can't even say your conclusion (that Survivors are in control and need further improvements in order to be balanced) is wrong.
1 -
Ok, I'll take this note :3
1 -
Git gud instead of blocking the basement like a complete ass.
5 -
why we keep getting into the Billy/Nurse conversation there is 15 KILLERS why don't you understand that. End Game collapse is only a buff for a 1v1 situation, not when the last gen is completed with 2/3/4 survivors left.
When i read most comment i understand why the game is unbalanced. When we explain what's the problem with killers then come the gods that 4k each with each killers. stop lying clown , trapper , plague , wraith , doctor , freddy those need buff for sure.
It's easy to say the game is balanced when this forum is full of tunneler/camper using meta perks. play one of the weakest killer against rank 1 survivors without perks/add-ons/tunnel/camp if you win you are a liar. Only Nurse/billy can actually win.
Playing green/pink/purple add-ons should make weakest killer powerful not viable. I will be vote down as always because the truth hurts.
As survivor crotus prenn , AH wretched shop need fix , 50+ need buff and 90% of meta perks need nerf.
As killer 40+ perks need rework or buff then some meta need nerf too.
11 -
This content has been removed.
"Why dont they let me bodyblock them until the EGC timer ends :,,( so unfair"
keep crying entitled killer main
10 -
Blocking people in the basement was a bannable offense. If this was still a thing now that EGC is live (which by the way is a massively one sided Killer buff and Survivor nerf so you should be happy) then people would just disconnect if blocked in the basement.
So they can go around, big deal. Just point your mouse at them and click.
3 -
Massive nerfs to survivors? the only nerf survivors received is they can no longer teabag at the gates and they can no longer get hatch standoffs against killers
12 -
A nerf implies that the efficacy of something that was working as intended being reduced or eliminated. Exploits or bugs are not normal gameplay
5 -
@Theluckyboi awesome gif. I laughed hard 😂
1 -
let them be they don't understand what they are saying.
4 -
oh no!1!1!1 i can't block more in my basement while i poop oh noo i hate bhvr!!!!
Why can't survivor whiny about killer things?
Killer are the principal crybabys in this game.
9 -
Dude EGC totally favors killer, what are you smoking?