I want to instill fear as Michael to all Survivors.

Help me achieve this, what should I do to cause fear. I already have the skill, I need to instate fear.
You require help, take The Ghost with you :D
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Michael: Nods his son off, Ghostface, to track the Claudettes.
Honestly though, any type of Blendettes are so easy to find with Michael's superior vision.
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Take in Scratched Mirror and Boyfriends Memo and go to Lery's
Now you are the scariest killer in the game
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You dont need too....twice while playing SFW i ear had a fricken heart attack as he was just stood there and took me by surprise lol
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Whenever I see the killer burn a Lery's offering I automatically know it will probably be scratched mirror Myers.
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Play intentionally poorly for most of the match, building up EW as you break pallets.
When the map is pretty clear, pop your Infinite T3 + Tombstone and watch with glee as you instantly go from punching bag to feared oppressor.
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Be really, really stabby. Tier 3 out of sneaking up and then downing multiples (at most 2 to keep things going) if possible, or as above with infectious fright/distressing or tier 3/tombstone or a surprise tombstone piece in front of everyone when they think you suck and taunt you. I know everyone tends to ignore it for some reason but vanity mirror+dead rabbit+M&A is also beautiful, I once saw last survivor hiding in the basement, watched him walk up, hid around the corner closest to the door he exited and as soon as I saw him leave I lunged around the corner, apparently I scared him... a lot. Wasn’t even going for a scare at the time.
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Monitor & Abuse + Dead Rabbit + J Myers Memorial Page = The Shape given form.
By that I mean he actually is like a stalker from the movies with 0 terror radius at Tier l and like 7 at Tier ll, only then does his Terror Radius Spike to quadruple that in Tier lll given you the impression that its literally like a movie chase.
The rest of the perks are up to you, but Ruin is a must to charge Tier l up at the start, so the other two are up to you.
This build also can make you basically undetectable when hiding behind walls near a Gen in Tier l, I've gotten so many Gen grabs because of that.
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The beauty of the Shape is there are so many ways to play him and create a scary trial. You can scratched mirror Jump Scare Michael or Unlimited EW3 Killing Machine Michael. His add ons and perk combos provide probably the most variation to play style of all the killers in my eyes.
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Against high ranks that's just never happening. He isn't strong enough of a killer.
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This is literally my every match build (addons)... it’s funny though, approach at a distance in absolutely clear view (not even trying to sneak) and you’ll either A) get a grab because they weren’t looking your way or B) laugh as literally every survivor you do this to for some reason blows the gen up in their face (was a personal experiment)
Post edited by Kiskashi on0 -
Happens ALL the time for me, every Survivor either sees me when its too late, I grab them off the gen, or they blow the gen up in their face and scatter like ants.
Its one of my go to builds because of how effective it is, its also the most fun for me.
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Blood warden + tombstone nothing amuses me more
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You're playing Michael. You're already the creepiest killer in the game.
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Too true. Whenever I see him, I almost piss myself.
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yes no kidding LOL pig has once or two made me miss a skill check from her lunge
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hide in the basement on your chest in T1 hope someone is stupid enough to come down
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Pig is fine for me because she's not immune to Premonition. However, when I'm looking around, Premonition doesn't trigger for some time, and suddenly I hear a faint heartbeat followed by an attack or just see a white mask off in the distance, that's when I freak out.
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Always use Monitor and abuse for a practically nonexistent terror radius. I also recommend using perks such as brutal strength and enduring, as they will speed you up to keep the heat on a survivor. You'll be practically unstoppable with those perks, AND even better, they perfectly represent his character from the 1978 Halloween film.
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"He isn't strong enough of a killer."
I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong or nothing, but try playing him with Monitor and Abuse or EW3'ing behind someone's back.
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Toss on Monitor and Abuse and you'll be a pretty scary fella'. You'll move around at full speed and only have an 8 meter terror radius outside of a chase. As long as you come from an unpredictable angle, they won't hear your terror radius until you're within half a tile.
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I've been playing him at rank 1 since the game came out with well over 3k+ hours, I know quite well how scary he can and can't be. I always run MnA and EW3'ing behind someones back is just how you play him.
This is scary at low ranks but at high ranks none of it matters.
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Myers already scares the crap out of me. Lery’s scratched mirror is no exception.
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I want to mention this, Monitor and Abuse with Dead Rabbit makes Michael Myers a 4 terror radius Killer in EW3, and a 40 terror radius when not in a chase, 48 while in chase.
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My favorite is my peek a boo Michael build with M&A, blood warden (since of panic when trapped during EGC), scratched mirror, the offering for increased lunge in EW1 and Lery's offering. I just spend the match stalking and scaring the piss out of survivors. If I happen to hook during EGC, you are stuck in my playground.
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Run infinite tier 3 with tombstone, that is when the fun begins!
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Lerys with Boyfriends Memo and Scratched Mirror. It is honestly so fun. I love spoopy myers on that map.
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I love Peekaboo Myers. I even put on my channel a little clip where I literally ran in to him around a corner and screamed. xD
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Too true. That happened to me when I was playing SWF with a few people and I literally screamed. Fortunately, I have extremely sharp reflexes, so I was able to get off the gen as soon as I heard the terror radius, but I still got hit.
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I have to try this