Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

I'm Done.

FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Rant Incoming

I don't know how long I can keep playing until I've had enough. I've taken a 3 month break, and i'm on the edge of taking another because of the constant DCing which is making this game UNPLAYABLE.

This isn't an exaggeration I've had 5 matches in a row, and literally had 2 people DC, 3, etc. And I had one where everyone DC'd just now and one of them didn't even go one full match without DCing AGAIN from the LAST TRIAL WE HAD TOGETHER.

Look at this...

I can't even clean out my inventory to P2 my spirit because of this, before the match started when I tried to bail on it because of one of them I knew was going to DC, I stupidly instead switched to a pudding to not waste a streamer on these guys.

But I knew it, I KNEW it would happen. One DC'ed and the rest just followed like dominoes. How is this fun? How is any of this fun BHVR? Waiting for them to hit the threshold will that will NEVER HAPPEN isn't the solution... These people know how to avoid that, they can easily just stop DCing at the snap of their fingers so they don't meet the requirements for the ban its THAT SIMPLE. Wheres the justice for this? Why are people like this getting away with it, time, and time again?

I wouldn't be complaining, if this wasn't constantly happening. Its constant, every game its a DC. I rarely had 2 matches (Not in a row of course because why wouldn't it be?) and they were full lobby's that stayed till they died.

Oh and the one guy that stayed? I wanted him to die because I wasn't gonna wait for 5 gens to pop because his worthless teammates think its funny to DC and ruin it for everyone else. Poor guy literally wanted to play a match, not watch his teammates fall like bags of cement.

Message to BHVR

Listen to me, the way this is going isn't good. You can't just slap an excuse saying "Oh they'll eventually hit the threshold so we'll just ignore it till then" and assume the problem is solved. I understand they're fixing this matter before the dedicated servers drop off, but it needs to be done soon. AND FAST. Because this is getting out of control. Its literally unplayable, and its not fun.

Please @Peanits @not_Queen @Patricia do something... You can't just let what I said above be the answer to this. Its not... and it never was. 3 months ago this wasn't as bad as it is now and its incredible how drastic it got.


Fix this constant DCing before the game dies because of it, LITERALLY unplayable. Please BHVR... Do something...



  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I don't play in red ranks anymore but seems like an issue at your rank. If it keeps up like that you will derank automatically and get to play in matches where DCs aren't an issue.

    While I have seen some DCs the game is far from unplayable for me here in green ranks. Oh if I could get back to yellow ranks but I'm not getting stomped enough.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Well congratulations on your prize, I am indeed wrong.

    I don't get your whole point with "with". If a system relies on something else to work, then it comes WITH the dedicated servers.

    "Until we migrate on dedicated servers, we are left with the way we have been handling disconnections for over a year"

    Notice the "We are left with", do you really think they'd say that if they had an alternative option?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Oh my god, do you even take in any information at all?

    when dedicated servers come they will change the way they handle dc bans.

    until then, they're left with the way it is.

    just because you see 30 people DC doesn't mean its the same people and it doesn't mean that others aren't being punished.

    additionally, no one knows what the percentage is so you can't just "game" it.

    They stated in their last blog post that they upped the threshold because the game kept crashing and it is now back to it's normal percentage.

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    Yo i stopped using addons because of DCs a LONG time ago, i think that the last time i used something for other reason than trolling was about two years ago, trust me, when the official servers come up, i'll be WELL EQUIPPED for AGES!

    I have plenty of ebony moris on every killer, a bunch of ultra rares and very rare addons for everyone and almost hundreds of commons, uncommons and rare addons for most killers.

    There will be PAIN and i'll feast on that for good!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    My bad, I wasn't reading thoroughly because of how annoying this DCing problem is.

    Regardless, I can only hope it gets fixed, cause... why would anyone want to keep playing Killer because of this tbf.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    True true, but when I prestige Spirit I won't have this stuff so... I just want to use it you know? I can't when people just DC by the truckloads because of it.

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    If you are wasting before pretige and you gonna lose them anyways, why bother then? I also do the same, i use all my addons and offerings before i get 1.000.000 BPs and then prestige. (I mean, if i reach the max BPs, i prestige and lose all the addons before using them)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Well yeah i'll lose them but, I won't get to use them with my BP offering if they just rot from a 4 man DC.

    When I prestige, I use all the good stuff before Prestigeing that means the best add-ons and with those i'll use streamers/pudding.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I agree, it's annoying but nothing is or can hurry them up.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I guess i'll have to slog through this till its fixed.

    I still don't agree that THAT is how this should be done (By that I mean leaving us to suffer till summer) but nothing can be done at the snap of your fingers either.

    So I guess we'll just have to wait...

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Weird... I wonder if this happens more in the higher ranks.

    I've been playing killer more and I don't see the disconnects that much. I get them the odd time but not that much.

    I play around the rank 14 and 13 area.. so I'm not squeezing a turd out every match which might be the reason higher ranks are ditching more often.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Sadly we have to just deal with it until dedicated servers.

    Apparently they lowered the threshold for DCs but even still It's a very high threshold to reach and they don't look into DC reports at all so players can ruin games over and over for everybody with no punishment in place.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2019

    It happens more at higher ranks imo.

    The people in red ranks have really large ego's. If they went down it's because of something that wasn't fair and wasn't their fault. There's absolutely no chance it was because they were outplayed. They DC on their first down or because they're salty they will DC to give hatch.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    This is exactly the reason why dcing needs a timed out policy rather than banning and also why the matchmaking and deranking needs fixed asap.

    Why people can't just take a loss or play with what they are matched with? Anything in the game is fair but some like to try and pick what they want.

    This is why some players never get better agaisnt some killers as they refuse to verse them, I understand your frustration and I have taken many breaks when the game gets to me in such ways.

    Sometimes it's just time to play something else for a while, I recently reinstalled borderlands 2 for another play through as free weekends are good for the game sales but can be a nightmare when trying to get a good match.

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    You have a fair build at that Rank.

    Sorry about your DC's.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784
    edited May 2019

    DC's are a huge problem right now, there's no disagreeing with that.

    BUT I will play slight devil's advocate and say that Prayer Beads is a pretty BS addon.

    Regardless of that though people still are DCing over anything and everything.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited May 2019




    Kind of face is the Spirit making there?

    Reminds me of Troll face.

  • SolidusPrime
    SolidusPrime Member Posts: 39

    Come back down to medium ranks. Matches are 10x more fun and I don't even remember the last time someone DC'd.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    As I told in other post, I can't understand why you can finish the ritual within a match, DC and the ritual is still completed

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    I'm assuming repeat dcers are probably not having fun with the game either. Dbd has turned into a very toxic community and experience. It won't be too long before there is nothing left but trolls to troll the trolls.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Actually even with the Dedicated servers they won't be able to fix the problem quickly. Wish I could find the Dev quote (this was quite awhile ago) were they said DS (oh god I just realized the abbreviation is horrifying ^.^) will help make more accurate responses but that it still won't eliminate the problem. I don't know why they haven't implemented a time system already as there are plenty of Peer to Peer fighting games that have disconnect punishments involving a timer.

    A solution already exist even without the DS but I don't know anything with the inner workings at BHVR to explain why they are taking the rout we are currently on.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I can agree that the systems foundation would make things difficult for those wrongly hit with punishment. I hope things become stable with the implementation of the DSs and I know they have already spoken heaps on future developments on this subject.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    hard punish is the best you can do. They need to take a lession. Believe me Dc´s would be stop, cause ppl are not interest to get banned.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    In a way yes and no.

    DCing is just an instant "Oh, so i'll just leave my team to rot and not care" and they automatically just know they'll get away with it and move onto the next match.

    Literally had matches during that night where people know they can get away with it, and continue to do so because they know how to play the system.

    As for suicide on the hooks its basically the same except it can encourage people to actually stay and survive some more. It gives the Killer points for hooking and if the Survivor feels like it they can have a change of heart during it.

    While as for DCing, its just an instant "Bye, have fun in your 3 v 1/2 v 1/1 v 1" and not care in the slightest.


    Its basically the same thing, just leaving your team for dead because you're egotistical to handle being downed first, found first, outplayed, out-cheesed, etc.

    I never DC, and its only when the game forces you to (By that I mean game freezes, etc) and I take the beating till the end which ever side i'm on. Why can't they huh?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @CallMeSpidey People claim that having prayer beads made them DC, while for that instance is true. I've played many matches during that night and I've even had 9 in a row where someone DC'ed at least once (Mostly it was twice or more) and the add-ons were decent with that same build.

    What i'm trying to say is, the build is decent for what I used. But we will have people saying that because of the add-ons in that picture that I "deserved the DCs"

    Literally have a picture as the 7th comment or so on this post with an image of a match I had from that DC streak that was happening to me. And prayer beads wasn't there, but people still DC'ed.

    Crazy that add-ons are not the only reason people are DCing right? Like man... That's "unbelievable"

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    To do that i'd have to DC or just stand in a match till its over.

    DCing to lower my rank would defeat the entire purpose of the post, and the other option would take too long.

    This isn't even an option in my mind, as I don't agree with deranking in the first place. I know people are gonna say "omg look hes bragging that he thinks hes good" but I don't want to be in a rank that isn't on my skill set if you know what I mean?

    Red Rank has its potatoes, but green rank is literally boring.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Look at the next image I posted of the same issue, no Prayer beads there. And I stopped using the add-on after the first image I posted happened (Which people were DCing before that image also)

    And guess what? People still DC'ed. The Add-ons are not the main reason they're DCing, its because they think they can get away with it and I've had conversations with some of them that night saying that exact thing. "You think BHVR is going to ban me for this? Its not hard to get around this."

    And its sad that its true, and literally unfair.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
    edited May 2019

    This was multiple cases with The Legion as well, also think it was a useless contribute to their nerf.

    When it comes to everyone else, dcing because of an add on like what?

    all these reasons to dc lol

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Yes, the Legion has had a huge DC streak. But that's not the point of this post, people are DCing regardless of what killer, add-ons, perks, or players is shown before them.

    They do it because they know they'll get away with it if they do it in "moderation" these people are not stupid...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Sairek But you shouldn't HAVE to expect it dude, isn't that messed up?

    Why should we expect that "Oh, I bet because of the 10 matches where at least one person DC'ed that this one will have the same result too!" like no? That shouldn't be any of our mindsets, but it sadly is...

  • Sythalin
    Sythalin Member Posts: 280

    Given that 95% of my DCs are involuntary, this is concerning.

    OP, involuntary DCs have been affecting a LOT of people for several patches now, but don't worry, they're "looking into it" for 2 months now (aka just brushing it under the rug until dedicated).

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Your Spirit is looking cute though.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    @Peanits I pray that dedicated servers finds the solution, or I fear the worst for what happens without it...

    Its messed up that I have to expect this when I go back into the fray tonight, but I guess we're boned till then huh? It just gets... Overwhelming I guess...

    Despite this though, I still don't agree that we should be left to deal with it till then. But you can't rush progress sadly...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Sairek Either that, or the implementation of this would cause further issues through something else. I'm not ragging on BHVR, but there's a history of things not working correctly in this game when added.

    For now, we're stuck with cocky DCers that abuse the system to their hearts content.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    @Sythalin Regardless of what they say, I don't expect it to be fixed in the snap of their fingers.

    We're basically boned until something happens, and if its not done soon you'll expect a lot of people to drop off until it does.

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330

    DCing just because you don't want to play the match is unacceptable period. Whether its a killer, addons, map, you didn't get the perfect start, whatever. Unless something IRL comes up, don't queue for a game if you're gonna leave it

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    @ba_tetsuo Its funny because, I knew someone would make this argument. So I one upped them and stopped using those add-ons that I was trying to clean from my inventory before I P2'ed my spirit.

    Surprise, surprise... Still had DC's and it continued until 9 times in a row when a team finally stayed the entire match. Crazy, right? People actually stayed to play the game, what an amazing idea...

  • Sythalin
    Sythalin Member Posts: 280

    Not sorry, but I definitely read this as a "anti-abortion" argument:

    Abortion just because you don't want to have the kid is unacceptable period. Whether its #########, incest, broke condom, failed vasectomy, whatever. Unless it's life threatening, don't get pregnant if you're gonna abort it