What's the point of hooked survivors being able to reveal Ghostface

If looking at him on hook causes your own body to hide him and prevent reveals.
He also cant stalk through corns, but survivors can reveal u out of it
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I was just on a hook against a wall, it wouldn't detect him running right past me as the camera moved behind my body. It started making the noise RIGHT as he got behind my body then stopped instantly.
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Is this actually true? I went against a GF yesterday and couldn't reveal him in corn.
Otherwise I had fairly decent aim, in fact I find it somewhat easy to reveal him.
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If you are semi-good you can still camp with him.
And yes,its OP.
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This is not true.
Its actually the opposite.
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I don't really mind it anymore, yesterday I ran a gf with an ebony mori for 4 gens and he kept trying to go into stealth to camp me but I kept breaking him out, he then just kept hitting me on hook, other guys escaped though so I was happy.
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It is true, kept happening to me yesterday.
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The opposite happened to me today xD
I think it is just inconsistent as hell
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As Ghostface, if I picked up a downed Survivor while in Shrouded, I get pulled out by the guy wiggling on my back.
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I haven't been able to reveal looking through corn yet and I have tried multiple times. He has to be in between the rows for it to work, clear line of sight, but then he can stalk you as well.
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To settle an argument, corn behaves the same for both sides. It obstructs vision, and if enough of your vision is obstructed by it, you cannot reveal or stalk. This is the same for Myers, for example, and is necessary to prevent someone from staring through an entire corn field and gaining stalk/reveal progress without actually being able to see anything.
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It's ridiculous than hooked survivors can break your stealth, this is totally broken on open maps elevated positions.
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Reveal by hooked survivor makes sense, it prevents camping. By downed survivor, not so much.
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unless you want Ghostface to end up like Leatherface, i'd suggest dropping the whole hooked survivors shouldn't reveal argument.
Leatherface can't be balanced when his ability to camp a hook is the strongest of any killer. If Ghostface could have a free Insidious to prevent BT when standing in front of the hook, you'd see a lot of calls to action, and you know what happened to Legion...
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Say you’re kidnapped and taken to an abandoned building and your friends come to rescue you and you see the kidnapper with a knife hiding behind some boxes. As your friends approach he is ready to lunge. Wouldn’t you scream: watch out, the madguy is hiding there!? It sounds logic :P
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Don't bring logic into an argument when a survivor staring a generator can somehow have 360° vision.
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It seems to me that you never watched The Exorcist :(
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Hooked survivors have a giant metal hook through their chest, "Someone get me outta here" is all they are thinking about. If anything seeing your friend on a hook, should be a further diversion for a stealthy Killer to use to get closer to other targets.
I think a buff to Killer stealth should be implemented when around a hooked survivor.
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I think it is fine if hooked survivors break the stealth IF the killer is in front of the hook and the survivors face. If the killer is out of about a 90 to 120 degree cone in front of the hook. Hooked survivors should not be able to break GF stealth.
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That might be too precise with how the camera is, especially since they're still working on how detection works as is. Until they squash out the bugs, it might not be feasible.
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You can still get far away to hide and sometimes catch people going for the save. I had fun hiding near the abandoned gens while people were making saves and popping out on them when they got back.
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Once again camping Killers want to abuse a stealth ability. There has to be some sort of counter-play and this is it.