Bots/Ai For New Players

Bots are something I believe should be implemented for Ranks 20-17 so they have an easier time getting a feel for the game all while not having their experience ruined or cause nerfs that effect all ranks.
Eliminates smurfing for brand new players. Smurfing (experienced players making new accounts) happens a lot in the game and ultimately causes players to call for nerfs or even quit the game entirely not giving it a second chance. Players who attempt to smurf will be playing with a bot so unless they find satisfaction beating an easy bot, players who smurf won’t have any real motive except for bloodpoints.
Balance the bot. Not the killers or survivors. If a player is still struggling with bots the devs can easily tweak the killers to lose survivors more, miss attacks, use minimal mind games, and use the power less. For survivors they could fast vault at random (giving away their position), slow vault in a chase, hide in obvious lockers, and throw down pallets early. However make the bots smarter as players rank up so they will be forced to adapt.
Creates a motive for new players to stay. Once a player gets a feel for the game and understands the mechanics they will be able to play against real people. Giving one of DBD’s quotes “Real people, real fear - Face off against the most dangerous of opponents: real players” a meaning.
Is this far fetched? Yes. But it’s something I’d like to share with the devs that will hopefully be implemented to improve on the early ranks and not affect higher ranks so much :)
That's so boring though.
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Click the 'Play Killer' option in the main menu. You are now a bot. Enjoy! >: )
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Could it be possible? Sure. But there's a couple things to consider.
1) It would be a ton of work for it to work well, and only a small number of people would use it. Time would probably be better spent on features everyone could enjoy.
2) It wouldn't really be a good way for people to learn. Computers can't think like people. (e.g. If I loop around a rock a couple times, a human killer still knows that I'm there. An AI might go, "Golly, I haven't seen him in a while, guess I lost him.")
3) They would likely still have a hard time switching to live games, where people know how to mindgame.
It's not a terrible idea, but it would have to be worth the time invested into making it work.
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For me it would be perfect. Kinda a mod that I could finally chill.
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It would be nice if it was implemented in KYF. It would be nice to have an option to fill a lobby. Queue times are extremely long for me at times and I am in Pennsylvania. This way you could test things even if the AI was a basic implementation of a survivor. It could also lead to some funny 'bugs'.
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Well if those features are more cosmetics, I'll pass. I would also like something different. A new mode, or 2vs8, some type of change that's also permanent. I'm burnt out on cosmetics and same mode everytime. Cosmetics are just for LOOKS, they serve zero purpose really.
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You will never have to stop saying that because people will continue to believe they are somehow the same 😂 logic and reasoning don’t matter here
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i honestly wish we could play kyf matches without other players, it would let us practice some things without havin to wait for a match each time
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Definitely a lot of work I took that into consideration. Mainly think bots would be good to help reduce the “devs only nerf around rank 20s” statement and get rid of smurfing because that’s honestly what happened to me and I didn’t want to come back but my friend convinced me luckily. 🤣
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About 2.)
The thing is you always try to implement the smartest ai you can, and for a lower difficulty you will just let them make (stupid) mistakes. So you could e.g. set a timer, depending on the scratchmarks/ line of sight and make it like "Oh I haven't seen that survivor for 20/40/60 seconds, let's stop that chase"
Or "There were no scratchmarks for X seconds, I think the survivor got away"
The other thing would be to just let the AI cheat, because I'm sure you use a coordinate system and the AI is able to know the position of each player (for higher difficulties). This could be developed to an own game-mode beneath ranked games.
For me I have only written an AI for a Worms game, but it should not be that much harder for dbd, you just have way more options to consider, so it's not harder just more of the same things.