SWF is cheating

Specifically using third party chat. Including Ps4/XBones party chat options.

It is not fair, or balanced. It is frustrating, and survivors acting toxic makes it even worse.

It's like playing with 5 extra perk slots. Full totem knowledge, always know where the killer is, full gen awareness, hatch location, etc.

It's easy mode for survivors, and it's 100% cheating. The devs have said as much in the past.

My solution.

Any chat third party software detected means no lobby for you. Bypassing this is a perma-ban.

More survivor emots for better FAIR communication.

Add an icon above survivors heads in the lobby that lets the killer know they are SWF. (The killer should have the option to avoid toxicity)

Killers get double BP for playing against SWF. This not only gives incentive for killers to play against SWF, but it makes dealing with toxic jerks a little less BS.

A 1.5 second cooldown on the crouch button to finally stop toxic teabagging.

Clicking you flashlight more than two times within 0.8 seconds breaks your flashlight. Or a 0.8 second cooldown on clicking the flashlight.



  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Making survivor names insvisible in the lobby would solve swf problem a little bit because randoms would not team up, but you can't stop people from playing with friends because they would give up and play civ.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Maybe that's a good thing. Flush the toilet, and let the clean water flow in.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    LOL!!!!!!! okay, any solo surv can message anyone, even if they don't except chat, you can send a message via friends and there you can tell people about things that is going on, sure it takes longer, but going in a locker one can do it, so isn't that cheating too? or using a mobile? that IS cheating too

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Just literally had 5 matches in a row SWF, and got my ass kicked every time. Each team practically had tool boxes, BT, MOM, Adrenaline, Insta-heals,OoO, and sprint burst. Clearly they we're using mics too So, how do you counter that I guess is my question. I'm not complaining, but I would like a seriously rational explanation on how in the hell to counter that? And [bad word] your get good and play better. I'm trying with what I've got!

  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    Think of a better solution, you're the ones who develop the game! Killers have been complaining about SWF and party chat for months and have every right too. It is so unbalanced and anyone who tries denying it is a fool.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Looks like voice chat isn't cheating after all. I Still think it's unfair. something should be done about it. something fair for both sides. Something Reasonable, and practical.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Yeah, me and my friends like to mess around and sometime we don’t be all get away or none of us get away. I like playing this game more with friends than without.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Yeah, people are always going to find ways to taunt the other side. Getting tilted by teabagging is exactly what your opponent wants you to do, so that you play worse. Just let it roll off your back, abandon the chase if you're not getting anywhere productive, and try to focus on someone else.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    The beckon emote means nothing. "come at me bro" is a lot different than "hahaha FU trash baby killer look at how good i am suck my D". Followed by a swift disconnect after you down them, or hate mail after they escape.

    I want more emots. I don't think it's too much to ask for a little forced sportsmanship.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Honestly, the best way to counter SWF on voicecomms, is by playing strong killers, like Nurse, Spirit, Hag, Billy, etc etc. They are strong against solos, but balanced against SWF. Its sad that we cant play our favourite killer at high ranks, only because they happen to fall short on the balancing, but thats the reality we live in. Devs creating a game around limited communication, and then introducing a mode that encourages full communication.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    @Chickenchaser I dunno what to tell you; poor sportsmen will always find a way. Always try to remind yourself that it's not your fault they're acting like jerks, and you cannot control their actions or their attitudes. For my part, unless someone was doing some exceptionally gross facecamping or outright exploiting or something, I will at minimum drop a "gg" in chat regardless of how I performed.

    As to the really awful ones who, immediately in endgame chat, start in with all the "GG EZ EZ EZ BABY KILLER UNINSTALL TRASH" stuff... well, remember what my wife tells me: This video game is probably all those people have in life.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    That's a direct quote from a toxic survivor i've met about his thoughts on teabagging. so it's not just from my head. and i've got more examples from more toxic survivors. So it's not like it's a one time thing from one toxic survivor.

    More emotes would give you the option to use something other than a middle finger to distract the killer. Maybe a fake injury animation, or something cool. Teabagging has always been a symbol for disrespect, and toxicity in MP games. Without exception.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    sometimes you just get outplayed, if theyre better theyre better, also you can just camp

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Read the thread. i've acknowledged coms isn't cheating. However it is still unfair. It's fine if you want to dismiss the topic. But might I suggest you ignore these topics sense you're so bored by them? I'm new to these forums, but I've been playing DBD for 2 years at red ranks. I haven't said anything anywhere until just recently. I've adapted. That doesn't mean I can't point out unbalanced aspects of my favorite game.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    It's good that you can predict the future so precisely you know what the devs will do, and what my reaction would be to new toxic behavior. You wouldn't have the loto numbers by any chance?

    And you explained teabaggings toxic history. Instantly throwing your argument away.


  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    It seems like you are just trying to vent and stomp your feet about how you think the developers should try to police behavior that you can't get over. Not everything can be fixed by a game mechanic (like it's been said here, poor sportsmen will just find some other way to taunt).

    You have to remember that it's another human on the other end, and they might be taking out their bad day on you, or they're just out to be a jerk for kicks. You really ought to work on how you react to those kinds of situations. They do not affect your life beyond the present moment of whatever specific match you're playing, and this kind of behavior also doesn't take away your ability to reason out a better attack plan than just CHASE THIS JERK RIGHT NOW.

    It is not worth getting as worked up over it as you are in this thread, especially because that is exactly what these stupid players want to see.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,523

    Give them a "trash survivors need SWF to escape" in the end game chat and watch the toxic survivor's rage build.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2019

    I don’t know why the devs just don’t close threads like this one. Same with “ goodbye” threads. This is why these type of threads are against the rules in other games.

    Make a FAQs put it on there, close the thread and ban for creating new ones. It’s pointless to even argue SWF. It’s not going anywhere. Toxic people exist on both sides. Just because you’re soloing doesn’t mean the killer will be much nicer to you.

    Post edited by Johnny_XMan on
  • AsheruSwiftwind
    AsheruSwiftwind Member Posts: 156

    As a killer main I always enjoy a good challenge of SWF. Yes there are the toxic groups out there but there are other groups that are good fun challenges. Just the other day I had a 4 player SWF group that was 2 rank 4's 1 rank 5 and a rank 17 VS my rank 13 killer. After a very solid game I ended up with a 4k and two followers on my Twitch channel because both sides enjoyed the game very much. Not all SWF groups are bad and honestly its not cheating to want to play with your friends. Just learn from how the SWF works together and keep at it you can beat them it just takes more work on your side but it feels that much better when you do.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    This is why I think killers should be given an option to toggle what level of SWF they're willing to play with. They know what they're getting into, and they should be able to earn a blood point bonus as a reward for accepting greater difficulty. Because let's face it, the larger the SWF team, in general, the greater the difficulty. 

    Here's an idea I posted on a different thread a while back in regards to the options killers should be able to choose from:

    • Solos: Normal Bloodpoints
    • SWF 2: +50% Bloodpoints to all categories, awarded post-game on match results screen. (Possible to have 2 SWF teams of 2)
    • SWF 3: +75% Bloodpoints to all categories, awarded post-game on match results screen.
    • SWF 4: +100% Bloodpoints to all categories, awarded post-game on match results screen.

    Your match will include your selected option OR LOWER. If you choose SWF 4, you may end up with SWF 2 and 2 solos, but you still earn the 100% bonus because you were willing to take an SWF 4. 

    If you lobby dodge, you will be limited to only playing Solos for 15 minutes. This makes sure people don’t choose SWF 4 and then shop around for easier groups. The 15 minute punishment does NOT apply if you leave a lobby after waiting 4 minutes without a complete roster.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Yes. ban everything you don't agree with. That's how you solve problems.

    I don't want SWF to "go anywhere". My recommended solution might be flawed to some of you, but that doesn't mean something better can't be thought up.

    The fact that you're all saying how many times you've heard other people complain about SWF should be a red flag to at least some of you. That alone should be enough to try and find a solution.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Take a break or try a different killer. If I'm in a bad mood I like to run Dr. Worldwide (Double Calm addons, Overcharge, Distressing, Unnerving, and BBQ/Coulrophobia/Franklins/Dying Light/Sloppy Butcher/etc.) with a Jigsaw Piece and 3-gen the survivors into submission.

    Franklin's counters instaheals being used mid-chase.

    Mettle Of Man is nowhere near as bad as it used to be. I've never seen it proc once post-nerf (IMHO it was nerfed too hard but the perk was basically a free extra health state + OoO for cross-map teabags against M1 killers for playing the game. Absolutely crazy with Dead Hard, Deliverance/Adrenaline, Decisive Strike and an instaheal) but pre-nerf I liked to use One Punch Freddy (Freddy with Save The Best For Last, Play With Your Food, Monitor & Abuse, and Rancor) to insta-gib the Meta Of Man user after ignoring him for 99% of the match. Bypasses all their perks and items. Otherwise I used to bring a Mori for Ash Williams.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    They never said that using voice programs was cheating in that stream. They just admitted that voice communication would destroy the balance of the game and give survivors too much of an advantage so they didn't want it in the game.

  • DjZachyZach2
    DjZachyZach2 Member Posts: 2

    It's not cheating though it's just playing a game and talking with your friends in a party

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