SWF is cheating



  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,003

    SWF is an ingame feature

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    "His Ruin is by the Killer shack, go get it", "He put a Bear Trap outside the window in building (Ironworks map). Nobody need Small Game when one person saying it lets EVERYONE know where EVERYTHING is.

    "He's over by the gen near the Killer shack" One person sees the Killer, Everyone knows where the Killer is.

    "He's walking right toward the Gen you're on" Don't have to be a genius to know he's looking in your direction.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    Teabagging I normally laugh at. Clicking the flashlight I tunnel out. It just works: You can't click it dead with less than 3k points.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    After originally posting this I would be concerned if this were just closed as it obviously has had great feedback.

    Some of the feedback has been poor with template deal with it or get better, others don't seem to read the original post or are replying to other comments but this isn't swf it is swf and 3rd party comms it was never about punishing people who used it rather that it is being used and whether it is just to chat for fun it gives a great advantage to them. I should mention there has been some great ideas basically as knowing who is swf or only playing solos solos.

    Stats have been throw around which BHVR only know which is detrimental imo but thank you for the quotes and links from @Peanits posts. While restrictions can be set you can't fully ensure there isn't swf comms.

    Whilst technical I am able to reasonably able to identify SWFs and there is a huge percentage that play, likely work comms.

    2 SWFs shouldn't be taken lightly as once killed they can spectate other players and keep feeding information, eg "go to basement as the random is there and can heal you." The amount of times someone will say it's ghostface and the survivors will be extra vigilant.

    Survivors don't want killers a choice to be able to choose swf limits as they are already concerned about survivor queues times (reduction of players willing to play killer). This, and not knowing who is swf indicates a problem involving balance.

    Swf comms is no matter how slight is gaining an advantage over your opponent, in my eyes and others is cheating and whilst understandable to do and goes against the core design of being alone without that information of playing the game. The swf fan base is huge which brings BHVR income, but speaking with friends is also fun with a happier result at the end.

    Satisfying those two needs it should not be forgot about this huge imbalance as swf mainly with comms need to have a killer who will enjoy the game, without this there will only be a few killers viable they will keep facing and killer numbers reducing with wait times increasing the game dies.

    Lets see what happens as BHVR have made great efforts but hearing about the Ruin nerf but not addressing core game times with unviable distances on maps for certain killers/god loops/map design/gen speeds...

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