Since no one escapes death has been increased, it has become really too cheat in addition to the end game, which gives (still...) the advantage to the killer, impossible to go out with noed, endgame, very short time, and to finish the limit doors side by side, it is better to get under the hook and give yourself free to the killer, it disgusts a lot (most players).




Depuis que personne n'échappe à la mort a était augmenté, c'est devenue vraiment trop cheat en plus du end game, qui donne (encore ...) l'avantage au killer, impossible de sortir avec noed, endgame, temps très cours, et pour finir les porte limite cote a cote, autant se mettre sous le crochet et se donner gratuitement au killer, cela dégoûte énormément (la majorité des joueur).


  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    You realize to cheat is to break the rules of a game in order to win. What rules does NOED break/

  • saculfed
    saculfed Member Posts: 11

    Simply, break the totems. Isn't hard and you will disable the perk permanently. I can't see the 'broken' or 'cheated' thing. One of a survivor tasks is to clean totems.

  • StunningTub
    StunningTub Member Posts: 2

    As everyone else has stated, Noed can be easily countered by breaking all the totems on the map. It is not in anyway counted as "cheating" in the TOS.

    PS. The main reason so many killers run this perk is to counter Adrenaline, as nearly every survivor uses it.

  • jiwix
    jiwix Member Posts: 64

    impossible je loop ^^ je peux pas faire les totem et tourner avec le killer ^^

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    I escaped with everyone 8 times out of 10 tonight with the killer using NOED.

    Cleanse totems.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Or just spend a minute extra in-game before the generators are fixed to hunt for some dull totems. Seriously, why are people making out NOED to be such a huge deal?

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    There are these beautiful items called Maps, if you can't find/use a Rainbow Map, use the regular one with the Red Twine add on.

    Boom, NoEd countered.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    @se0539, @Shad03.And you could counter old MoM hitting again, and was reworked.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @prayer_survivor that would be the equivalent of saying to counter NOED by not getting hit.

    Breaking totems is a REAL counter, not like that "counter" to MoM. The perk doesn't activate and so the Killer won't get the benefit out of it.

    Other examples of similar counters are:

    Not healing inside the TR (for Nurses calling), slugging DS users, breaking literally any hex totem for the Hex perks, hopping in a locker for BBQ (not being in the direction the Killer is looking would be a fake counter), baiting out dead hard (swinging twice is the fake counter), gen tapping to counter regression, ect ect ect.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    ... I didn't complain about MoM before, and even then, it screwed me over a couple of matches before it's nerf. Have you ever gotten to the End Game and EVERY survivor had MoM active?

    No, or else you wouldn't be saying that horse [Bad Word]. The Rework is a bit more fair, since you gotta work for that (yOU hAd tO sURvIVe cHAsES, no, you didn't.) And now MoM is something I don't care about again, so, oh well?

    NoEd can be countered before it's active at all, I know, because I've done it several hundred times in Solo matches. By using maps.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    This is bait.