In general, I see it's useless to argue with you, you immediately go into a defensive position, after all, the OP is right for me she needs a nerf
Then the killer loses his uniqueness, let the dog vault, I'm not against it, but he shouldn't immediately grab the survivor, there should be a redirect so that the killer predicts the direction of the survivor (skilled play), but there is no skill if he grabs immediately after 0.5s, in some loops a vault is required to be…
Very killer sided post. Well OP never plays as a soloq surv in mid-high mmr where killers max dirty with broken builds. All those killers you are mentioned deserved some kind of nerfs (except Wraith), and looping 30+ killers is a lil too much for survivors, where as a killer you can main 1 killer and don't be stressed…
It's also should show us anon players names, mmr too. DBD mobile already has that
just chill honey, don't take it too serious, if they wanna cry about it then let them
So true just like a Doc preventing you from save by m2 spam
Unfortunatly she can hit from miles with dog now, it's all thanks to new Snugs vault speed, I do agree with OP that vault hits should be reworked, it's way too easy to hit with her now, literally brainoff m2 sim killer
if killer reveals survivors they should be notified about it like with weave or with hud like in 2v8, so we will stop thinking that killer has a wh
Useless perks, survivor can't have a good perks because killers will start whine about it, because if they can't 4k each match they are very upset… I personally want from devs to release 1 good/balanced perk each chapter for killer and survivor, 3 for survivor/killer is a lil too much since there is a lot of perks
wdym? game is killer sided, so if you don't get 4k each match then it's a problem that devs should solve? literally killer handholding post
GF is strong and not fair, especially on indoor maps, there is always a room to improve with any killer, you can't 4k at your first 10 matches, that's a logical thing…
yeah I want that option too, they can make survs quieter than but let us tone down music a bit
Devs, please make 2v8 available every day but limit it only 5-10 matches per day
Next complain will be about Sprint Burst, trust me, and one day they will ask to add 1 extra gen to complete because killer mains can't chase survivors and needs more basekit handholding stuff🤣. As usual only killer mains cry here about gen rush/looping, yet we survivors are not event whining about killer sided maps/op…
Broken effect should be time based, we are already spending so much time in basetment to get values from those invocation perks, make it 2 min at least not permanent, those invocation perks doesn't even have a strong effects, just a meh perks with more downsides
Same honey, it's easier to turn him now thanks to longer dash, I like to play as a killers who don't zoom around like it was with old Chucky, as a buff they can make cooldown 13s as a golden middle :)
Imagine saying this when each chapter killer have constant power changes, addon changes, perk changes, you are asking way too much from survivors especially from solos like me, killer should be nerfed so they are actually fun to vs with my fellow randoms and that's it! AND CHUCKY IS FINE RN I PLAYED HIM, SO STOP IT HE…
Very true my dear, killer mains here don't want to adapt because they wanna brainoff m2 power that allos them to get free hits and plus they don't forget to insult survs (especially soloq) by saying if you can't learn to play against 30+!!! (that's a lot on survs shoulders) killer then it's your problem because only my fun…
enjoy your 20k bps from match then since there is no chase
imagine forcing survivors to learn every little counterplay for 30+ killers, predict their addons, stop turning this game into super comp game!
true reveal thing needs a good rework, because it's unfair when nothing happens when directly stared at him, other things are fine, also 99 stalking should also not exist it's not fair to get 1 hit out of nowhere
He is fine, just need more skills to play now, not a brainoff m2 power with always free hit
no it's fine, they can nerf lithe if they make all killers more loopable (by nerfing their strong anti-loop powers) and not op against soloq
True such a boring addon to play against, how huntress players finds it fun to play with? You just stomp survs out of nowhere and hit them for free and it's not a skill, just a brainoff gameplay
Yeah they need to rework boring/annoying killers to make them fun to vs
True he is busted and very annoying to play against, especially when he plays with strong addons, it becomes a nightmare every loop is unsafe just as overtuned Houndmaster
I do agree, lets hope they change that, and also shocking survs should not prevent hook saves, some dirty Doc players spams m2 to prevent unhooking by proxy camping with range addons
If they are gonna buff her then directional sound should be clearer so survivors have a chance for some counterplay
True, revealing is broken, insta down out of nowhere is really annoying, I do agree that stalking progress should go down after some time similar to Trickster. Btw, he kills solo survivors easily since there is no communication
So you hate soloq survivors, pointless thread
So true, I played him a few matches and he is not that bad, killer mains just didnt get used to it now, because they love killers who guaranteed 80% hits which 0 skill and brainoff gameplay, now Chucky needs some skills to get deserved hits, for me he was like current (buffed) Houndmaster where is you are guaranteed to get…
He is fine and balanced to play against now, not broken and unfun anymore
As a killer player I can just main one killer y'now, while as a surv I have to learn how to counter 30+killer, predict their addons too, that's too much for survivors especially for casuals\soloq players (apparently only killer mains whines here if u were soloq main you would be happy about this new change) so ofc we wanna…
he is giga buffed now and it was a mistake for me, no value from Lithe or Sprint, just another broken anti-loop killer with crazy mobility…
Then why I should run Sprint Burst to not get value from it?? Especially as a soloq with no comms
Okay play Pig then, she is more fun to vs than this "invisible" killer, or l2p with his new speed instead of whining on a 100% right dev decision, I hate that he could counter my Sprint Burst/Lithe thanks to insane 10m/s speed
But he cover more distance now than before, so it's like mobility+stealth, he is fine killer mains will used to it
No, it was recently when he had a 12 second cooldown
I do play with him too, but its no longer brainless m2 power simulator thanks to insane speed that even faster than blight which can't hug tech anymore, nerf deserved now we will use his power more stratigacally and in skilled manner
True, just something to end my misery when 2v1
What nonsense are you talking about? T-bagger can be easily interrupted as a killer if you push them out\chase them, but as a surv you simply have to watch this mockery, in shooters you can easily take revenge on the offender, but here you can't!
true he is harder to blind, broken killer since release
He can't control his dash in some loops where Chucky can, devs nerfed him for good, glad they don't listen so much to tons of similar suggestion from killer mains that wants an ez win with busted Chucky
I'm glad there will be fewer Chucky players now, I remember one day I played against 5 Chuckys in a row, it was so annoying
Deserved nerf, soloq can't handle him, he is small, stealth on demand, have 3rd person to deal with most loops 8m/s is more than fair
Because this game is killer sided, and devs always buff killers perks…
That nerf was deserved he was too strong, and his m2 is crazy when he has 100+ ping allowing hits from miles, also having 3rd person helps him a lot, so nerf was fine, devs great job don't listen too much to killer mains please, solo survs like me exists!
Nope it's fine, he is already small, have 3rd person view that can be a great advantage in some loops, with more speed he can hit from miles especially with a bad ping, so please don't change it
Ranged killers/Knight/Doctor has no problems in Game map, it's fine, a lot of pallets because that map is small