I can give some context for both of these. For Inner Focus, some folks discovered that by running Perks like Plot Twist, a coordinated group could repeatedly lose a health state and heal each other while a Survivor is being chased, granting them essentially permanent aura reading on the Killer. While creative, it's not the…
We take note of the feedback they give the same as we would for any other language. The key points get combined with the feedback from all around the world and shared with the appropriate teams. The same goes for all other forms of feedback too, including forum & social media posts; everyone's opinion is equally valid even…
I can't really give a definitive answer here, but there very well could be more than is shown here. We try to show everything we can, but sometimes things get shuffled around and new things added. So while this is the up to date roadmap for now, there's always a chance for surprises.
To set expectations, I can confirm that this is not old Freddy returning.
In this case, it's simply because the updates have gotten too big for this roadmap format and there's not enough room to squeeze everything in there. We'd like to show everything in the future, but didn't have the time to come up with a brand new layout this time around. We'll share the full list with all the details in…
These two have been postponed until a later update.
For a bit of context, we typically try to avoid setting movement speeds to unusual numbers like 4.5m/s. It's not a hard rule and there are some exceptions, like Killers who aren't meant to chase without using their Powers, but we try not to deviate from it unless we have a good reason to. A big part of this is that the…
Bingo. Conspicuous actions are tied to the interactions specifically, not a change in health states, and recovering and healing are two separate actions. Healing is considered a conspicuous action and recovering is not.
Hey folks, we appreciate all of you who have shared your thoughts so far! I just wanted to hop in really quick as ask you to please share any feedback you have in the Reddit thread as well if you haven't already. Opinions often differ from one platform to another, so I'd really encourage you to make sure your voice is…
It's assumed that if you're trying to avoid the Killer, you would get off the generator and hide somewhere nearby when you hear them approaching.
Others have beat me to it, but I can confirm what has already been said. With no generators left to patrol and the gates already open, there's no practical reason for the Killer to leave the hook and it would be incredibly risky for them to do so. If the Survivor gets unhooked, you're unlikely to catch them or a different…
For full transparency, tying it to generator repairs is not something we're considering at this time. One of the main intentions behind the change to Distortion was to ensure that Survivors using it don't go the entire match without ever interacting with the Killer - or at the very least, if they do manage it, that it's…
I can confirm this is not a bug. The Endurance from Off the Record protects them from the next damage that would down them. If they are fully healed, it is intended for the first hit to injure them, the second hit to give them deep wounds, and the third hit to down them. They would need another Survivor to heal them for…
First off, thank you to everyone who took the time to leave feedback! 30 seconds in chase per token is a little steep, so we'll be adjusting Distortion's recharge time to 15 seconds per token in an upcoming patch. This should make it a little easier to get your tokens back after you've been found.
Don't worry, we're investigating just in case!
it's niche enough that I don't expect BHVR will do something about it. PLOT TWIST! I'm here to confirm that this is not intended. Skill checks related to Killer powers are typically exempt from Perks. We're going to look into this.
To confirm, Bloodpoint Incentives have not been changed. The incentive you see is personalized to you and is based on what is needed most in your region & skill level at that moment. The lower the bonus, the closer the queue is to being evenly distributed.
It does not. Corrective Action is purely to prevent other people's missed skill checks.
It takes additional work to add each Killer to 2v8 in order to ensure that their powers work correctly. The first time around, we focused on the 5 Killers that are available to everyone for free so everyone could experience the mode fully. These next few Killers are ones which take less time to implement, allowing us to…
Corrective Action no longer works with the build you're thinking of since it turns missed skill checks into good skill checks, not greats. This would provide no additional progress to the generator.
It starts with one token, and yes the duration is still increased to 12 seconds.
We've reverted the movement speed change and condensed some of the HUD icons to clean it up. These just weren't mentioned in the post for the sake of length since they were very minor changes and had very little discussion compared to other topics during the PTB.
I can confirm that a token recharges over the course of 30 seconds while chased. They do not recharge immediately.
Hopefully soon! I don't have a date to share since we're looking to share it as soon as it's ready, but it is already well underway.
We have a bundle of tweaks planned for him in the not too distant future and will share more details when it's closer. We're also preparing an updated roadmap to give you a better idea of when you can expect them, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
This already exists! The outfits in the Artists from the Fog collection are all designed by artists from the community. Beyond that, there's more than enough winners from past contests to fill out a collection on their own. Turning one of these designs into cosmetics you can actually wear is a long process and is way…
Mori offerings no longer grant the ability to mori Survivors in the middle of a match, but Perks like Devour Hope or Rancor do still allow you to kill additional Survivors.
Correct! Your health state would not matter.
Not quite. The old Buckle Up protected both the healer and the person who was healed, meaning when paired with For the People, you could run in, instantly pick someone up, and both of you would be safe thanks to the Endurance. We're Gonna Live Forever only protects the person who was picked up - the healer would still be…
The intended behaviour for Distortion is that it would recharge when a chase starts, not continually refresh while you're being chased. So in this case, unless you reveal their aura in some other way during the chase, it would counter Predator. Though Predator would leave them defenseless against any other aura reading…
To clarify, Distortion recharges by being chased. It's not active only while you're being chased. For example, Distortion can block your aura from being revealed by BBQ, then it deactivates. The next time you're chased, it will reactivate and stay active until it blocks your aura from being revealed again.
As a fellow ancient alpha/beta player, I can confirm that no such item existed. Is it possible you were thinking of Saboteur? It would similarly make a loud noise notification and was pretty powerful at the time (leaving hooks permanently sabotaged). It's the closest thing I can think of that fits the description.
Not instead, our regular pre-PTB Developer Update is still happening later this week as always. These stats are just a fun bonus.
The short answer would be that it varies from one Killer to another. The longer answer is that it typically follows a logarithmic curve where you gain rating more quickly at the beginning and that growth slows with each match played. There isn't really a definitive point where you settle. As your rating becomes more…
If you're referring to the cosmetics at the end of that video, it's worth noting that there are two versions of them: A generic version that everyone owns. The original version that is visually identical, but has a special artifact rarity. It's totally normal to have the generic versions, but the artifact version could…
I can confirm that there is no new map coming with this Chapter or for Lights Out. Lights Out uses a rotation of existing maps. You would normally see the castle in the distance whenever the Killer is The Dark Lord, but it's not accessible and it may be a wee bit hard to see in the dark.
The description text is currently bugged, but the actual effects of the add-on have not changed. It is still a 50% recovery speed increase.
For transparency, there are Add-On changes as well! We typically don't list them out in these posts to keep the length down, but everything that's changing will be in the patch notes.
These are live now! We'll be posting news about them shortly.
Others have beat me to it, but it's intended for direct hits to be insignificant for The Unknown and this is not something that we're looking to change at this time. This was done to a) encourage use of the blast zone & ricochet effects, and b) to differentiate this power from other ranged Killers. If you're after meaty…
Yes, your progress will be transferred regardless of which platform you play on. This even includes unlocking unique perks via prestiging a DLC character. For example, if you own The Trickster on your Switch but not on Steam, and you prestige The Trickster to unlock his unique perks, you'll have access to those perks on…
Lucky for you were lurk here often! 2v8 will return in the future after some iteration. We'd like to do some fine tuning and polishing before we consider the possibility making it permanent.
I can confirm that it is still happening, but the date listed there is incorrect. Our apologies for that mixup. You can expect it to begin tomorrow.
I understand what you're suggesting, and to some extent we agree, but if I could add to this: Trying out bold new things isn't free. Any change that we spend time programming, adding animation, art, SFX or any other work to that goes to the PTB and gets scrapped is time that is effectively wasted. That time could have gone…
We definitely don't want perks stepping on each other's toes, but I do want to take a second to clarify that Eyes of Belmont and Dark Sense do not do the same thing. Eyes of Belmont reveals the Killer as soon as a generator is completed. Dark Sense, meanwhile, activates when a generator is completed and only reveals the…
I can dispel this theory: No, the reason isn't Iridescent Shards. If you play enough to get every character with Shards, that's awesome and we're happy you enjoy the game enough to do so, we appreciate you just for playing. This isn't something we're worried about, that's why Iridescent Shards are there in the first place.…
It does have it, but I'm glad to hear it feels nice! To quickly touch on the question at the end, pretty much any casual game (or game with a casual queue) has some form of hidden MMR. Simply put, not having MMR it totally fine if you're a really good player, but it's absolutely brutal if you're on the lower end and…
This is a great question, and the answer to it is a little long and comes in a couple parts. The first is that releasing an update on all platforms requires us to send the update out for certification on each platform. This would add a pretty substantial delay before we can get it into your hands for testing, which in turn…
Undying still does this. Essentially the first Hex totem cleansed will always be Undying. Though Pentimento works a little differently. Any hexes that are cleansed are gone, Pentimento just rebuilds the totem and hexes it with Pentimento.
Chocolate_Cosmos beat me to it, but typically when we create a Killer with multiple powers, they each tend to be weaker or more situational to compensate. In this case, although he has three forms with their own abilities, there's a right time and a wrong time to use each one. The added flexibility of having various powers…