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  • If you don't camp then the hook timer is entirely inconsequential.... Keeping a survivor on the hook long enough to go to second stage shouldn't be the killers objective, outside of pressuring other survivors enough that they don't get the opportunity to go for the save.
  • Except for all those people with friends on other platforms who communicate via Discord etc. The point is to be able to invite to/join parties with them.
  • Scratched Mirror is the single most fun thing in the game.
  • Prove Thyself does stack, but so does the coop gen efficiency penalty: What this means is, if every survivor working on a gen has Prove Thyself, each stack is mitigated by the efficiency penalty, so you don't get increasing gen speeds. However if survivors are crouching next to the gen, they're giving you stacks of Prove…
  • Certain bloodpoint rewards, typically those you can't avoid accepting, will exceed the cap. But if your BP is above the 2mil cap you won't receive any more BP from matches.
  • Not one perk, but a killer perk format, designed to reward spreading hooks and dissuade tunneling: When a survivor is hooked for the first time, gain 1 token. When a survivor is killed or sacrificed, lose 1 token. Then the resulting effects for each individual perk: For each token, your movement speed is increased by 1%.…
  • You prepare an EMP ahead of time, ideally holding it while you work on a gen. After you get hit with a sac, use the EMP to both remove the sac and the biopod that gave it to you. You've just undone the killers power, and forced them to walk all the way back over to you in order to chase you off the gen and reset his pod.…
  • Survivor bots exist to give the remaining survivors a fighting chance. Otherwise it would be an instant 3v1 and the game would be lost. I do however think that in the unlikely event that ALL survivors DC, the killer should be given the option to end the game, immediately sacrifing all remaining survivor bots. After all,…
  • How about when I want to play a chill Mirror Myers games with random perks that usually affect my terror radius, and therefore am essentially playing a perkless, M1 killer with no chase potential, and I bring an indoor map offering just so gens don't fly by in 2 minutes? I play Chaos Shuffle for the fun of it, and for a…
  • Kinda both, it starts high and is angled down to the center at it's farthest point.
  • "Basekit Cypress Mori" was a common request as an alternative to the "Finisher Mori" they tested a while back. But they couldn't just implement that without also making changes to mori offerings that nobody asked for. There's frankly no reason to remove the additional options to mori from the Ivory and Ebony mori…
  • Some killers could be pretty annoying to play this way, but it might work out ok. But only if add ons aren't spent when used. It sucks having to grind out some of the rarer add ons and to have your small stock of them used up by chaos shuffle would be a pain in the ass. Offerings probably shouldn't be random, unless we go…
  • As someone who plays both roles, both scenarios are valid. Yes, I'm sure most survivors just want killers to not play like complete #########. For example I had a survivor game last night in Chaos Shuffle, a fun additional game mode with little real incentive for competition, in which one survivor had No Mither and another…
  • I've even been accused of cheating with wallhacks when I played Scratched Mirror Myers.
  • Exactly what I voted for too. As for survivors I went Adam, Gabe and Jake. Wasted votes because Sable's obviously going to win.
  • I second the comment that this is sort of backwards because killers should be aiming for short chases while skilled survivors will ultimately score long chases and thereby be punished for playing well. Also that the numbers are a little high. But this could work as an obsession perk. If tokens are only gained while chasing…
  • Should it have only cost one perk to be completely invulnerable to aura reading in the first place?
  • Sure, but then add another 15 seconds to gen times. You'll still screw over hit and run killers, but that should balance out the time saving.
  • most game are either a 1k or a 4k. But do you not see the implications of this? Most killer losses still acheive 1 kill, most killer wins snowball to 4 kills. If you took these two games, you'd have a 50% win rate for the killer, but a 37.5% win rate for survivors and a 62.5% kill rate. If these are truly the most likely…
  • A 2K could very well be a survivor win depending on the circumstances. At the very least a 2K means the gates are open, which means the survivors have played well enough to acheive they main objective. If it happens that the killer has only scored a couple of hooks on different survivors up until that point, the survivors…
  • Do you understand what "versatile" means?
  • Its not designed to be the only stealth perk worth running and cause the killer to inadvertently tunnel your teammates.
  • Off the Record only works off an unhook though, Distortion will be more versatile. It's a trade off, instead of one being objectively better like current Distortion.
  • Recharging in chase means it rewards killer engagement, and also serves as anti-tunnel, because what were you doing right before you got hooked? Being chased. Recharging out of chase means the Distortion user is even more incentivised to just hide and scurry away while all their teammates die for them.
  • I mean, I typed this before I saw the changes we're getting, and it's honestly not too different. It's probably a bit more of a nerf than my suggestion, but at least the 'reactivates in chase' aspect is more consistent and less reliant on the length of chase, which means it's not disproportionately more powerful on higher…
  • I agree, I don't think this warrants getting rid of Ivory/Ebony Mori's. I think if they want to add on a bloodpoint bonusn then they could just replace the Cypress Mori offering with the BP bonus, then add the bonus as an additional effect to the Ivory/Ebony Mori's with a 'first mori performed per game' condition.
  • That's a lot to consider but at a glance: Poised: Does this activate every time you start a gen? It doesn't trigger each time you let go and then start again right? But alternatively that means you get one aura reveal per gen, which kinda only makes it useful if you're already on a safe gen. I think I would have preferred…
  • Damn. It used to be "killers only ever run slowdown perks and it's ruining the game!" Or "it's pointless running anything but 4 slowdown perks if you want to win'", while I always argued that info perks are actually more useful and less problematic because you can use info to inform your tactics and be more efficient at…
  • Players should be free to leave up until the moment they load into the match. So I don't agree with locking lobbies or punishing for leaving lobbies. You either keep it as is, or you load straight into the match the moment a fully party of players is matched, cutting out the lobby entirely. The latter could have technical…
  • They should probably just be included in the base game at this point, but it's better than nothing. I'm not sure why anyone would pay auric cells for them anymore when it's only a minor iri shard grind.
  • A lot of online games use an MMR system, and most of them don't do so as a measure of competition, but in recognition that some of the players are more competitive than others. It's not that the game is either competitive or It's not, it's that it has to be either/both and serve all of those players. It's used to seperate…
  • My experience in DbD was worse before MMR. Earning emblems and pips, and more bloodpoints in the process, invariably raised your rank. Once you got to green ranks as killer, you were prone to being matched with rank 1s (who could only match downwards), losing most games, and thereby being unable to progress higher, while…
  • Speaking of, if BHVR even acknowledge that Commodious is the best toolbox, why is it still green?
  • 'Seal team SWF' was an colourful way of describing the calibre of survivor, I have no way of knowing if they're actually a SWF most of the time. The point is, I've been around long enough to judge a survivors skill by their actions, not just by looking up how many hours they have, and there is a marked difference in the…
  • Ok, sure. I'm just making up the very noticable difference in lobbies between killers. Why even bother discussing if you can just call everyone a liar?
  • Please explain how 90%+ of my Myers games are against potatoes but 90%+ on other killers are seal team SWF, without MMR.
  • You're already rolling the dice as to whether you get a favourable map or not anyway. Why not just consider "will I get a player who plays a map offering or not" as one of those rolls? Why not just look away when the offerings come up so you're none the wiser as to whether you ended up on that map by chance? The result is…
  • It's not every single match at all. In fact it's not always even that often. I've recently found that my MMR on Myers is significantly different to my MMR on other killers (likely from playing friendly mirror myers games). My lobbies as Myers are significantly different to my other killer lobbies, more times than not. In…
  • The killer can absolutely make it to the exit gate after closing the hatch in time. If they choose the right exit, which means the survivor still has a 50/50 chance. Considering the survivor would have to forego attempting to find the hatch to pull this off, it's still only one 50/50 coin flip. Some killers can even make…
  • Allowing it to work on every hook would facilitate tunneling. But having it only work once per survivor does nothing to promote spreading hooks either, as you now want to defend the hook and prevent needing to hook that survivor again, especially as the perk works passively while you complete your main objective. Unlike…
  • Except your MMR will affect how many people you can queue with, thus what role is in need for your MMR bracket. It hasn't happened often but I have played with people who had a different incentive to me before. Meanwhile my incentive has been solidly on 100% killer every evening this week.
  • Might have been me. I've suggested a couple times; giving the hooked survivor an unhook attempt every 10 seconds, but reducing the penalty for failed attempts to 10 seconds instead of 20 seconds. This works out exactly the same penalty over the course of the 60 seconds of the first hook stage, but it means a hooked…
  • As killer most of my kills these days are survivors who run at me clicking their flashlights, and failing to do gens because of it. More and more of my games consist of chaining pallets, breaking palllets while getting blinded because that's a guaranteed blind, and repeat until outpositioned and downed, at which point all…
  • I'm sorry but adding the trap back to the lobby would constitute a buff to Pig and we don't do that around here.
  • 1% might be a bit too low. Maybe 8/6/4% would be better. But otherwise yeah, it's not going to make it a strong perk but it could make it actually useful for new players.
  • Then take a break for the day and try again when you're in a mindset to play well enouh to survive. Losing a few games doesnt warrant a "the game is universallly unplayable" catastrophing rant.
  • I find it hard to believe someone with that much experience in both roles would be that deluded. We all know, that the game can tilt strongly to one side or the other given the circumstances, that there are aspects of the game that can be broken or abused and tends to snowball. But it goes both ways and generally evens…
  • Cool I can play 10 back to back games and that doesn't happen. What exactly is your point?
  • @I_CAME Please play killer for a week straight then come back and say that once your MMR is out of the gutter.
  • No I don't see the point in picking out individual games as if they're going to be reflective of the game as a whole. You hit an unlucky streak, it happens to all of us now and then. But if this is happening to you often, then perhaps you need to reflect on what the common denominator in those games is. You. Those of us…