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  • I view MYM as kind of an unfortunate scenario because I really do think the devs are trying to make this a good game and I really do think they've done a good job so far. I think that MYM does what it does (base raiding/building) very well...but that's really all it's got going for it. This is a game that is in desperate…
  • Wait, your bases impact your rank as well? Where do you see that? If that's the case that's entirely unfair, you can't control what happens in a base once it's built and available. Even a deathtrap might get plundered without effort if it happens to get a good enough raider in it.
  • Might be simpler to just allow Harvey to "respawn" (deliver a new one) after a set amount of time if the current one dies. Like if it dies there's a 30 second timer before a new one is delivered at the start or something like that. If there's a piston or other trap at the start killing Harvey you can break it to save the…
  • Now that I've unlocked all the suit and weapon upgrades I want as a baseline I feel a lot more comfortable doing Brutal outposts. There's a clear difference in capability between starting with basic gear and working with a better defined loadout. I use the melee suit, fully upgraded, with the gunner suit's fire-rate mod…
  • Not sure if it should be a building requirement but I get the frustration. I've seen multiple bases where the tomb wasn't just walled off but walled off with see-through cubes as if to tease raiders that they can't get the tomb. That's boarding on toxic base design.
  • 1 rule, if the base has any forsaken tombs that are clearly intentionally impossible to get, it's gets no accolades. I don't know what's with some people walling off tombs with corrosion cubes or see-through glass cubes as if teasing players that they can't get the tomb. Fun - If I enjoyed the base I give this. Brutal -…
  • I had already promised myself that any base where a tomb is clearly intentionally blocked off (completely surrounded by corrosion cubes or see-through-cubes) gets no accolades from me. Now that others have mentioned it, I might just start blocking those users as well. The logic of "players who get less resources raid more"…
  • Day 1 Thoughts (played the open beta, currently playing on Xbox Series X) Onboarding: Simple yet effective tutorials that don't waste too much time. I do feel that the game isn't much fun until you start unlocking more stuff. It's kinda hard to build an effective base with just the current starting pieces and no mods, I…
  • QOL Suggestion: I like the UI but everything being the same color makes it easy for certain button prompts to hide in plain sight, took me a few times viewing the page to figure out the Prestige Outpost input. I've noticed a few other complaints/questions on this forum already that could have been avoided if the button…
  • I just started playing the beta today, first time on MYM, I'm running into the same problem. It does appear to be an issue with inclines I Tried making my first outpost but couldn't finish it due to the Harvester not connecting what should have been a valid path. I cleared the map and experimented with what should have ben…