A balanced game, not ez mode for killer.
This is true, the evidence is how many killers were complaining that 2v8 was "massively survivor sided". A user on Reddit tracked 200 games of 2v8 and the kill rate was 51%. If a killer main ever loses they think the game is unfair.
1v4 solo q is unplayable, doubt most survivors are happy to go back.
60%+ kill rate and 90 second gens. Yeah, no thanks.
Because the game is unbalanced. In balanced pvp games players don't give up in half of games.
Because they know that if 2v8 was permanent no casual survivors would ever play 1v4 again.
The only people who prefer 1v4 are killer mains who need a 60% kill rate and high mmr swfs. The devs are ignoring the vast majority of casuals who play this game if they don't make 2v8 permanent. It's a far superior gameplay experience.
It boggles my mind that casual survivors even play 1v4 anymore. I won't be playing again until 2v8 comes back.
It seems like some killer mains don't want to play a game where it's possible to lose which is how 1v4 ended up so bad for survivor. If 2v8 became permanent no casuals would ever play 1v4 again.
If 2v8 "ran its course" then how come most players are choosing to play it instead of 1v4? If anything it's 1v4 that ran its course, it's boring and slow in comparison.
2v8 is the only mode I enjoy as survivor, solo q 1v4 has gotten so bad.
I bet if they did a poll the vast majority of players would want 2v8 extended. It's only the small minority of 1v4 killer mains who want it to end.
I'll say this, I find 2v8 much more fun than 1v4 and it's not just because the escape rate is higher. Even when I die in 2v8, it's still more fun than escaping in 1v4.
Why would casual survivors be playing 1v4 when it's much more hardcore and sweaty than 2v8?
4 escaped so it was a tie. what's the problem. You realize you're not supposed to win every match just because you play killer, right?
Because the maps aren't twice as big.
Because the devs think this is a role-playing horror game so dying most of the time is fun for survivors when actually it's a competitive pvp game.
What is your kill rate?
The kill rate seems to be about 55%, how much higher do you want it to be?
Most fun I've ever had in the game. Won't be playing again until 2v8 comes back.
I don't think we can comment on balance until we get stats on what the actual overall kill rate is this time.
Have you tracked your kill rate in 1v4?
I really hope the devs consider making 2v8 permanent because it's much more fun than 1v4.
What you said is exactly how 1v4 feels for killers. Too easy and they barely have to try to win. If the kill rate in 2v8 is above 50% just like last time, it's by definition not survivor sided. It means it's more balanced than 1v4 so survivors stand a chance and killers can't win most games effortlessly like in 1v4.
Doesn't seem survivor sided to me, the kill rate is still higher than 50%. It's just much closer to 50% than 1v4 so killer mains aren't used to playing a fair game since devs have catered to making the main game ez mode for killers for so long. It's much more balanced than 1v4 which feels good for survivors.
Longer queues mean many people want to play duo killer because it's fun. Killer mains in 1v4 are 20% of the playerbase. Of those, let's say half like 2v8 and the other half don't like 2v8 because of longer queues. So you're saying we shouldn't have a game mode that 90% of players want to appease 10% of the playerbase.
Killers just can't handle a mode that doesn't handhold them and make it effortless to win, now that the playing field is more even.
I should also mention there was at least one game where a survivor dc'ed, so since devs completely ignore those games in the stat my escape rate would appear to be close to 40%, when actually it was just 12.5% in games where killers were trying to win. Now the problem with believing that 40% escape rate becomes clear.
I don't know how anyone believes the real escape rate is 40% in solo q when you take all factors into account. Here are my stats since yesterday. 9 games, 2 escapes However one of those escapes the killer was afk so it doesn't count. Also there was one game I died where the killer carried me to hatch and I didn't take it…
Now include games with a dc, exclude hatch escapes, exclude games where killer is afk, and solo q escape rate is probably around 20%.
It's because the devs are balancing the game for high MMR swfs only.
30% escape rate in solo q. What balance are you speaking of?
There are streamers with 1k+ win streaks on killer. Something like that shouldn't be possible in a pvp game with MMR. Otz is a pro who has done 30 game win streaks on every killer, yet even trying his hardest wasn't able to get a higher than 40% escape rate in solo q. Average solo q player is supposed to be happy losing…
This is what the devs and killer mains wanted, a game where killer is so easy. Giving one side a major advantage in a pvp game is toxic, especially when that side is a small minority of the playerbase.
I've been playing Twins with a slugging build the past few days and almost every game is a 4k. The game is absurdly killer sided right now and the devs should be ashamed of what they've done to a once great game.
Survivors are 80% of the playerbase. What do you think is more enjoyable for them, a 55% kill rate or 60%?
I seriously wonder if devs play their own game or if they're all killer mains. Like how can they play just a few games of solo Q and think it's fine? Killers don't even have to try to win unless it's against some elite swf. It's practically unplayable for solo q right now.
This is a false argument because those long waits were before they added a bp bonus. Right now killer has a much longer wait most of the day, in EU survivor is at 150% bp bonus most of the day. Solo Q is practically unplayable with how killer sided the game has become.
My kill rate on Twins the past few days is like 90% using a slugging build. As a killer main I'll admit the devs need to balance the game.
I would actually enjoy killer more if I didn't feel like I have to "go easy" most games because winning is too easy as killer. I wish the devs would stop making the game so killer sided.
The devs wanted to make the game EZ mode for killer at the expense of 80% of the playerbase, which is mind-boggling to me from a business point of view.
Is this a joke? For some reason many killer mains think 65% average kill rate is "more fair" than when it was closer to 50%, which is the definition of fair and balanced.
The devs have stated that they think the game is more fun for survivors when they die most of the time because it's a horror game, while most players instead view it like a competitive pvp game.
I agree I can't go back to 1v4 after 2v8, not only does it feel empty and slow but it also feels way too killer sided.
The average kill rate is around 65% if they also included games with a single dc. That 65% number also includes a lot killer who "go easy" on the team or let the last one escape as mercy. Even as an average player I still feel the need to often go easy when playing killer because the survivors stand no chance. So it's not…
If a killer gets a 4k in endgame from NOED or some other perk it still feels like a victory for the killer and loss for survivors, it doesn't feel like a draw the same way hatch does. If hatch is going to be factored into the escape rate they balance around I think it should be counted as half an escape, not equivalent to…
As a survivor I'm taking a break until 2v8 comes back. 1v4 just feels too frustrating and boring in comparison.
It does count in the official stats released by devs and they are balancing by including hatch escapes in the escape rate.
It's a major flaw in game design when most of the time if there are 2 survivors left their best chance of escape is trying to out-hide the other survivor and get hatch. On the other hand 2 survivors left should not mean a free 4k for the killer.
This is really good news. Please make it permanent with a lot more variety for both killers and survivors because even with the limited selection now it's still so much more fun than 1v4. As a survivor I can't go back to 1v4 after 2v8.