Spirit Nerf may lead to a negative domino effect



  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited November 2019

    Personally, I'd prefer that, too. But how do you bring down SWF without hurting solo survivors and without losing the SWF players? The thing that gives SWF such an advantage is their communication, and there's no way to take that away from them.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    People sleep on Plague because they can't stand running tiles and she has to do it.

    I swear to God if people would stop playing Spirit for 10s and actually learn the game fundamentals, they'd see that pretty much half the roster is most definitely red ranks viable.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    After spirit is nerfed, Billy is next on the nerf list.

    Originally Devs stated that they would rework Nurse's and Billy's add ons. Then they said they would do a slight tweak to the base kit of nurse. And that's how we have the current nurse nerf.

    I bet the devs will do the same thing to Billy where they will say that add ons are being tweaked, and then say they will do a "slight" change to Billy's base kit. Which will add some form of a nerf on him.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    You forgot that they did a 3rd mess up, and it was with the nerf of nurse's base kit. Nurse's base kit never needed a nerf, but they nerfed her unnecessarily.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    SWF cannot be nerfed. No matter what you do, you'll harm solo too

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    For third one, then why the nurse is nerf if she was weaker than spirit? (I'm talking about basekit only)

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    They nerf her simply because they ran out of idea for her add-ons. Adding a cooldown is just a way for them to make add-ons, and also please those people who wanted nurse nerf

    2 birds with 1 stone, clever for devs, right?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited November 2019

    I don't believe you can, that's the issue. I think we need a ranked and unranked separate queue.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    I swear, outside of Prayer Beads...Spirit is mostly fine....she requires different movements and tactics to stall out longer...regular mindgames and looping aren't gonna cut it versus decent to great Spirit players....which, as I've reiterated in other threads, is a hard habit for Survivor mains to break.

    So many Killers ARE hampered by strong loops and usual mindgame tactics, so having a few Killers that can break that....throws players off balance and yeah...I GET that it gets old VSing the same usual Killers over and over....so buff the ones that see LESS play at higher Ranks and/or tweak the Emblem system that is punishing the lower tier Killers.

    It gets tiring how many want base kits and design of Killers to be nerfed as a quick fix to drop the complaints...and the threads have been more abundant after BHVR targeted and worked on Nurse, it just becomes a chopping block instead of an operating table here....

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    She's definetily not easy to play! I like how slowdown builds works on her but that's all I have to help me. She's so tall wich makes her easy to spot, very loopable (because of this) and her main power is very situational

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2019

    I'm a rank 5 killer main. I play a lot of killer, I think I'm pretty good, but I make mistakes all the time. Spirit is easily my least favorite killer to play because she is just so ridiculously easy, and there's hardly ever any punishment for the mistakes I make. There's hardly anything a survivor can do when I target them, even the biggest-brain plays just slow me down, five seconds at most. I rarely ever play survivor, but I hate spirit on both ends. It's good that she is effective, but it shouldn't be so easy to be effective with her. There's a reason why you see so many red rank spirits and it's because it's easy as cake to pip with her. It's not like you can't reach red ranks with hag, freddy, new nurse, billy, ghostface, or demo, but that takes actual skill. When the devs say spirit is "overperforming," it doesn't mean spirit players are better than other killer players. It means the opposite. It means she's way too easy. She's genuinely unfun and oppressive to play against.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    Yeah, it's insane. My guess is that these are mostly killer mains who started out with spirit, and think that every match is just supposed to be some sandbox where you totally determine the outcome. I started with ghostface, and got to where I can consistently perform well with him, but against skilled, coordinated survivors, I'm given a run for my money. When I play spirit, the game is dull and unchallenging. I could probably count on one hand the amount of times more than one person has escaped.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited November 2019

    You know I’d like to see the numbers with match’s with dc removed and not counted as a lose. Someone dc I don’t care if 3 others die it’s worthless toss it out.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited November 2019

    EVERY killer is viable in red ranks if you are good enough with them. Being in red ranks doesn't really mean much in this game. Some of you guys are really confusing swf with red ranks.

    The real issue is swf because they can do gens insanely fast and spirit feels like it was balanced for swf.

    Let me tell you this, buffing the weaker killers won't stop a lot of people from playing only spirit, because lots of people always want to play the strongest killer. Nurse was the strongest killer but she wasn't played as much because she actually has a skill cap. Spirit's skill cap is listening with headphones. Everyone that knows how to play killer can learn how to play her in a couple of matches.

    Also, even if you think she is balanced, you cannot ignore how a lot of survivors don't enjoy going against her and that's one of the main reasons she needs to be changed. I would rather go against old omega blink nurse than spirit.

    I do agree that weaker killers should be the priority though. But it looks like the game will be dead by spirit until the nerf and everyone playing spirit will only make the nerf come sooner.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    Rule no 1069 : If u cant beat them join them

    I used to play killer surv 50/50 at rank 1 but god killer is so stressful im now slowly turning into surv main bcz its so relaxing

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Overperforming is a bad thing. Overperforming means having a very high kill ratio (at least that's what I get from that).

    Think about it. You are a game designer, you look at the stats and see a killer having a very high kill ratio. Of course it makes sense to nerf them. The kill ratios should be around 50% in most cases.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    no one likes plague... survivors dont like being broken and having so many perks negated by being sick and plagues dont like not having a power late game, if corrupted purge wasnt so obnoxious and was just a projectile like huntress then cleansing wouldnt be an issue

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    i feel this. the killer mindset has become so incredibly lazy, if the killer theyre playing doesnt ignore all mechanics or has no interactive counterplay then its weak and stupid.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    ”Overperforming” is a nice way of saying “we ######### up and it’s borderline unfair” lmao.

    Your second point may be true yeah. Although, you can’t deny that some of her add ons are quite broken and that mind game potential against her is limited. That said, I don’t think she should get the legion treatment, but just some tweaks here and there.

    I do believe buffing the weaker killers is the way to go after spirit has been addressed though.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438
    edited November 2019

    Nurse base kit got nerf probabaly because of how she ignore all defences a surivior has and also had less counter play.

    A surivior can juke her, but how many times can that work? How many maps are indoor than out door? It's because of that which allowed Nurse to pretty much down a surivior within 20 seconds. She has no reason not to because she can instantly catch up with them and ignore their defence. So even though Nurse required skill, does it mean every killer should be broken when a player masters them?

    The nerf in my opinion didn't seem bad for those that are good at using Nurse because all they really need was just two blinks. She still function like she did before so I doubt good nurses would complain.

    That being said, I play on console so I hardly encounter a good nurse and don't really get the massive complain for nerf for her. I'm just assuming from the last time I played her and knocked down three suriviors while the exit gate was opening in just 1 minutes or less. So I can understand how strong she is(Even though the surivior was bad, I was just imagining what if I was good at her).

    I don't know why I type that much. To put it simple, I don't really understand why her base kit got nerf and just typing what I thought from just a few gameplay and other people's reaction. I don't really care if they buff her again because I don't encounter good nurse player that often, but when i do the game finish with just two gens being done in red rank.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited November 2019

    It most 100% will lead to everything you said in your post. The question is whether or not they balance their game around every killer being in the same tier. Do you have faith that the devs can do that? Because I don't. And really, do you want every killer to perform the same? Is that really healthy for the gameplay of killers as a whole, for the people who play them?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Hell I'm a killing me look at my post history if you don't believe it.

    But spirit is legitimately the most annoying and unfun killer to go up against.

    She literally has no counters.

    You don't have iron will will guess what she's phasing and you can't see her or have any indication that she's on you.

    She has collision whilst phasing this means that even if you do manage to successfully mind game her she could accidentally bump into you and get a successful hit because of that.

    Her gameplay really isn't mind gaming.

    It's not like a pig taking advantage of her Crouch and ambush at a pallet, ghostface using night shroud to hide which way he's going or a Freddy using his teleport to bait out a double back from the survivor.

    Going up against spirit you literally play a guessing game and you only find out if you guessed right if you're not injured or downed afterwards.

    That's not two different parties putting in the input and seen throughout plays each other like mind games meant to be in the examples I listed above. It's you rolling a die and hoping that you don't get anything above a 3.

    It's not fun, it's not engaging it's simply annoying.

  • SoloQue101
    SoloQue101 Member Posts: 25

    I'd be all for if they Buff weaker killers and just left Spirit alone. Though, I also wouldn't mind if they made her footsteps louder/made her move grass/corn when she's fazing.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I just buy Spirit with shards weeks ago and I have to say her power is so much fun to play, especially with the right perks setup.

    I do think Spirit nerf should be around easier to surprise strike on Survivor, rather able to use Power in both surprise attack and mid chase.

    Slow down activating power, increase phasing speed & duration. I also think remove colliding should also work.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    You are in the domino effect. It started with the changes to Nurse base kit. Spirit is just the next domino.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    You designed a killer that performs their job well and thats........bad?

    Would you say the same if survivors overperformed in their job? I think not.

    Overperforming is bad in a pvp game, which ideally should be as balanced as possible.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    People are tired of spirit because people see her for the most part in red ranks by now.

    Yes i am annoyed by it as well but that is what many people told you pre basekit nurse nerfs. Here we are. I am shocked!

    @ScottJund asked if there is enough interaction, not if spirit is op or not. His ideas were actually okay.

    Next questions that needs to be solved is why there almost nothign else but spirit and will changing spirit solve this problem? I doubt it.

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    Survivors already overperform. It's called 'genrush'.

    Matches should not end in 3-5 minutes. That's barely 1 minute per hook attempt. But the second a Killer has enough map pressure to stop the genrush, or has any addons to slow down the game the Killer is OP or 'unfun', the addons are OP or 'unfun', or the perks are.

    It's kind of a joke, how badly the Devs are nerfing viable killers while ignoring the underlying problem of gens being done way too fast. It's why I'm convinced there's a Survivor bias; because genrush exists while any Killer who can do anything about it get beaten to death with the nerf bat.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    The only changes she needs it making anal beads an ultra rare and not having collision while phasing

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I'm fine with that beads change, I don't think she needs the collision change however.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I guess you have stats to base your assumptions on...

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Thank you for breaking the chain in this echo chamber. It's scary to see so many outirght ignoring the information we were given previously with regards to the spirit's performance.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    This is what is called "balance". If something is too powerful (in this case, Spirit, having a significantly higher kill rate than she should) it is going to be nerfed.

    Is this something new?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "From the information we're given (that she is "overperforming") we know she ISN'T balanced."

    This entire assumption assumes their stats are correct and they have even themselves stated that their stats are flawed and shouldn't be used for balance.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147


    Buff other killers, then all could have red rank potential.

    Just like the OP and @NuclearBurrito stated. We need to buff the weakest (starting with stealth killers... like wraith, pig, Myers etc.) Killers. They should be overpowered. But what's the point in nerfing "overpreforming" killers?

    There isn't any. Unless it breaks the game.

    That's just my thoughts.


  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    They not only nerf viable killers, but they are also nerfing Mid-tier killers, look at Pig, she received three nerfs, and only 1 buff, and now they just nerfed Micheal Myers.

    The Domino effect is that the OP is talking about is already happening. We are about to end a second Dark Times. The Devs through out balancing this game took 1 step forward, and are now taking two steps back.

  • Rinthespooki
    Rinthespooki Member Posts: 255

    Your following feedback has been fed to the paper shreeder! We at BHVR always listen to our community feedback! (and by community we mean those who are biased and have little to no experience!)

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    They've had mistaken stats in the past (using "rank 1" data didn't include people who depipped out of rank 1 that match) but that doesn't mean they're completely blind to what's going on.

    One, they have to have some tracking of average kills on each killer, and by rank, to know how each is doing, and they've provided us with (some of) that information in the past.

    Two, they have all the same access to the community we do. They hear all the complaints, they can see all the streamers demolishing with her, they can see her in their own games. I know people love tosay the devs suck at the game but we all know there's at least a few good players in there.

    It's silly to deny they know how a killer is performing and that that's grounds for not nerfing something that's too strong, or too easy for the payoff it gives.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    It's not silly. We've just pointed out their stats are flawed and not reliable, so what they see as to how a killer is performing in those stats is not reliable.

    Also, going by the communities perception of her strength is quite irrelevant. The average DBD player is low rank and will think something is stronger or weaker than it actually is.

    Seeing streamers demolish with her is also quite meaningless for what we are trying to determine here.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    When the maximum performance level of survivors is at 10 and the nurse is at 8 and spirit is at 7, it didn't make very much sense to nerf nurse down to a 5. If spirit is even looked at I wouldn't touch red ranks with a 20 ft pole.

  • Entity_Burger
    Entity_Burger Member Posts: 126

    A 5 for Nurse is generous.

    Nurse kept her walking speed as 'slower than Survivors', so with her shiny, new cooldown bar that only starts after Fatigue, she is literal trash in a chase.

    Because whoever balanced her somehow forgot that she had quick blinking BECAUSE she had no effing movement.

    On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is Survivor-level, Nurse is a -9999. BHVR wanted to go for -10000 but they felt it would have been too much of a nerf and held back.

    And guess what? Spirit is going to be turned into a Survivor Punching Bag...I mean 'looked at' next.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Not just that. The stats where they made a "mistake" was quickly corrected. They know the correct stats.

    There are people who just refuse to believe in what BHVR says because it doesn't fit their narrative.

    If a Spirit Main is saying "Spirit isn't overperforming" and the stats are wrong when the devs stated the Spirit is overperforming based on the stats, you know there's some bias there.