Allow us to deny a unhook

Im not normally one to get pissed at this game but this claudette literally unhooked me right infront of the killer and he instantly downed me and red morid me. Like really? So i get screwed out of a game because a teammate wanted precious bloodpoints and i depip because according to the game "its my fault" what was i supposed to do when he literally just waited for the animation to finish and instahit me and morid me. Like ive never been so upset lol.
Edit:Due to people not reading some of the comments im just putting it here Im saying Only allow the unhook option if the killer is within like 3m of the hook like hes right there and the unhooker doesnt have borrowed time because its pretty clear then what the killers doing.
This was suggested before but it's easily abusable
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But isnt farming your teammate for bloodpoints abused now?
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Because X is abused doesn't mean we should let a Y 3x more abusable take its place.
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Then is there any better ideas to fix the problem its not exactly fun to get unhooked infront of the killer and get instant downed and killed and punished for it. This isnt even the first time its happened to me in these ranks.
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I think you should get a 5-7secs of invincibility once getting unhook seems fair.
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Youd think people in purple rank would at least know to run borrowed time or NOT unhook me right infront of a big glaring killer whos obviously gonna kill off the weaker link.
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That's just free borrowed time then..that punishes the killer for no reason
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What happens if the unhooker has BT? Do you still get to block the unhook?
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No i think the game wouldnt give you the option to then because at least then your safer ive gotten away with borrowed time on me.
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Kinda sad as well i saved her earlier by palleting the killer with her on his back so hed go after me guess i see how being nice goes.
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How so? It will only affect a camper. And 5-7 secs isn’t that much. If you play as a fair killer than this would not affect you in any way. If someone just unhook someone in front of me I’m not going to down the guy who just got off the hook. It’s why I’m never affected by DS or BT. I’m going after the guy that saved.
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No it allows bum rushing the hook without a you'll exaggerate the issue while also making survivors more powerful at end game..those seconds are free distance..and if it's a survivor issue..its not fair to punish those whom capitalize the mistake rather than punishing the one making the mistake
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DbD is a game of secs. 5-7 is a very long time.
If I place you on a hook, walk away, you get unhooked and I saunter back over 9/10 times I won't chase you because I'm assuming you have DS and will instead chase the one who freed you. But, if I can't find them and see you instead, of course I'm going for you. Would be stupid for me not too
This terms like "fair killer" are stupid. Ain't no rules in the murder zone.
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still annoying to get unhooked right infront of the killer by a guy who wanted bp because it gives you no option the killer downs you and you either get put back on the hook and instantly go into struggle or in my scenario you get red morid and congrats the games over have a nice depip.
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Oh this I agree with. I'm a killer main and it drives me up a damn wall when I see a survivor do this when I'm literally in spitting distance. But I guess BP is more important than actually playing ?♂️
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The killer should be allowed to punish you if your teammate makes the mistake, whether it be on purpose or not. It's a team game. There's already enough safety for someone getting unhooked as it is with temp immunity that's already quite generous with the time and BT.
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This is actually why I am more likely to go for the "savior" when I'm the killer because that is extremely annoying to me. I don't see any problems in allowing a survivor who is already dying slowly to deny a hook, gotta start somewhere.
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I think this was mentioned before, and the devs said that it would be JUST AS troll- ish.
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This game strives off toxicity if it's not my friend I don't help. The only way I'm willing to help a survivor is they help me first so I know they're not a piece of (insert bad word here.) Why risk your life for someone who's going to farm you?
Also if you're a killer and you see this happen please do all the survivors a favor and kill the rescuer. It's time killers teach survivors how to play.
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Absolutely not
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You just got farmed.. look for others to play with get some friends going and it will happen less. This will happen too much as a Randy... This is how people get to red ranks and stay. Sometimes it's a ######### play that keeps there pip up. Sorry to inform you
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In fact if you camp as a killer you are MORE prone to de pip any player who has been playing for even as little as two weeks should now how pip works.. so no need to upset yourself on a killer camper
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Not true Killers can commonly chase a survivor they see back towards the hook if they intercepted someone as they were leaving while the survivor came to rescue you. That's just punishment without any justification for the killer to spare someone being upset that a teammate was bad.
Everyone's been farmed in this game. Most just move on and don't care enough to try and implement broken tactics that a perk can do. If you on the other hand suggested a self BT style perk for anti farming I would 100% be on board though.
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That would be a good fix.. "farmer attempts but goes down by killer".. why wouldn't it teach a potato how to fry hash browns and be dank?
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Can someone explain how would a mechanic that allowed you to decline being unhook get abused? As far as that being an option, you can guarantee if it ever does happen it would be a perk that will only work once and only if you pass a difficult skill check and within 5 seconds of being hooked and within 32m of The Killers Terror radius and it makes you the obsession and your aura is permanently revealed to The Killer for the duration of the match.
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Preventing being unhooked seems to me a false good idea.
If the problem comes mainly from BP farming:
Hook Rescue: 1000/1500 -> 500/1000 BP
Safe Hook Rescue: 500 -> 1000 BP
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Claudette mains are crayon eaters.
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This would make me want to never go save a teammate, especially now with the rift challenges. I only play solo now and if I load into a lobby of 3 players, I'm going to assume they're all together. If I go to unhook someone and they deny me of the unhook even when it's clear that punishes me because
A) I could have worked on a gen
B) Denies me Benevolence emblem points
C) Puts me in a spot of weakness
Instead I think we should have a BP score event that takes away not only your emblem points (it does this already), but BP as well to promote safe unhooking.
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I really like the idea of denying an unhook, I don't see how it could be abusable. I'm legitimately asking
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A 5 second bt effect would be fine to me. I'd add it needs to deactivate once the gates are powered. I would also add the rescuer doesn't get the safe unhook bonus points. And takes the emblem hit like any unsafe unhook. I say it would be fine since it only punishes scummy killers.
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In the same way that denying heals can be abusable - because people do it just to deny bloodpoints to people they don't like. Only in this case, it would be much worse, because not only is it scummy and petty, it can seriously screw someone else over, because going for an unhook is putting yourself in a lot more danger than healing someone is.
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Couldnt they just make it so you only get the option in the killers terror radius or within a certain meter range of the killer meaning if it would be a safe one anyway nothing changes? and disable it if the rescuer has bt. Theres ways to make it work. There should be no reason to unhook a survivor within 5m of the killer without borrowed petty bloodpoints or not.
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Three problems with that:
(a) There are times when it is appropriate to unhook someone, even when the killer is right there and you don't have BT. For example, if someone is about to die or enter second stage, it's a better idea to unhook them unsafely than to leave them alone. If someone is new or simply less aware of strategic basics than they should be, they might think someone is trying to farm them when actually it's in their best interests to be unhooked in that moment, and deny the unhook for no good reason.
(b) From an abuse perspective, denying an unhook when the killer is nearby, with or without BT, would be even worse. If someone decides to deny an unhook out of spite and the killer is right there, it puts the rescuer in even more danger.
(c) Borrowed Time is one thing, but there are a lot of things that can affect viability of unhooks at a given moment other than BT. For example, someone might have We'll Make It and be able to heal them much faster than the hooked player is expecting. They might have a Styptic Agent they're about to use as soon as they unhook the person. There might even be a scenario in which the rescuer (Person A) is in a 3-man SWF with Persons B and C. B is already dead, and has informed their friends that Person D (who is currently hooked) has Adrenaline. A and C therefore coordinate the rescue with the repair of the last generator so that D's Adrenaline pops at the exact right moment. There are so many different possibilities, and it's impossible to disable/enable an ability like hook denial to account for each one.
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Yeah but it depends on the range though in the case i used to start this thread the killer literally stood like right next to the hook while she was doing the unhook animation waited for the invulnerability to be over then just smacked me down in that scenario he was like what 1m away? In that type of a scenario none of those things would help because like i said the killer would just smack the survivor down and put them back up. (Also trust me this does happen a lot the killer will let them do the unhook animation and just wait to smack the survivor once the animations done). thats why i said the radius to the killer could work more then the terror radius idea. In that scenario especially if the rescuer hasnt been hooked yet id deny the unhook the killer would go after them and another survivor could come get me which wont put me in immediate danger.
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I think this is a really great idea. It could be an addition to we're gonna farm our teammates (live forever). It could work like this, if you run WGLF and are trying to unhook someone unsafely (in the terror radius without borrowed time), then you give the survivor you are unhooking the capability to kick you in the face and deny the unhook. This gives you exposed for 10 minutes and the blind (like a firework) for 10 seconds, in addition to denying you to farm your teammate.
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But if someone were that determined to deny bloodpoints to deny an unhook, couldn't they just suicide on the hook once they see you getting close?
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Borrowed time.
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I have a better idea that I don't see being easily abuseable. If you're unhooked, the area around that hook prevents you from taking damage for 30 seconds. If you leave that area, you are immediately able to take damage again. Only you are immune to damage in that area though. So if you were unhooked and the killer is camping you can wait out the timer. If the killer decides to wait that's an extra 30 seconds before he can hook you again. If you have Sprint Burst you can get a head start also. Survivors can't just heal you in front of the killer though because they're NOT immune to damage. There's nothing that punishes the killer really, nothing that makes survivors OP, it's just a mechanic that saves you from the stress of being camped or unhooked right in front of the killer.
Btw to anyone suggesting anything for promoting safe unhooks, just no. Safe unhooks are so easy to get. You can be unhooked with BT and it counts as a safe unhook despite the killer still chasing you. You can be unhooked and chased by the killer, then downed within a very short time frame and be counted as a safe unhook. Safe unhooks are not really safe unhooks.
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Indeed they could, if they were really determined. That doesn't mean we should encourage that kind of behaviour by making it easier for people to screw others over.
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A two- or three-man SWF. One of them is hooked. Solo survivor comes to rescue the hooked SWF member. SWF member denies the unhooking because they want their friend to get the points, instead.
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I do agree dumb teammates are constantly an issue. However unless im wrong they actually get punished in terms of altruism for performing an ubsafe hook right?
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Would only work if the killers within range so they wouldnt get the option to deny the unhook if the killers a good distance away this is what ive been saying dont constantly give them the option to deny it ONLY allow the option if the killers within like a 3m range and the rescuer doesnt have borrowed time.
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I dont know what the difference in points is like 500 maybe? people can make that up pretty easily so not really a punishment.
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People who unsafe unhook should automatically take the hit the killer was doing, even if the killer was aiming for the freshly unhooked player.
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Or that that could work.
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You always get pip progeress for a unhook wether it's safe or not. Why couldn't they only make it effective if the killer was in a "farming" meters distance away. I think it should be a button not a perk. That's pointless.. it might be a good idea they could make it help the farming.. I just don't care I play in full lobby's or I play killer. That's how you avoid this
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Not sure if that whole thing is directed to me, but:
1) Yes, you do get points for unhooking
2) You actually lose more points for unsafely hooking someone.
3) Neither I or OP say anything about it being a perk, so I'll assume you're either just talking in general or to someone else in thread.
That's great that you play in a full lobby or a killer whenever you can't get a full SWF. Unlike you, there are others that don't play in a full SWF or can't get one going, but want to play survivor anyways. This suggestion is for them and dismissing it with: 'just play in a full SWF or killer' isn't a correct answer to the problem.
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The fix just needs to be if the killer is within like 5m of the hook you get the option to deny the unhook and you dont get the option if the survivor has BT and mostly everything will be the same if people play safely. The only time this feature would show is if the killers a camper killer (which then you shouldnt go for the unhook you should be genrushing) or if the survivor is trying to get them precious BP.
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When I am killer and see this happen, I always down the person who just got off the hook. This punishes the survivor who did the unhooking by getting rid of their benevolence so they don’t pip and hopefully it teaches them to play better. I then leave the guy on the floor and chase the other guy so another of their teammate saves them from the ground.If the person unhooking has BT, and after I hit the survivor, I always just chase the person who unhooked just cause it was a terrible play to do. It gives the other person a least a chance to survive.
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Sadly that doesnt go for every killer though but this isnt me blaming the killer for wanting to get someone out of the game quicker but more so blaming the survivor for trying to get me off when the killer is literally standing like right next to the hook waiting for me to be unhooked so he can down me and either put me back up or mori me. Basically if i see that happen now im like "im dead" and most of the time yeah i am and its so frustrating because that means my games over because a survivor knew it was unsafe yet did it anyway. This is one of the reasons i personally love BT because i dont have a problem with you unhooking me right next to the killer with it because at least then they smack me and even if its a oneshot BT protects me. But not everyone has the perk so if you don't have it you need to be more careful of your unhooks. Personally i never do this to other survivors because i always have BT its in my build like 24/7. I think of this as a team game not a every man for himself but thats just me.