Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Allow us to deny a unhook



  • Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2019

    This could all be solved by changing Borrowed Time to where it only affects when someone unhooks YOU. So, if you run borrowed time, you’re guaranteed it’s protection and don’t have to rely on the one saving you having it. If you unhook someone else, they won’t get borrowed time, unless they’re running it as well.

    Basically, it makes it a self defense perk instead of a “not screw the person im about to unhook” perk

    I always run borrowed time, but I often regret it on solo when I get stuck with bad players.

  • Member Posts: 367

    I recall one match where everyone on the team did that to me. Like I would be hooked, unhooked, on hook and then off again before struggle then again during the struggle phase. Each time I could see the team mate running over with the killer like right next me staring in disbelief. It is called getting farmed. Its not nice but it happens.

    So far as a situation where the person unhooked gets whacked again and this downs them, how about a deep wounds, which would require the survivor to evade and then heal? Alternatively the person doing the unsafe hook immediately gets broken status without the killer having to strike them, making the next strike a downer.

    Or better still the game flashes a word "FARMER" and the farming survivor's aura can be seen by the killer at for the next 10 seconds.

    OK maybe not a serious option, but the loss of bloodpoints might deter this activity.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited November 2019

    I think BT is fine as is it promotes helping your team against tunnel killers and campers i just think the 5m choice to deny unhooking could be a good idea as well because im tired of a survivor unhooking me and the killer just waiting by the hook for the animation and downing me. If i have the choice to tell the survivor "No" then the survivor can run off because the killer will be waiting for the unhook animation and itll never happen then the killer will then most likely chase the survivor or go back to camping which then someone else can come get me hopefully in a better scenario later. And the feature would only show like i said if the killer is right there waiting for the unhook to happen or if the killers facecamping. If the killers more then like 5m away its basically the same game or if your running BT since the option wont show up till those 2 vital moments.

  • Member Posts: 17

    If getting pulled off and put back on the same hook is a problem then maybe breakdown is a good solution as it breaks the hook the killer was going to use, leaving them to go find another hook. combine this with decisive, flip-flop, or boil over.

    This is why devs don't add extra measures in game to help people who are being BP farmed. because BP farming is considered a case by case basis and doesn't happen to all people. It just doesn't justify changing a game mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 482

    I think a lot of you forgot that if you get farmed by your teammate they won’t get Unhook Points or that one Emblem. Which would either result in a de-pip or safety- pip for them.

  • Member Posts: 65

    I hear what your saying but that ability would be bad but i would suggest an on hook emote that you can wave your arms like back and forth to say no no unhook that'd be a feasible option you cant stop em from unhooking you but you can say hay i dont wanna be hooked it's healings like this to when your all keyed up for bonuses while injured and everybody wants to help you. :/

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited June 2021

    Not just that, but no collision either. A survivor who has just been unhooked should be immune from damage, and also unable to body block the survivor who rescued them. It's makes absolutely no sense that the survivor should be able to prevent the killer from NOT tunnelling.

    Have this last for as stated, about 6 seconds.

    Then buff the duration of Borrowed Time back up to what it was before, because 12s is way too short and is actually shorter than the time it takes Deathslinger to reel in. 12s is just short enough that it's viable for the killer to wait it out. 15s is just enough to inconvenience the killer enough that waiting it out is an unattractive choice.

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