Players who DC: what will you do now?



  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    I mean I play killer and survivor. And, unless the killers does not slug,the games lasts shorter. Because killers tend to hook them

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Buy a bunch of consoles, PCs, and copies of DbD.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318

    am i missing something? why wont survs rage quit anymore?

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    I wonder something else. What will happen when Steam goes offline and we mass dc. Do we all gonna get punished ? Or when their game freeze - do we still gonna get punished ? The second one is something I really like to know cause it seems the freezing bug is back

  • Stornt
    Stornt Member Posts: 145

    How are game crashes handled? Do they count as a DC or are they glanced over?

  • Stornt
    Stornt Member Posts: 145

    If it's an automated system to check for DC's, I'm wondering how it handled a game crash. I'm not assuming that each DC is individually looked at.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    How does this temporary ban look like? Does it start with 10 minutes? Can it lead to a permanent ban?

  • creekwookie
    creekwookie Member Posts: 11

    Does anyone know if accidental DC's will count for the timeout? I've never purposely DC'd but I have lost internet in the middle of matches and got booted out

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    As long as ebony moris exist, I don't think there should be any penalty to one hooking yourself. You have a chance to kobe, and about 50% of the time I do when there's a mori in play.

  • itsmetimohthy
    itsmetimohthy Member Posts: 43

    If it actually cuts down on the DCing then awesome, I won't miss out on my BBQ stacks anymore.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441


  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    I'm wondering too. And the only times I've DC was when I couldn't see the skill check overlay. I've heard the sound, but the overlay wasn't there and I also couldn't unhook or drop pallets, so I thought it would be better to DC instead of running around the map doing nothing, while my team-mates thought I would be productive. Had this bug 3 times on different platforms though

  • They flashlighit click and fail at looping the killer and get popped.


  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81
    edited November 2019

    I want to play but if the killer is so try hard for example good spirit build or huntres with iri head and 3 hatches, I mean I do not enjoy. Or ebony mori which causes you to die after the first hook(I do not DC if there is mori btw)...Sometimes killers are slugging(I definetelly DC). Why would I wait bleeding out without playing? I will be already dead so I do not wanna waste my time by waiting killer to me hook me. Also for an example yesterday again and again consecutively 3 times Lery's Institute came. Well I disconnected at the last one. I was so bored playing in Lery's Institute consecutively. Or sometimes I have an important phone calls, or sometimes I have to leave the game because people want help from me. This is not a championship, it is just a GAME which should make you enjoyed. So I do not understand why people so take it seriously and want to punish others

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    Exactly because huntress is also strong killer. If she plays really well then you can not escape. Even you put distance between yourself and huntrees, she still hits you with hatches in some positions. If you can not put distance then she attacks with M1. So you can not really escape from her like others if she is a good player. But these one-shot add-ons really boring. Slugging should be somehow fixed. It is a gamestlye but unneccessary and useless. The killer can not get points, the others are bored bleeding out, keeping you as hostage :D Still people say that BL should be nerfed, bla-bla should be nerfed...There is nothing strong that survivors can use against killers. But still killers have like strong add-ons and moris. The only thing we can use is some perks. And thank them, they are nerfing all of them :))

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    You said it yourself - it is just a game, it should be enjoyable, so why ruin it for others with dcing?

    In my 800 hours I've never disconnected, if the killer slugs, he slugs. If I get the same map again, I play it again. If it is a spirit, I try to get better in facing her.

    Yesterday I played against a 3 hatchet huntress with iri head. I ran her around for 3 gens, I didn't even knew she had that add on, until she downed one later. All 4 got out. Was one of the most fun games I've had for a while.

    And as survivor the worst thing to get is a teammate who dcs. If that happens, the game is pretty much over and it destroys the fun for everyone, 3 teammates and killer.

    So's just a game. So why take it that seriously and dc?

    If there is an emergency, just get away from your PC and take care of that. Even that is not a reason to dc, because if rl is happening to me, I most likely don't even have time to click the "leave match" button anyway.

    However, that's just my opinion on that.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    If somebody dies on first hook it should grant black pip for both killer and survs

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243

    Is this patch about DCs currently in place or is it going to get released soon ?

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Stop playing since it's not fun letting scummy killers get extra points/glorification and having nothing I can do about it, as well as because my teammates always seem to be immersed or sandbag me while doing no generators when I play survivor solo

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906
    edited November 2019

    I am all for punishing people who dc. By dc'ing you are robbing killers of hook points, bbq stacks, possible dailies and even progress towards achievements.

    But players should still have the right to suicide on hook. If a player is not enjoying a match for what ever reason then they should have the option to leave. Why should they suffer through something they are not enjoying just for the benefit of other people? A lot of us have limited free time and don't want to waste it on a match we are not enjoying.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    You can gently spin the analogue stick in a circle to struggle on a shoulder, its easy and very gentle on your controller.

    As for the button mashing when hook struggling, while I find it very inconsistent thanks to ping you can press it much slower than people think. I would really welcome a "hold to hook struggle" button though.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    While i understand why this has been brought in i also think it could be bs.

    If i load into a match and have the bug were i cant do gens, throw pallets, heal or unhook i cant dc now. Im being punished for the games bug.

    If i get stuck somewhere around the map which happens alot i cant dc now. Im being punished for the games bug.

    If im getting chased by a killer AND 3 survivors who want to farm i cant dc out and find a proper match. I find farming boring.

    Bollocks to that, im going to dc whenever i still feel the need to. Timed out, i go play another game. Temp banned, i go play another game. Might be good for my bank account being banned considering i spend a lot of money on dlc and outfits in DBD.

    Just my opinion, it wont cure dc, players wont care about timeouts.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    People who dc are salty. It was their way to get back at the killer/survivors.

    Killing yourself on the hook is humiliating when you do it. They won't admit it tho.

  • Thrun
    Thrun Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Tbh this does not change anything for me. I main survivor and so see my fair share of both sides DC.

    I will DC myself if a match is crap from the start. If you stay with a killer who tunnels you off the hook, you are going to de-pip anyway.

    Another reason I will DC other then tunneling is slugging, too many times a killer will slug you to stop the last guy getting the hatch. It's crap gameplay and unfair.

    Also those of you saying it's selfish to leave a match, it's also selfish of you to want someone to stay when they don't want to just for personal gain for you. The only reason you want them to stay in a match they don't like is just for your points or distraction to the killer.

    I like this game very much. However it does have some toxic play that I won't be a part of and will continue to dc away from those matches. A timer cool down is fine but if it runs for too long I will just play another game and try again the next day.

    I also think a black pip should be a given upon getting hooked. Because as I say if you get hooked and tunneled, stay and die on hook, you de-pip anyway. The reward for staying is the same as the punishment for leaving. A de-pip. A few bp for staying mean nothing.

    This game should be a little more transparent for survivors, why can't they know who the killer is before the match starts? It's so disappointing to hear that dc sound when your team see the killer. However I don't feel annoyed at them because they were not given the information up front. It's hard to say "you knew what you signed up for" when they didn't. I mean killers can lobby dodge, so why not survivors?

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    I understand you. You are thinking others but I have already stopped thinking others because when I was a new player and took matches seriously, others just disconnected and I was frustrated. Noone cared about it. So why would I care others? I learned to come through.Then I started to play with SWF which I am sure about that they do not DC. If you play with randoms, you should be aware of that you will take a risk facing with disconnects anytime. I also take that risk and play with randoms. And I am not disappointed or mad if they DC. I just say, okey however they want. You are so idealist and thoughtful. I stopped doing that. I just DC because unlike you, I do not take it seriously(if I take the game seriously then I play with a SWF and at red ranks just like I did before) and I do not even care. If there is something that it is neccessary and important for me, then I will do it even I do not like and enjoy it. But if there is something that does not matter for me and not enjoyable, I just stop doing it. Does the game neccessary for me to play or? No. Do I have to play if I do not enjoy? No. Did other people keep playing when they did not want? No. So why would I do it? I DC because I do not take it serious. I just do not enjoy and DC. That is it. My goal is not escaping all the time. Sometimes I try different build sometimes help others sometimes make killer chase me and try to do mind games etc... The list goes on :D I mean if your game pleasure is ruined then do not play with randoms. Because just because of it is a punishment, people won't stop DC if they want to DC. Unfortunatelly you will have to face with this even you do not DC. It is better for you to play with a SWF. I am telling myself that, it is just a game. So nothing awfull if I DC. But if it ruins others game, then it is they take the game seriously, not me. If it matters for me, then I only focus on the objective and try to escape whatever the conditions are...

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    If it's like the timeout system in most other games a legitimate DC/crash here and there will make you have to wait like 5-10 minutes to queue again at most. It's not there to crush people for crashing or having someone stumble in their ethernet cord, it's there to make habitual disconnectors inconvenienced into cutting it out or turning the game off for the day.

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243

    Alright ^^ I was curious because i saw many DCs recently, especially in YT videos.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    have you ever played some team sports in real life?

    If your opponents are just destroying your team and you're not having fun, would you just leave the field?

    If so - I'm sure your coach will not let you play further for the team, or at the very least will bench you for a few games.

    By the way you do you, feel free to DC as much as you want, now there will finally be a punishment and that's enough for me :D

  • Thrrun
    Thrrun Member Posts: 39

    I have played sport in real life, yes. However if my opponent did something that was crap play, such as kicking the back of my knee in football to down me and then stamp on my leg to bust it up. I would never play with that player again. The reason I say this is because if a killer camps or tunnels off the hook, they are putting you out of the game in much the same way a opponent in sport would if they bust your leg. Yes you can stay in the match and watch if you want but you can't play. Would you ask a football player who was bleeding out to stay in the match so you could continue to have a better chance at winning?

    I also pointed out that I left in the past due to being slugged so the last guy could not get the hatch. How is that not playing for my team? I am giving up my bp plus pip for a team mate, yet you are implying I'm selfish.

    I do not think Dcing in the answer to everything and that is not what I was trying to say. I was simply answering what was asked on this post.

    This is a game not real life though, we should not get the two mixed up. People buy and play games to have a fair go at playing the game. I am not saying it needs to be fun all the time. However when a killer is being spiteful to a survivor or vice versa, that's unfair game play. You may feel that's ok, you may feel others should just deal with it and wait it out. That's fine, there is no right or wrong view.

    However, I feel I don't want to be a part of a match like that and as such I leave using the in game option to do so. I feel it's a little silly to put that opinion in the game and then punish those that dare use it, but that's the way it will be. Information is the key here though. I'm made aware of the fact in advance. If I leave a match, I get a time out.

    As I said the thing with this game is information is withheld, on more then one thing and then you have to choose to deal with it however you please. Some dc, afk or play it out.


  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    I’m sorry but nothing in your answer make any sense.

    kicking a player is foul play and you get disqualified. Slugging is the equivalent of “catenaccio” in football - full on defense and wait for an opening. Atrocious to watch and play against, but effective and absolutely within the rules.

    You can’t decide which tactic your opponent is allowed to play.

    finally, “this is not real life”... Neither is basketball, football etc. etc., they’re just games as well. But games are activities with artificially imposed set of rules - if you don’t want to follow them, don’t play the game.

    ...which fortunately is exactly what will happen from the next patch ^^

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    This player gets it. For anyone who thinks these changes will meaningfully address d/c, has no idea why people d/c in the first place.

    This forum can talk up all the 'salty survivor' it wants but until the devs and the killers understand that there's just some games there's no point sticking around for as a survivor.

    Then its just going to KEEP.ON.HAPPENING.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Team sports right, not a game on the internets.........

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited November 2019

    And that’s different because...?

    simply because they can tell you face to face “what the hell are you doing? What is wrong with you? Go play a different game if you can’t stand to lose”, while on the internet you can hide behind a screen?

    oh boy :P

  • Lockheart
    Lockheart Member Posts: 31

    It does... You lose a chunk of your survival medal, especially if it happens early in the game...

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2019

    I don't work with you, I don't study with you, I don't live with you, I don't see you at practice, I don't see you at the match, I don't know who your parents are or your friends. But this rando on the otherside of the world says 'oh boy' and suddenly the anonymous nature of the internet is made clear.

    You still don't get it.

    Arguing with me might make you feel you've won a victory but its still going to happen, NOTHING.WILL.CHANGE. No matter how many 'oh boy's' you throw out there.

    You're wasting your time if you think your making a difference here.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Well on console they can still just close the game as that is a different sound for DCing

    The sound won't produce if the game closes as it would be the game "crashing"

    Pretty much if you get temp banned for closing the game that means you get temp banned for crashing

    I don't think devs want this so it will only apply to the leave match option

  • symptom101
    symptom101 Member Posts: 81

    Be an annoying idiot and watch me do it

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited November 2019

    Oh dear, what are you talking about lol.

    I simply explained to you why your arguments don’t make any sense - but you are right, this won’t change anything for people that thinks that “if it’s behind a screen I’m allowed to do whatever I want”.

    Luckily from next patch you will get banned, even if temporarily, that’s enough for me ^^

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I don’t DC and I’m thrilled with the start of punishments on that, finally.

    In regards to struggle I disagree, I’ve sat on a hook through first stage waiting for a save that never came because one player was getting chased and the other two stayed on gens literally the whole time. I shouldn’t be forced to sit through another minute of struggle when they have no intention of coming. I’m not talking a camping killer either, just people who don’t get that it’s a team game.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513

    I saw on another post making struggle automatic on hook so they could prevent the 1 hook death people are gonna be doing if they do that.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Your argument has been around in online gaming since its inception. I've seen it so many times, you're not offering anything special. FYI.

    Glad you think your getting what you want. But the devs have 2 legitimate responses to this. Address the underlying problem that put survivors in a position where they would rather d/c and upset someone on the internets. Or ramp up the bans and watch the killer queues get even longer.

    Your moral posturing fails to understand human nature. You're achieving nothing.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    human nature? Morality? Oh boy 🤣

    talking about real things: killer queues are instantaneous, at least on console, while the amount of DC I have to witness every few games is unbearable.

    But don’t get me wrong, it will be a pleasure to see all those whiny people leave DbD altogether, if anything. But I’m sure they’ll just deal with it, maybe be a bit outraged on reddit and the forum but that’s about it :).

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    What is the problem that causes people to DC though? Let’s be realistic, no claims of “real life stuff,” because that happens rarely.

    What in game things make people want to DC? A killer they think is OP, a killer using a mori, not getting a map they want, getting seen at the start and downed first? None of those are legitimate reasons to DC, if you (and by you I don’t mean you, I mean people who DC) think they are you shouldn’t be playing an online PVP game with random factors.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    'Oh boy, oh dear, oh boy'.

    Truly, you have a dazzling insight.

    Survivor queues are shorter than killer queues. FULLSTOP. And the metrics showed it too, before it went to dedicated servers. But i doubt you have anything beyond anecdotal evidence to support yours.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    It's a nuanced conversation and in terms of ranking you've picked the most superficial. There's been a few posts in this thread addressing it, I even quoted one.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    Oh sweet summer child, what part of “on console” wasn’t clear :)?

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Yes, I’ve read your posts and I haven’t seen anything legitimate just a bunch of excuses that “they weren’t playing fair,” “they didn’t let me pick the rules,” and other things I would hear from young children. You’re clearly set in your stance, I hope the DC punishments are harsh enough and stack up quickly enough that you take your ball and go home. Will it affect queue times, for me not really because I play both sides so if killer times get too long I’ll swap to survivor and actually play the game out.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476


    Like I said.....

    Still, you managed to expand your vocabulary. 😉