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Here's our Daily Reminder that playing Nurse still feels miserable.



  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I'm probably the only person who enjoyed being chased by a great Nurse and being able to evade her.

    I miss that feeling.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited December 2019

    Nah you didn't please do not lie.

    Otherwise your statements wouldn't make any sense or do you just have comprehending issues?

    Who needs nurse to be broken? Show one of the people that do constantly post about her, asking for broken addons back. See that is where one can tell that you didn't read the thread as all people agreed upon the nurse addon changes.

    Furthermore there have been suggestions as how to make her more fun. Oh and by the way for me it is more about the fact that i rarely see any nurse by now anymore because she was the killer that was actually able to keep up with 4man you know? Most fun game, but hey pls talk about diapers. Really nice argument, you dont like how this is well go play something else facepalm

  • A lot of people hate her.

    im a player who played old nurse and new nurse without add ons.

    And still 4k in red ranks the power recharge isnt that bad.

    people just miss their pinecone and boy treasure play where she became ridiculously easy to play.

    i do agree that her basekit was not needed but in a sense without the recharge she would have been still nurse with meme add ons

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    dude did you even read this thread? because someone did a test where you could literally run in a straight line and waste her time and thats not even considering los obstacles or exhaustion perks.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Nurse was always my favorite killer to face because of how unique she was to extend chases with. I can’t loop for #########, you can’t loop a Nurse...despite people claiming they couldn’t get a chase to last against a Nurse, I always had the longest chases against her. Now though it’s just sad.

    You’re carefully ignoring the multiple people in this thread, myself included, who have stressed half the reason we liked her was she wasn’t reliant on add ons. I couldn’t even tell you what the add ons you mentioned used to do because I never opened her add on select. Doesn’t change the fact she’s a Dead killer to me due to not being fun anymore. If I play her it’s no blink no add on Nurse, because SOMEHOW that’s more entertaining than actually using her power now. Especially when I get a kill out of it.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    Fine, I'll comment one last time. I didn't want to, but your offensive stance here managed to bait me into it.

    This thread started off with people complaining about how nurse's base-kit change ruined her, how she's not fun because of it, and how she's "too hard for someone to learn, they'll just give up." It wants either a revert on the base power or for a different change to be made instead, and people have been making recommendations between others just complaining about bHVR.

    The problem is that reverting her power is too much. Base nurse, no addons, was the best killer in DbD, hands down. So that road is closed. That leaves one of two options: either making new changes to her power, or scrapping half the addon changes, and making new ones, since some nurse players don't like her new options.

    If you want to make new changes to her power, that's going to ruin all the effort people have put in since the rework on getting new timing and muscle memory developed, and has no guarantee of having a better outcome than what we have now. You can't just reduce the cooldown on blinks, because that's just making her power what it was (read: too strong by far). Not many suggestions on this front have been very tenable.

    Alternatively, there could be a second large addon rework. The problem is, how do you parse all the data you have from people playing nurse, and then draw conclusions from that to determine which addons are a success and which are poor, and in need of redoing? Thanks to the rarity differences between them all, the lower rarities are obviously going to be skewed in usage, but the problem is that a lot of her more advanced addons are "specialist" ones.

    Most people aren't going to use the "immediately blink a second time after charging a full blink" effect, unless they're trying to learn how to master it. If they do use it, they'll be using it repeatedly, so that would skew the numbers. It's a mess, and short of just putting a poll in-game to ask people what they think, they'd be taking shots in the dark.

    Then there's the problem of devoting time and resources to a second nurse rework while half the killer pool is abysmal in performance, and even worse on the fun scale. Untenable suddenly leaps back to mind, making me regret using it earlier when this is a much more fitting spot for it.

    My point is, you're asking for a lot of time and energy to be spent on the strongest killer, when other killers need this effort way more, and it's the EXACT bullshit you'd expect of a nurse main.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    So much hate for Nurse when I feel she is still lethal as she is now. With the right setup, you still have amazing blinks. Recharges are not that bad, makes for smarter play instead of just wiffing a blink out. I faced a new noob nurse resorting to slug camp. Compare to high rank that designated before 3rd gen popped, shes a killer that takes practice. Survivors cant do much cause she doesn't need to break pallets, she can go through most obstacles. Travel long distance for sneak attacks. Combine with perks, she isn't as bad everyone makes out. She has everything she had before but requires more effort and thinking (imo).

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I find those that say her base was overpowered to be the same who dislike that Nurse can go through objects and can't be looped by normal means. In other words, they still don't like the current Nurse and feel the Devs didn't go far enough. Devs could of added back the fatigue plus weapon wipe on top of a cool down and they would still be here stating she is the strongest killer. Damn if she's fun to play or not. Trying to convence or change their minds is pointless effort.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    I play on console and think nurse is in a bad position at the moment. I dont know how it is on PC but let me speak my thoughts about her. Nurse was never often picked on console to begin with. But I see her even less now as R1 survivor. Most of these nurse matches result in a total loss for the killer. I used to play her before the nerf and performed pretty well without using addons. It took practise but it was fun seeing getting better being rewarded.

    Im still playing her but for me its very different now. I dont go into a match without addons anymore and I still struggle. If you missjudge a double blink the survivor gets pretty far away und its easier for them to break los. Travel over the map just feels awful for me. It really is unfun playing her. I dont like her anymore and play other killers more nowadays.

    I dont understand people saying she is still tier 1. That doesnt help me with anything. Maybe she is but she is still no fun for me. I dont care if there are still god nurses in dbd. I am not but I love this killer and want to have good matches with her without playing 24/7 nurse 8k hours to have good matches. I also want to go against her more often and not say :GG nurse she has no chance, when loading into the game as survivor. Its not about if she can still 4k or not or if streamers eradicate survivors with her. Its about who else plays her and performs well? I dont only play nurse and I think its good to play every killer. So you could say im a casual nurse player. But like she is now i cant do sh.. with her. So what can I do to feel rewarded playing her? On other killers I have the same amount of hours and perform significantly better.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I hate this argument so much. It seems like you've never read the response to this ludicrous argument before: You can't "spam blinks" or just "wiffing a blink" You have always had to aim, time, and predict correctly to land hits with blinks. There are never free hits unless they are literally running into your open arms. So stop trying to pass that off as some sort of intelligent argument with depth because it is neither of those.

    And she only requires more thinking because you have to factor in how punishing and useless her power has become now. You are essentially just a demogorogon that can shred through walls. Think about it, you aren't rewarded for using it to traverse the map anymore, and you CAN'T do mindgames anymore because you immediately lose them every time because of the recharge. So what does this leave you with? The same exact mechanic Demo uses with shred but you can do it through walls. That's what she's become, a shell of another killer that is more specialized... Not her own unique and powerful killer.

    She may still be powerful and more than capable of 4k, but who want's to play a killer where you are constantly receiving negative feedback and are artificially limited not by your SKILL but by her new kit mechanic?

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Honestly you just clarified to me why I like Demo, despite still learning him. His shred is a shorter blink that can’t go through walls and less punishment for missing, I agree. Plus he’s got more global map pressure than Nurse with his portals, and isn’t actively punished for using his power like Nurse is. AND he’s a normal movespeed. Seems like three reasons to play him over Nurse now to me...

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    Thanks for actually putting effort into your post, yes i come across as offensive on the subject because I am bored and tired off of it. Take a good look at your first post and check for similar posts in other threads and it comes across as the good old, mimimi people who complain just want broken addons back which isn't the case as stated and there have been several threads on the subject.

    Why do you think base nurse was too strong? Like literally i dont get it, the killer was imo prime example of good killer design, based on skilled play from both nurse and survivor alike. No predetermined route running, no pacman, just constant mindgaming. I think it actually is/was the only killer to be actually able to keep up with 4man optimal but meh.

    I think we can toss the muscle memory argument out of the window since that is one of the biggest complaints there is, people do not develop muscle memory and instead check the bottom left of the screen if their power is back up or not. If you take a look at the text i think @Peanits wrote when they pushed it to ptb, they stated that the old addons did screw too much with the muscle memory, to prevent that they make addons that exactly do that and screw other all the people with the muscle memory of previous base nurse etc...

    Not only that but most of her addons are useless meme stuff? So uh yeah situation is as before, nothing really was fixed with the "rework". Just some dumb mechanic slapped onto it to limit the killer further while the killer already had such a mechanic in place.

    I doubt "specialist" is the right word, i dont see a use in blinking backwards to from where i came or to make people scream or to be transformed into 115% or whatever the ######### it is ms killers anything useful on nurse. The ultra rares can go altogether and there is quite the clear verdict when it comes to those.

    Imagine constant mindgaming in a chase vs "great mindgame potential with the 115% ms killer addon cause survivors do not know how long it actually lasts" (this was a comment from a dev, it is 60sec much mindgame).

    Then there's the problem of devoting time and resources to a second nurse rework while half the killer pool is abysmal in performance, and even worse on the fun scale. Untenable suddenly leaps back to mind, making me regret using it earlier when this is a much more fitting spot for it.

    Well I do understand where you are coming from but I would suggest instead of going into a thread where people talk about a killer they do like to play and miss playing against said killer and are passionate about it, you make a thread about the killers that you do think need changing.

    Explain why they do, you will see that lots of people will leave a comment and give their 2 cents, maybe some will stick around others will just randomly drop the git gud, you are not entitled to 4ks and you will see how tiresome this thing is. Also I do think that this rework would have worked way better if the devs actually didn't dismiss every single feedback ( i dont know if you can still find it on these forums but there was alot of people nurse mains who stated what is not ok with this rework and where problems are and so on in a very constructive way and with lots of feedback) as kneejerk reactions.

    My point is, you're asking for a lot of time and energy to be spent on the strongest killer, when other killers need this effort way more, and it's the EXACT bullshit you'd expect of a nurse main.

    I already stated in various threads that I am unhappy with the recent situation of the game, no variety in red ranks. Survivors not getting anything new ( gameplay wise you know at least every killer plays a little diffrent while survivor is the same forever). I am vocal about the fact that there are too few killers viable, that the game needs to be balanced around 4man swf and so on. You know what? Literally even tho while people say stuff there are games where they end up with 0 kills, couldn't have done anything better they claim well it is just goofing around with friends.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    And Oni is a shell of Billy but he has to work for it. Same rush practically, just slower with better spin control upon landing. Billy is faster but tighter turns. Original Nurse was broke, obviously. Too easy to win with, any time it was her or Spirit. I just stood still. What you're asking for is a Nurse that has free travel and easier hits with little punish. Which is honestly not going to work for any survivors. Ive played nurse a few times in her old base form and I even got 2 kills green rank without even utilizing her. Just spamming random directions. Were survivors bad, possibly. But it proved that even a bad nurse gets rewarded which shouldn't be the case. New Nurse is harder to utilize sure, they have just toned down how free and aggressive she plays. And if they do change her again, they'll need to change survivors too. This crack of killers are not fun; again, sounds like Tru3, is not the case of buffing killers while needing maps and survs for easier killer games. There needs a balance at all sides.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I mean if you look like 3 or 4 posts above yours you'll see why it isn't just an "easy win" since you had to do everything right while blinking or you literally missed every single time and do not get rewarded for it. And again, no such thing as free hits. Any free hits you get as Nurse are because of the survivor, not Nurse.

    I can't even tell you how stupid that example you give is. Like I literally lack the literary skills neccesary to tell you all the ways in which that argument is stupid and doesn't mean anything. I mean green ranks? Fully aware survivors were probably potatoes? Still uses it like it's a solid example.

    Yes, the rework does limit her aggressiveness and FLEXIBILITY. It did nothing but limit her. It offers nothing in the way of playing her in a different way. In fact, it forces you to play her in a very specific way or you are going to have a bad time, which I remind you is bad killer design. Secondly, she lost alllllll mind games since you will ALWAYS lose the mindgame because of the recharge. Every. Single. Time. So yes, she is severly more limited than before and able to do way less other than the rigid playstyle they have forced her into. Well done indeed.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    there is a reason why almost no one plays nurse at red ranks anymore. should explain everything, so give us the old base kit back pls.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    No need for the aggressive behaviour man, cause all you sound like now is some aggressive child that has a problem playing his favourite killer. Which your not, so easy on the insults. You dont have to like my point, there are plenty on this thread that believe nurse is fine and others that say she isn't. Are we wrong to think otherwise, no. I just gave an opinion. To each their own. People believe nurse should be buffed for stupid reasons but I dont start throwing aggression at them. I've seen nurse dominate for so long, stuff happens. Shes still strong, again, just toned down how free and aggressive along with a sense of flexibility. To change something for one rank bracket means changing for all. So what seems fair for red ranks might not for greens yellows etc. Nurse was changed cause she dominated ALL brackets, like Spirit, like Billy. And now Oni and Ghostface now. I'm sure they'll tweak her if people complain enough sooner or later. I just think she isn't as bad as people make her out to be and that they should give her time. Killers are generally meant to use addons to sget results anyways. It's not like you'll have an empty survs doing well unless good map rng. If you want a basic killer to be able to do well with nothing is kind of asking alot considering. But hey again, just a thought.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Except she didn't. She was only saw proficient use in red ranks on PC. All other ranks and consoles she saw little to NO play because she isn't good until you master her.

    And I also disagree again, she was the model of what killers should be. Capable without addons, but enhanced with them. And yes blank survivors do do well all the time, that was shown with depip squad.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Take the depip out of the equation, cause all that is saying is that it's a high rank hanging back at lower rank, killers can do that too. Take a genuine rank 15 on both. Sure basic perkless killer will shred through because they have bloodlust, large hit boxes, depending on the character, a great ability. Survs only have the loop to fall back to. The way I see nurse at lower ranks was that even though we had them every once a while, they were either good with her to know how to utilize her which made it impossible for low ranks to counter play or yeah they were bad. Which is another factor in this game. Take perfect nurse vs survivor. If the nurse has total control, survivors have little to no chance. The loops are all they have which can be cut cause it's a nurse. The only way a perfect survivor can beat a perfect nurse is to rely on the killer screwing up somewhere and taking advantage.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Rank is meaningless in this game unfortunately since they constantly do a rank reset, although I guess it'll be slightly better now after the recent changes but the point still stands. So with that I argue that any good Nurses you saw in low ranks were there because of rank reset, not because they actually belong there. I PROMISE you baby Nurse is a term for a reason, it means anyone who hasn't at least become adept with Nurse will usually lose and be extremely easy to loop/loose.

    Perfect Nurse vs Perfect Survivor is hard to say. There are so many factors from maps to perks that would change the outcome. I'd argue if they were a perfect survivor they could probably loop Nurse for a little bit. Maybe not minutes upon minutes but that really shouldn't happen on any killer tbh. And usually the argument is actually the other way around, survivors can make huge mistakes and still escape/pip but if killers make even 1 mundane mistake or misplay it can cost them the entire game and even 0k. She was like the one killer that actually punished you for mistakes, now you can just lala jog in the park and she will take forever to catch up now. So dumb.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    I dont know. Even if survivors messed up, if capitalised on, they were punished. If it was by a pallet or something, then alot of the time the pallet would drop and it's still gaining something. Yeah, some killers are not great for high ranks. Doctor for example but again. Changing something for one rank does effect other ranks, whether it be killers, survs or maps. Nurse perhaps should be tweaked to be better but not too much to make her impossible to deal with. I haven't seen much Spirits since her change, seen one and was crap. It's just the same as nurse, people unhappy cause she performs less of what she used to.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    Nurse was powerful however she did take skill to play. Timing and accuracy were everything with her. I have seen Nurse's with 5 blinks do absolutely horrible and Nurse's with only 2 blinks do amazing, it just depended on the person playing.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    Just saying, I'm completely trash with nurse and barely play her but even then I'm able to get 2 kills at least with her.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Same here with me and Huntress. It depends how potato the survivors are.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    That's all well and good but I want some clarifying factors:

    What rank?

    Are they SWF?

    I feel like you would not be saying this if you were playing her in high elo.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    So VERY glad you asked. I am purple rank. THEY were red, which is something that is happening too OFTEN for a rank 7, and may have been SWF.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    They definitely weren't potatoes. They looped the hell out of me whenever they could. The ONLY reason I was able to kill 2 was because I got was able to time the blinks right and predict some of the loops. When I got a crazy ass blink hit or was inches away from one landing I knew she was broken. The idea of a good nurse player who would have actually MEANT to do some of this horrified me

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Sounds like they died trying to loop a Nurse. That or they thought you were a baby and wanted to mess with you.

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201

    -Devs change hardly anything about Nurse

    -"Wayyyy too much wrong with her rn" as opposed to "Extremely OP pls nerf"

    Does anyone else see the problem with this, that when people want change they eventually get change, but still complain?

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I mean, by that metric I’ve killed 2 red ranks in a single game playing no blink no add on no perk Nurse since the changes, so one game I’m skeptical is indicative of the whole.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    It's because she can still blink through objects. They want her to be like Demogorgon but with the same base stats.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I always thought they might add some character that is like Nurse but is just really good at hitting survivors anytime they're in a straight line in front of the killer.

    Little did I know that's what they were gonna turn Nurse into. Yeet yourself to whatever is in your eyesight or pay the price of wasting so much time.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    There were a FEW more like this, and there would probably be more, but I have effectively stopped playing nurse because I got what I wanted out of her (teachables for Legion)

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Off topic a bit, but why do players feel the need to play the killer if all they want is the teachable? You can play the killer you like and put points into other characters. Is it an addon thing? Where you don't want to fall behind on the amount of addons you have?

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    Because the fun of a lot of killers I play live and dies by their add ons and those add ons are not permanent, so I constantly have to put blood points into said add ons. The only exception is Ghostface, and his BP gain is terrible.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    I had a feeling it was because of addon economy. Thanks!

  • I just hate her addons now. They are boring and uninspired, they should have looked at myers for an reminder of what fun add ons look like.

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    If you have ideas for how to rework her this thread welcomes suggestions:

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 669

    unfortunately, as much as i love nurse, i'll have to make my statement too. nurse is genuinely unfun to play as now. she's way too clunky with her movement, and it seems like her blinks are more randomized than anything now, even when paced. her blink cooldowns slow her down a little too much, and any stuns, line of sight breaks, etc. just completely kill her no matter how well you play. sure, i've gotten good games with her before, but now she's overall just kind of terrible and it's sad to see that..

    there has to be some sort of workaround for this rework of hers. the addons were fine to be adjusted, but the basekit she has now slows her down and forces her into bad positions practically all the time, and this should not be how a killer should play.

    their powers are meant to assist them after all, not to hurt them.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    Checked if she was any good today. Can assure you she is not.