Slugging for the 4k is Unhealthy
You get 2/2 in red ranks that's a depip.
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I was just explaining why I stand up for myself so much.
I don't hide all game, I do generators and unhooks.
I don't die THAT much, I'm just sick of bad games ending in a slug and a hunt.
And most of the games that end in this scenario, I'm solo-queueing.
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Because he does not want to adept.
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Every time you ready up, there is always the potential that you can/will be slugged for the full duration of the bleed out timer.
It's part of the game, regardless of your feelings.
If you can't accept this possibility, don't play the game.
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Well, I don't have Bill's teachables unlocked, I don't get slugged and Flip-Flop.
Flip-Flop is also capped at 50% of wiggle.
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Slugging isn't holding the game hostage since the last survivor can just walk up too the downed one and heal them. It isn't the killers fault for the living survivor too hide till their friend is dead.
And if slugging is unhealthy, then so are Keys since they have no real counterplay besides Franklins and they are also unfun. And survivors are going too bring keys no matter what since they are super strong. It's rare too find a game without at least one key.
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Killing survivors is only 1/4th of the emblem system. With the past system? I agree it was only about killing the survivors. But the new system focuses on a lot more.
In a really solid game, where I get 10 hooks and it's down to 2 survivors with 1 hook left each..... even at red ranks it's rarely going to be the difference between pipping or not if I get both of those hooks or just one.
The 12th hook gets you maybe 250-500 points? 500 points and an extra emblem that probably won't impact if I pip or not isn't worth sticking around another 5+ minutes into the match for me.
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I'm talking about the wincons, not the emblem system. Survivor escapes are also only 1/4th of the emblem system but it's still their wincon too.
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Well, since the game has 4 survivors I really don't care about this logic. Slug is necessary when gens are being done in a blink of an eye (not everyone play Spirit, Nurse or Billy) and when you want to gain time. So, I see as strategy. I usually don't slug in the begining because there's no reason for that. But when the match need it, I don't see any problem. There's a lot of unhealthy things in this game in the survivor point of view but I would like to remind that gen speed, infinites and map size are also unhealthy. Does anyone care?
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Yeah solo is rough, that's how I play survivor as well. I don't care how the game ends as long as the killer didn't camp or tunnel. Moris I don't care about because you can still pip as a survivor and get morid.
My point being that until BHVR fixes the point and pipping system for killers in red rank we have to slug to even hope at pipping. Even getting 3k is usually a safety pip. Yet a survivor can do a gen and a half, unhook a survivor, get into a chase with the killer once that more than likely pip even if they die.
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Everyone keeps saying that keys are strong, but I never see anyone use them on Xbox. That may be because I'm only in purple ranks, but still.
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So, since you are the guy that does not get slugged, you are the guy who does not heal your teamate that is slugged. Man you really are your own worst enemy.
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Slugging for the 4k is as old as the game.
There's no rapid increase of killers doing it.
It's not some new tactic some streamer is popularizing.
It's normal DBD.
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Ah yes, another 'Be happy with 3 kills' thread.
I mean, Survivors who say this never expect it in reverse; be happy with 3 escapes. If the Killer does not have a kill by the time the gates open, someone should give themselves to the Killer.
And no, it's not 'holding the game hostage'. This is an attempt at verbal gymnastics meant to make slugging sound worse than it is, and shame Killers who use it. Or even scare them with veiled threats of bans, since holding the game hostage is bannable while slugging is not.
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Pipping is the win condition. The system exists as it does because killing survivors off by camping or tunneling is REALLY easy and more needed to be done to encourage killers to not camp so hard.
The past system was the binary "did they die" method of ranking up and those were dark, campy days indeed. Alleviated only by the fact that survivors were much more overpowered than they are now.
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Yet you're the one that's trying so hard but ok.
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How so? You made a post to shame killers into only 3King. If anything you're the one trying hard.
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No. Pipping is the ranking system, not the win condition. There is a difference.
The wincondition is to either Kill everyone or escape depending on your role. The game specifies this in the tutorial.
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Unhealthy for who? LOL
You do know you can bring in Unbreakable right? If, as you said, "there has been a rampant rise in slugging in order to get a 4k", why not bring in that perk and a key to somehow have a chance to avoid that?
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I disagree. Following that logic I could play survivor, get into a locker, never touch a gen, and wait for the hatch every single game and that's "winning" even though the game deranks me for it?
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Don't worry, people will be punished for those DCs in the next patch.
you can't blame them for it because people got better things to do than waste their time looking at the ground for 4 minutes. Just for your precious 4k especially when you pretty much won at that point.
'better things to do' as in queuing up again and continuing to play the videogame..? DCing while slugged is just being a sore loser. Suck up your pride, wait until you die, and keep the bloodpoints you earned. You come off sounding extremely entitled if you have the mentality:
"You are wasting my time if you slug me. I've lost, but my time is more important than your's and you should be happy enough with just killing me. It's unethical to extend my time in this game an extra 4 minutes just so you can try to prevent my teammate from getting hatch."
"It's unfair that you aren't killing my teammate and are looking for me instead. I deserve the opportunity to potentially find hatch before you and escape, and you are denying me that opportunity."
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Technically, you did win the match. You failed to play the game, and you got punished for being an anchor to your team, but you won the match since you escaped, and you are responsible for YOU.
That's why I think of the game as a 1, 1, 1, 1 V 1 instead of a 4 V 1. Sure you can help other players as a Survivor, but YOU still win if you get away, regardless if what happens to them. Unlike true team games like Overwatch, where you win or lose as a team.
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That strategy sound extremely unreliable. You might win some games but you'd have way more games where the Killer finds the hatch first and you die to the EGC.
You want to complete gens and save people because it's the most consistent way to escape. Not because it's an arbitrary task on the emblem system checklist.
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but yes if you do something lame and then win.... you still won.
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In the grand scheme of things, the feelings and histrionics in this topic are meaningless in terms of the way the game is designed/played.
All the feelies in the world will never remove or keep players from slugging.
This is just a trash bag topic that has turned into a dumpster fire, but it's been pretty humorous at times.
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Who needs to slug for the 4k when you can just equip IF and knock out and slug everyone, all the time. It's pretty much the strongest strategy in the game if you can get downs quick enough since you're going to be applying way more pressure than is possible otherwise.
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Nice "if you can" you got there. And if you can't it's a pointless perk.
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just play spirit and the if you can becomes a "how did you lose"
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That's how you should have started "play spirit and...".
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Well she's not the only one you can do it. If you're a good enough nurse or billy player they'll do it just fine too.
Maybe (big maybe) on huntress. Depending on if/how they nerf oni he may end up being the new slug god though.
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Well, description of Oni's power literally says "if you don't slug, you lose your power".
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If you are slugged and the other survivor is doing nothing, crawl towards them and force them to do something, at the very least it will end the game quicker :)
As mentioned though there’s is another long post from last night covering this exact topic with some great comments in, that maybe interesting to those wanting to discuss the same thing. <3
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They should just add a concede button that only appears after you've been slugged for at least 40 or so seconds. I don't want to sit here doing nothing for 4 minutes because youre thirsty for your last kill. I just want to play the game thanks.
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So take a perk that counters slugging? Oh wait you do not want to adapt.
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Once again the nicest person in the forums
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How does wanting a concede button while slugged = not wanting to adapt. The entitled killer radiates off of you. A concede button could just leave behind a husk and it would have no effect on you.
I run unbreakable almost all the time by the way. Sometimes it doesn't matter though.
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The word "entitled" is really being misused a lot in this topic.
It's kind of cute :3
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I don't play killer because killer is harder than playing easy mode survivor, hence I am a survivor main. It's not the killer's fault that you are slugged it's your teammates fault for not healing you, I don't get mad at the killer when I get slugged I get mad at my potato teammate who's hiding waiting for hatch, but if you left behind a husk and the husk was not subject to a timer that would be fine be fine as it changes nothing. Currently though there is no husk that is left behind and until the devs implement that you will probably never get a concede button. I would be down though for a concede button though if the whole team agrees to it, but the team would forfeit all their points and the killer would still get the points as if he had hooked them and vice versa if the killer initiated the concede the survivors would get escaped points.
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Sometimes the optimal play is to not heal the slug
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Why would your teammate save you? Everyone knows the killer didn’t stray far.
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Slugging for the 4k became a viable option ever since the last Survivor started standing by the hatch waiting for the 3rd to die or DC, instead of trying to rescuing them.
I will look for that last Survivor unless the game has gone long and I want to get to the next one.
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Yeah, very much this tbh
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Exactly! But you'll notice few survivors say 'Hiding by the hatchinstead of playing is not healthy'. Nope, instead, it's the Killer's fault and the Killers who have to change play styles to make Survivors happy.
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This... Really wish more people would take this mentality. So many ppl will blindly search the whole map for that last guy who's probably in a locker... If I can start a chase with the last guy right away, dont blame me for slugging. Had a game yesterday as Myers where I had 3 ppl downed with a T3, hooked one, saw a BBQ aura and downed THAT guy 30 seconds later. Apparently downing and slugging everyone within that 60 seconds that T3 is on is too much for some people, lol. If I have no clue where to go next though...maybe BBQ will help.
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That and "holding the game hostage"
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>people thinking the hatch mechanic is broken
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It's unhealthy to rely on RNG for a 4k. Ok boomer.
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This. Hatch is there because 1v1ing the killer is hard. If you don’t want people to slug to avoid the hatch, drop the hatch. If you’re a survivor god and your team is a bunch of potatoes, then show your skill instead of wanting the easy escape.
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Honestly you can take away camping, slugging and tunneling from the game, looping, genrush and SWF while you are at it.... there are a lot of stale and boring gameplay options but the entire game is designed around them.
If you really want change; you need to offer a solution that is actually A) More fun and B) Doesn't shift balance in either favor and C) actually achievable without tearing the whole game and it's engine apart and rebuilding from the ground up.
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Slugging for the 4K is not a new thing it has literally always been there.
The only reason you might see an increasing it is because before situations where no gens or only one generator has been completed used to be game over for the survivor so as a killer there was never any need to slug.
Now hatch spawns no matter what for the last survivor a lot of Killers don't want to risk it so not only do you get the killers who slug and anyway but killers who dominate will still probably slug just in case.