Do you want to know why killers camp and tunnel?



  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    What you should have gathered is "Hey, maybe we should fix our matchmaking problem and nerf some seriously overpowered perks and add ons". Since you're the expert, what precisely am I supposed to do in that situation? They were much higher rank/skill than me and not the least bit interested in escaping. Slugging didn't work, camping didn't work, chasing them didn't work. When I used the "correct" strategy of facing a wall, that didn't work either.

    I've been tunneled and facecamped, NOWHERE NEAR as frustrating as this match.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912
    edited December 2019

    show them no mercy :)

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    That's a great idea, if you actually COULD. Imagine a horror movie, the killer is lurking, two teens are making out in a dark attic....They hear a noise..."What was that?!?".....The killer emerges.... Then the two teens proceed to beat the living crap out of the killer until he is begging to go to jail/hell/the grave. The end.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    My advice would be to slug you.

    They are waiting for you to pick them up so they can go for a flashlight save, so just don't pick them up and go after the person waiting for the save. If they try to loop you then you can turn around and pick up the downed player before they can get back. If multiple Survivors swarm you in order to prevent this then no one is doing gens so you still can win.

    The way to beat Survivors trying this sort of thing is always to not play into their hands and to keep your cool.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I tried this. You're thinking about this like a group that is doing archives and wanting to escape, not a group of toxic bullies that planned out exactly how to screw with the killer. The mere fact that there are perks and add on's that would allow survivors to be this OP is a serious failing on the part of BHVR. The fact that I was playing 6 ranks out of my league is a serious failing on the part of BHVR. Again, if I was playing a killer with an instadown, this would have been a different game.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    It's funny how people are "concerned" someone took out their frustration in a videogame lol. He's in a killer role doing what killers do. This game has a never ending cycle of toxicity that will stay as long as people want to piss off others. If you get randomly camped, tunneled, Mori, etc then there's a good chance you can thank the A-holes that came before you.

  • I feel the same way. Honestly though I've had a string of matches like that and then brought a mori to vent stress, but I still give the last person hatch and I don't tunnel or camp.

    Like jfc how hard is it not to be an ######### to people?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Seems like a lot of killers have these sort of games. Feels like every other game someone get tunneled or camped.


  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640
  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    They do this because it is griefing.

    Yes, there is nothing we can do... It's a shame to have no developers on this game to solve this. Either way, they won't even try.

    I personally delete the "Game Health" line from the year 4 roadmap. It was a joke.

    I am sincerely sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Freddy_chan
    Freddy_chan Member Posts: 31

    look at the wall when picking up, i can understand your frustration about that through wall save, but it doesnt happen often, your MM was a total garbage and im sorry for your suffering, but if you want to deals with those swf, take ebony, if i see too many toolboxes, i just take best addons, sometimes even ebony mori, dont care about flashlights that much since if you look around for a bit you will find them and scare them away, if you have such painful team, just tunnel the ######### out of 1 guy, so mb you will lose a checkpoint, but he will too, also like someone before suggested, slug them, since if they bleed out you dont have to worry about saves

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    If they aren't optimizing for escape then it should be easier to stop them from doing so.

    Why exactly did slugging not work? Even if they keep trying to pick each other up you can hurt them faster than they can heal.

  • Shredder32
    Shredder32 Member Posts: 38

    ...I just read the OP and a few posts, none of which I think hit on the main point, but I coulda missed it. But in my experience as a killer main, if your survivors hard tunneled or face camped or moried and wonder why, because you didn't tea bag or whatever, it most likely wasn't you but the group before you.

    Killers are people to. In poker it's called tilting, and folks will go all in pre flop with any two cards, here we bury our chainsaws into as many backs as we can and then we hook them and chainsaw them again and again, snatching up anyone who tries to save them, dump their body at the feet of the hook and keep right on chainsawing till all the pain goes away. Like I said, we're only human.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Nurse is why. If you get survivors that know how to play her, they can run you long enough to get their buddy up, especially when they're running you into head on stuns. If I was using meyers, I would have taken advantage of their boldness and used EWIII to slug them.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    When I see just one flashlight in the lobby I always bring Franklin's or Lightborn, they help a lot, you should try to use one of them.

    I know some survivors will change their items and add ons before the counter hit 5 seconds, but when they do that I just ctrl+alt+delete and move on. I think you should do the same.

    In my opinion there should be a way to prevent survivors from doing that in lobbys, because I'm guessing that you see the survivors to prepare according to what you see in the lobby, right? Or what's the point of seeing their items such as flashlight and keys?

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I wasn't paying attention in the lobby, and that is on me. Usually when I see toolboxes, flashlights, and keys, I run franklins.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Nurse shouldn't be an issue, even with the nerf they can't run you for very long without putting a lot of distance between them and the downed Survivor, at which point you can turn around and pick them up since they can't flashlight save in time.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    And when they have two other buddies with flashlights? Chase one, and the other two heal the slug. Try to come back, and one of those becomes bait and the other guy comes back. I understand all of the tactics, but when they have communication and the tools to defeat them, it's really damned difficult and frustrating to deal with.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    "Just fix everything I don't like and others like so only I may enjoy the game" lul

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You are Nurse, if they are healing then you can be back and immediately hit them before they have time to react. You don't need to chase them THAT far, just far enough that they can't pick up the downed player, you can still blink back and hit whoever went for the heal.

    Alternatively, next time you enter a lobby with a bunch of flashlights equip lightborn. I know we all forgot that perk exists, but it basically makes you immune to flashlights. If they are giving you that much trouble then it's worth the slot, especially since you can see what items they are bringing in advance, so it's not like you randomly are bringing it "just in case" everygame, you just bring it when you know you'll need it.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Not basically lol. They literally have to start the blind before you start the pickup and you have to let it happen.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    How is using a mori bullying? Nice try but doesn't pan out well for you mate.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited December 2019

    It's not, but it can make a killer overpowered and what I was wondering is if the argument would also be a valid argument to not use moris, from an ethical point of view. You could even question if "ethical play" (aka survivor/killer rule book) is even a valid thing.

    Post edited by Xerge on
  • Frey
    Frey Member Posts: 23

    Flashlight saves? HOW DARE THEY PLAY THE GAME. And decent person would just let you 4k. Why on earth would they want to use any tools at their disposal to save their fellow teammates? Preposterous.

  • Frey
    Frey Member Posts: 23

    For every instance of this there are ten more of me draining the entire ######### battery and not getting the save. The game just isn't made well.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    So you think green ranks vs red ranks is OK? The intelligence is not strong with this one.

    Have you played nurse since the nerf? She has fatigue, cooldowns, and no lunge to speak of, plus SWF will just tell them that I'm coming back.

    I've got no problem with flashlight blinds, I DO have a problem with being able to hide outside of a killers vision, with them facing a wall, and still get the blind off.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    Easy way to deal with a bully squad without Face camping and Tunneling? Simple, just slug. Bully SWF are overly altruistic they will stay by a downed survivor trying to get them up, don't fall for the flashlight saves by not picking them up. Then slug the people attempting to flashlight, pallet stun, or heal the slugs you already have collected! Eventually you will have 4 slugs. You might have to deal with an unbreakable here and there. If you really want to be toxic because they bullied you wait until they are just about to bleed out before you book them, then hook them to make them have to stay in game longer and if th Kobe instantly hit them again and they will die on the floor right then.

    Or you know you could just grow up and not punish people that aren't being toxic. Better yet go in with an OP perk build and a Mori and play "fairly" (don't slug, tunnel or camp) on your OP perk build because then you aren't likely to lose.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    this is why I hate ebony mori's people use em to take out frustration on the people they verse next who literally didn't do anything to be annoying

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Nurses Lunge was not changed by the nerf. The fatigue was already there. SWF won't be able to communicate that you are coming back in time, since going back just means you start charging your blink while chasing the initial would be flashlight save... and then spin around to blink the otherway towards the slugged Survivor. If someone is there you can immediately hit them, they wouldn't have had time to run since they all thought you were chasing the other person, including said other person.

    SWF can't communicate information they don't have. They don't know what you will do before you've done it.

  • X_Scott
    X_Scott Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2019

    You'd think that sticking around after watching you camp 2 others would be incentive not to be a douche, but NOOOOOOOOOOO lol

  • X_Scott
    X_Scott Member Posts: 137

    Like what's the point in hooking, staring you down until dead, rinse and repeat? Reward a lot of points? For doing virtually nothing

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Honestly seems like a tame way to release built up tension and I'd wager to say you aren't a shinning beacon either, no one is.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    I don't take my anger on anyone that wasn't part of it, for your information.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    This post is kinda useless since we know why killers camp: they are bad

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I'll file it away in the document I'm doing up about yo- I mean alright good to know.

  • Okay but if you are running OoO in a super meta all out SWF group- and you can be tunneled you probably will be. It's not even personal, but you give too much info out you become priority #1

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    It sucks to have a bad game, four flashlights with high ranks can be rough, but you're displaying classic bully behavior. Most bullies are bullied. The kids that go to school and pick on other kids were picked on themselves. It doesn't excuse the behavior, and it only frustrates and angers more people. It's like spreading a cold. If I have a frustrating game as killer or survivor I take a break, reevaluate what just happened and how I can do things differently next time. I can't control the survivors or the killer no matter how they decide to play but I can decide how I react to it in the future. A cool head wins games. A hot one can't think clearly enough for victory.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I'm not a "turn the other cheek" kind of guy, not with a community this toxic. Maybe 2 out of 12 are good sports. Heck, one match, I was going to give the last guy hatch, I was standing on top of said hatch when I saw him lurking, so I started chasing him and pushing him toward the hatch. When he escaped, he was, trying to piss me off because he escaped and I never downed him once..

    I've been online gaming since 1998's Starsiege tribes and Starcraft. Never seen a community of gamers this toxic. Sure you will encounter the odd troll or hacker in other games, but for the most part, people are good sports. Not here.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    If you see a lot of flashlights get Overwhelming Pressence or Lightborn, problem solved.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    Fair enough, these players can be extremely toxic. I've encountered it on both ends. But if its affecting you this badly, do you honestly still get enjoyment from the game? I'd suggest closing end game chat or dropping a gg and closing the window at the end of the game. There are just so many immature people playing this game, and yes, children. I play on pc and xbox and every time someone tries to add me on mics they're between 10-14 years old. I just stopped accepting party invites months ago. I try to keep that in mind that I might be dealing with a kid who thinks he or she is hot stuff insulting people or trying to be the next ochido in DBD.

  • dooces
    dooces Member Posts: 27

    amazing how killers think things are unbalanced when they dont win 80% of their games. try survivor, where your odds of escaping are 25%.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Killers camp/tunnel because they can play however they want to play and it is an allowed strategy according to BHVR.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I am an extremely competitive person and I get great enjoyment out of this game, even when I get beat by an obviously better team. Heck, I don't even mind salty survivors. What I do mind is a balance team that would allow such a blatantly overpowered set of perks. One less OP thing and this thread would have never existed. If the grabs off unhook hook actually worked properly, or if borrowed time wasn't so OP, or if the flashlight, which clearly says in the game tips "must be shined directly into the eyes" couldn't blind you outside your field of view. I would have gotten at least a 2K and wouldn't have been so mad.

    Define winning. I define a win as at least a ruthless killer. If I get a 2-4K and depip, that's a loss.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    OP set of perks? Borrowed time and Head on? Is that what we are whining about here?

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    No, I 'm whining because matchmaking put me in a situation that I never should have been in. I'm whining because a flashlight can blind outside of your FOV. I'm whining because survivors can walk right up to the killer and unhook without any way of punishing them.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Matchmaking is currently what it is.

    The flashlight thing can be annoying I agree.

    If someone unhooks in front of you either pull them off the unhook midway through or hit them?

    You specifically mentioned OP perks but the only perks mentioned in your original post were Head On and Borrowed Time?

    It does sound like you need a break from the game or go play the other side for a little while and see how useless those perks can be.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    The grab is useless since they can interrupt the animation. IMO, if the survivor is sitting still at all, you should be able to grab them. Matchmaking is what it is because killer is weak and BHVR basically gave killer mains a slap in the face. No killers in higher ranks means longer wait for survivor and these mismatches.

    Head on is annoying because there is no mind game, you just have to wait the 30 seconds, but I wouldn't call it OP under normal circumstances. With a high rank, toxic SWF bully team, it is absolutely OP. Borrowed time is incredibly OP and DS is OP at the end of the game.

    I play both sides in addition to a lot of deep rock galactic. That is irrelevant and has nothing to do with broken aspects of this game.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325

    Imagine being so bad at the game that you actually bring a wasted perk like Franklin's into a match when you can literally have just a little awareness and avoid it. Clearly something some people lack like this guy.

    I would rather lose and have 4 people escape and try to have fun and improve, than camp someone. Tunnel? Maybe if I have to really do it, but even then I usually avoid it.

    Some people will look for any excuse they can to justify the scummy way they play, simply because they're bad at the game. Guess what? The vast majority of second chance perks survivors have are total BS. They punish good killers who do not tunnel and camp more than they punish those that do. But that's life, friend. Grow a pair.