Do you want to know why killers camp and tunnel?



  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Or I can vent my frustrations on the forums, get other killers to do the same and maybe, JUST MAYBE, BHVR will pull their heads out of their asses and take a look at some of the more broken aspects of the game.

    I love how it's always the killers fault, even though this particular group of survivors came in with the sole intention of bullying.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I disagree the grab is useless. I have had plenty of grabs when people have tried to unhook someone as soon as I have put them on the hook and even if the grab doesn't go through it will translate to a hit 99% of the time.

    Borrowed time doesn't even work with a number of killers now. Either when the killer is using their stealth ability or when the survivor is oblivious. Borrowed time isn't OP ad it only affects people who camp(not stealth) and tunnel off the hook.

    The Decisive Strike argument is pointless. As a killer I didn't have an issue with it before the changes. I would just get it out of the way early in the game and then it was done. Now because I don't tunnel anyone I don't see it.

    Head On..... I'm not even going to discuss this as being OP as I can't actually believe you're suggesting it is.

    The issue you have is you went against a team who was better than you. That's it. That will happen, even with people in the same ranks as you because of rank reset and people deliberately deranking or they haven't played in a while. Sometimes you just have to accept you will lose. You're not going to kill them all every single time.

    I agree with the next guy as well about how bad you must be at the game to stand still for minutes at a time when you get a hook because you are so scared they will get off the hook. I can't remember if it was on this thread or another, but was it you who said unless you get ruthless killer then it is a loss to you?

    You're not going to get ruthless standing still in the better ranks but you'll do it because you so desperately need a kill? Borrowed Time exists because of players like you who can't handle not winning so camp. If the survivor does get off the hook you will then pursue them because getting 2 hits on another survivor is too difficult, then you discover they have BT and you cry it is OP because you still have to get 2 hits on the person.

    I have been a Rank 1 killer and I have never camped and never tunnelled. Of course I have games where I get destroyed, so what? They were better than me. On to the next game.

    Your entire post seems to be that survivors should have next to no perks and certainly shouldn't be allowed items whereas you should have a whole arsenal at your disposal to obliterate them in every game before one gen gets done. Otherwise you'll make the players in the following games have a miserable time because you're mid tantrum.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Borrowed time is not a problem until the end of the game. If NOED bypassed it, it would be infinitely more fair. If they did their job and cleansed the totems, they deserve the escape, if not, they deserve to get downed.

    I already said head on is not OP, UNLESS you have SWF, because they can coordinate the stuns. Annoying, sure, but not OP in solo. I consider brutal a tie and ruthless a win. However, when I'm going against toxic little turds, I don't care anymore and the only thing on my mind is killing them, depip be damned.

    This was not about who was better, this was about a bully squad. Survivors can't handle not escaping, so they whine and get OP crap like BT. Killers get nothing and are expected to like it.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Maybe not your friends but mine are all ex mk ultra.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ex mk ultra friends cannot communicate information they do not have.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I,for one, am absolutely thrilled when survivors waste all their time doing stuff that doesn't progress the game at all.

    I mean, I've resorted to camping/tunneling when it's beneficial to me or when I perceive the survivors as overly altruistic. It can win you games sometimes, it's all about the game state. But when I get to the point of doing stuff like this just to be petty, I know it's time to take a break.

    Besides, there's your answer to why survivors hook dive/do risky saves: because it's boring af to just do gens to oblivion. Most survivors would rather die and have an action packed match than escape while doing nothing. It's a core difference of gameplay between survivors and killers (not killing everyone as killer is frustrating, as survivor you can die and still have a blast) and I don't think that's gonna change anytime soon.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Co-ordinated or not Head On is not OP. You have 2 people off gens right there. One being chased the other getting in a locker waiting for you to go by.

    Borrowed Time wasn't brought in to ensure an escape at all. It was to give survivors a chance when going up against Camping/Tunnelling Killers. People like you are the reason that perk was created. That you then claim is OP because it affects you.

    I don't really care what perks survivors bring in. I don't care what perks killers bring in. The only thing that bothers me in this came is camping and tunnelling. It is just a pathetic way to play. I know you're not going to see it any differently because you got beat and had a tantrum etc but stop blaming perks and just start focusing on playing the game.

    The whole I lost because(Pick one or multiple dependent on how upset you are):

    SWF is OP.

    DS is OP.

    BT is OP.

    Toolboxes are OP.

    Medpacks are OP.

    Torches are OP.

    And so on.

    It is an argument where no matter what is said you won't listen because you think you're entitled to 4 kills every game and if you don't or you go against a co-ordinated team the whole game should be changed to ensure you do get 4 kills every single game no matter who you are up against. Unless survivors start the game on the hook or right next to a hook and already injured you won't be happy.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Wah, society did not give me enough love so it made me into a dick and now I want to make everyone suffer. Please.

    Does this guy even have a pair to jump on survivor for more than a few games to see how the other half lives, and not just to DC in the first 30 seconds or be so full of false bs pride as to ever touch survivor. At the very least it makes you a way better killer knowing what they can and cannot do, besides moaning about not being able to kill everyone just by showing up.

    And if you are up against a bully squad look for the ones doing gens and hook those. They usually suck in a chase, just point your stupid face at a wall when you pick them up. You know the ones with flashlights aren't doing gens, you should be thankful they are saving you the trouble by bringing the party to you. Four flashlights in my lobby always brought a smile to my face cause it was going to be a good time.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I don't mind an action filled game either, I enjoy the chases and the mindgames. The problem is that people don't want action, they want a bully simulator.

    Fine under normal circumstances, but not when used by survivors that are trolling. I get the feeling you're one of these bullies and don't want your "fun" affected.

    The only time BT has come into play before the gates were open was because of auto aim screwing up. Once the doors are open, I am 100% entitled to keep a kill that I earned, not have a survivor walk right up without consequence and steal it. That's the whole point of tunneling before the gates are open, ensuring that BT or DS won't come into play and cost you a sacrifice.

    I've never said that toolboxes or medkits are OP. Lights aren't OP either, EXCEPT when they can blind outside of FOV. That doesn't even make logical sense, if you can't see something, it can't blind you.

    Yep, I'm not above dishing out the same abuse that I get. In my experience, 85% of survivors behave in a toxic manner, so I chalk it up to punishment for something they got away with earlier. I play survivor a lot actually, it's stupid easy compared to killer.

    I did point my face at a wall, still got blinded, hence the rage.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Dude, honestly what makes you think you're entitled to a kill in the endgame after you didn't kill anyone else before? You allowed the survivors to complete their objective. Now earn that kill or have a 0k.

    Just as much as you're allowed to 4k sometimes, survivors are allowed to have a 4-man escape sometimes too. That's the way it goes.

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    I'm a Killer Main who's been playing DBD since late 2016.

    First of all, while bully squads do exist and I'm not suggesting the people in your first post's first example were just wholesome rascals, it's important for any aspiring Killer to learn to differentiate between getting outskilled/outplayed, having a Survivor use something that isn't really fair but also isn't really cheating against us and actual toxicity.

    Borrowed Time, flashlights and pallets are things that exist in DBD in the same way that forks exist in the world outside of DBD - and in the same way, 99% of people's only use for forks is to have their dinner with them, but forks can be abused (someone could stab someone else with a fork).

    Like our friend the fork, a Perk like Borrowed Time or an item like a flashlight are not inherently abusive and their use isn't automatically a toxic play.

    Both of those things have very, very simple counters.

    Flashlights can't happen when you're looking at a wall or when you're quick enough to look up/down and neither flashlight or pallet saves can happen if you just don't pick the Survivor up.

    Borrowed Time is only a source of frustration for Killers who for some demented reason cannot understand that smacking the rescuer is far, far better than to wait for a Borrowed Time hit on the unhook. When someone goes to unhook in front of you, you smack them. When they complete the unhook animation you will have completed your attack cooldown animation and have been handed a free down.

    And I'll tell you something more that you learn when you get past your first 1000 hours in DBD: As you progress in your career as a Killer you will learn to love flashlighters and overly altruistic SWFs!

    They are 100% my favorite thing in DBD. I love flashlights! I can't get enough of them! A Survivor who just runs around after me with a flashlight, thirsty for a save (which they will absolutely never get! This isn't my first match, Claudette) is a breath of fresh air! That means all I have to do is bait the save attempt without actually picking the Survivor up and instead down the flashlighter as soon as they show themselves.

    They're basically a 2-for-1 deal, flashlighters.

    Overly altruistic SWF buddies bombing the hook before I even had a chance to complete the hooking animation? IS THIS MY BIRTHDAY!? That's almost 2-3 free downs waiting to happen, depending on what Killer I'm playing. Multiple people are going down or at least getting injured, guaranteed!

    You see, the things you will learn to fear - actually fear - and hate seeing in a match, the things that will really, really frustrate you are not flashlights or Borrowed Time or Head On or teabagging or even broken god-loops... It's toolboxes, it's "Gens Before Friends", it's super-immersed stealthlords with Commodius toolboxes for whom this game is a gen repair simulator and their wet dream is to get 4 gens done in less than 3 minutes and sprint right out of the exit gates as soon as they can. People who reduce the game to about one fifth of what it's supposed to be.

    To understand why Survivors play SWF at all (toxic or otherwise), only play Survivor yourself in solo queue for about 100 matches. By match 20 you will probably figure it out, though.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Yes. Dear god, this is it.

    Please give me Neas with pink hair, flashlight clicking and teabagging. Lots of them. P3 Blendettes with toolboxes are the real nightmare in this game.

    There's nothing worse than playing Yamaoka's, seeing someone's aura on BBQ, getting to the gen and finding absolutely nothing, then choosing to either waste a full minute looking for a Blendette in the bamboos or leaving knowing that gen will pop. I miss pink-haired Neas dearly every time that happens.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    If I catch you, no matter what else has happened in the game, I am absolutely entitled to that kill. You want a 4 man escape, don't get caught. I've had survivors use a pallet at the exact right time to escape, and I compliment them on the good play. Borrowed time is a crutch perk that allows you to be lazy

    There are a few problems with your argument. Auto aim being one of them, body blocking is another, which is another problem of auto aim. You can't get two hits off in the unhook animation.

    That flashlight 100% happened when I looked at the wall, and I'm not the only killer to have noticed that. If timed right, there is 0 chance to look up.

    I play solo a lot. Easy points, easy pips, slightly more difficult escapes. About the only time I lose is if I have really bad teammates. Match I played last night, the idiot fast vaulted the first window he saw, which drew the killer right to me.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    If that's how it worked, survivors hooked after the last gen is done would die instantly. That's not how the game works. Until the survivor is actually dead, you're entitled to no kills. Just like no survivor is entitled to escaping until they actively leave the game.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    You're not getting that you should be at the mercy of the killer, not the other way around. Plenty would escape, because killers usually leave the hook hoping to get them all. However, if you want to camp, you should be able to secure at least one kill and not be at the mercy of a crutch perk like BT.

    The proper balance would be NOED trumping BT. Bones were done, they you escape, if not, you die.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357
    edited December 2019

    It isn't a lazy, crutch perk at all. It is there because of people who play like you standing right by a hook desperate for that person to die on their first hook because you know you wont get them again if they get off. So you sit there watching gens pop all around you and then cry when someone uses BT.

    You can get 2 hits on a survivor unhooking. Either hit them as they get near the hook(since you're stood next to the hook) and then hit them after the unhook. The other option is they start unhooking, you hit them, that resets their unhook if you do it early enough. they use your stun to redo the unhooking of the survivor with BT, by which time your cooldown from an attack is done and you hit again.

    Entitled to a kill? What? This is really bizarre logic. Just quit playing. It is for the best as you're just going to get more frustrated and take it out on more people, ruining everyone else's experience because you aren't getting the kills you're "entitled" to.

    You obviously posted this expecting other killers to rally around you and tell you how right you are and it just hasn't happened because it is such an odd attitude to have to the game.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    And you're not getting that proper game design involves both sides having a chance to fight back dire circumstances.

    You get roflstomped all game long as killer, you can still get a kill if you play well.

    You get hooked as survivor, there's a chance you get saved without being 1-hooked to death.

    No one is entitled to anything except the right to put their skills at test and have a fair shot at winning. Survivors have the right to attempt an escape just as much as you have the right to try and kill them. Want a guaranteed kill? Hook them 3 times.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    You hear what you want to hear, because it's easier to assume that I do this every time and I'm bad at the game, rather than acknowledge that certain survivor perks/addons need balancing. God forbid that survivors aren't in a power role.

    I can upload PLENTY of video evidence that I don't camp and tunnel unless absolutely necessary. But yes, if I got bullied, I am going to dish it back out. May not be right, but it makes me feel better.

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    Ahhh... I don't know what you're trying to do, but...

    Step one: go behind the unhooker.

    Step two: smack unhooker.

    Step three: recover from attack cooldown while they finish unhooking.

    Step four: smack unhooker.

    I have done that maybe a thousand times.

    If there's a whole team bodyblocking you I don't see the problem - they're basically giving you free hits. Take some, then chase whoever will be easiest to down. Leave them down as long as you can see/know where the others are. Rinse and repeat.

    I don't know if there's a bug with flashlight saves but if you're looking directly at a wall (a wall that is in front of you - looking at a wall that's 40 meters away isn't what we're talking about).

    When in doubt, like I said, just leave the Survivor on the ground as a slug and search for the flashlighter. If they're around it's a 2-for-1.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    And when the doors are open? You get free hits, but the time delay guarantees escape. Not a bug, with the right light, they can blind from outside your vision, even facing a wall. 2

    And the best way of getting 3 hooks is to tunnel like your life depends on it, which survivors hate.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    It's entirely possible to get 3 hooks on multiple survivors without tunnelling but go off

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I figure why not tunnel, since you get accused of it even when you're not doing it. Not my fault if I actively chase another guy, then the one that got unhooked runs right into me.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    NOED doesn't need to bypass BT. You can hit the saver and down them in any health state, then hit the one with BT and unless they are hooked next to the gate, catch up to them in time to down them. At worse it is a trade.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Except auto aim has a tendency to hit the one on the hook, allowing the saver to escape too.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    Then when the one hooked gets down still hit the saver. If you have Noed neither of them should get any distance from you when you are right on top of them. Also, are you talking about a hook tech? From what I hear it is no longer working.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Don't know if it's the hook tech or not. All I know is I will be aiming directly at the unhooker and the game hits the one being unhooked, much like nurse targets the nearest bush when you blink. If they're close to an open door, it's GG at that point. No time to catch back up.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Step 1: Play Bubba

    Step 2: Hook 1 survivor

    Step 3: Facecamp and watch the chaos unfold. SWF don't know how to deal with this.

    Usually results in a 2K. Sometimes more if they're bad but in that case they always DC and send salty messages. I wish I could hear their voicechat when this happens.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I loathe that build. It's one of the few killer styles that I will agree is OP. I figure if I'm going to be a jerk, I might as well have fun with it. Had a fun game as nurse last night. Went stridor, NOED, insidious, and save the best for last. 4 toolboxes in the game, so I knew gen rush was coming. I played normal, till the last gen was about to pop, then I blinked behind the exit door, and hoped they came to that one. They did.

    Downed all 4, two crawled to safety. It was most amusing from my point of view. They were salty.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Just had a couple of Claudettes, teabagging when pallet dropping and looping.

    First got Mori'ed. Second got hook camped.

    Don't be a lemon. Be a rosebud.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    Blinking behind the exit door.. interesting! Could be fun if you run Insidious as well. Surprise #########!

    I only facecamp with Bubba if I see toxic behavior in-game. I can play nasty too.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I did run insidious, it was glorious. It's a bad strategy since there are two doors and if all totems are gone, you're out of luck, but it's very amusing when you can pull it off.