My brain exploded with this idea (I swear itll be worth the read^^)

Keys and moris are a hot topic again and I wanted to share my proposal for a creative way for both to still be relevant while also making them fair..ready?
Moris..cypress turns into base kit..The ivory and ebony offerings become after second hook..but your no longer penalized for sacrifice emblem as they count as a hook sac, it also boosts your total bp by 25 percent for each sac AFTER other offerings and perks...this will justify rarity and still make the offerings worth picking.. Now here's where it gets fun..during the egc..killers can mori anybody who's been hooked twice this is base kit and I feel itll solve the following.
1..The killer has almost 0 tactical reason to open the doors normally..this will light a fire under survivors to flee and give that tactical last stand to killers at a risk
2..DS..very controversial but my only issue with it is its god like power in the end game..this offers a meet in the you cant be moried till after second hook you get to keep ds in the back pocket if you play well during the the killer has to open the door first...while also not allowing cheesy free escapes when you rightfully should have died..
3..JUST IMAGINE THAT INTENSE ATMOSPHERE AND FEELING OF POWER all holes aside it would suit the EGC and its doomsday vibe...along with bringing any trial to a close with a photo finish via base kit cypress mori..also as a side not..remove mori spam to avoid misuse
Now it's time for keys They reward failure and instantly make the killer lose in what was likely an upper hand scenario for them..keys will gain aura reading on ALL team mates at base..they have few charges to start so it's not super busted but useful for solos and helps shorten that swf exchange..keys will no longer be able to open hatches EXCEPT during the egc..this keeps the challange for it unchanged and still uses it as a clutch tool for the sole survivor as the egc begins when the hatch closes as well..
Issues I think would be solved keys would be less of a meme
2..the key rewards survival over failure and gives killers a chance to fight against it without hatch standoffs or a mori /tunneling the key to death which only half works anyway
3..its one less bm tool in the game..same with the loss of mori spamming
As you can shifts these items from power shifters to solutions to some of the games issues while remaining a valid part of the game..I really think I struck gold with this idea..question is..what do you guys think?
@Peanits Just in case you guys miss this..I really really think this is just about the perfect solution to several issues at once! Hope you'll let me know
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I like it. The mori idea especially sounds terrifying, seeing someone get mori'd right at the gate
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Right? Like a legit horror film^^
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I like this idea, i feel it fixes quite a lot and indirectly buff some of the end game perks
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I felt the same, it knocks over so many issues with just these two changes..I just had to share it
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Basekit moris is dumb. There is a reason they are offerings, killing survivors by your hand is a special reward from the Entity. I will ignore the rest of OP.
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Glad to see your looking at this non biased -_-
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I think you're the one that's biased. If moris could be basekit they would be, but they can't. It is the Entity's job to kill survivors and the killer's job to hook them.
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Right..ok you obviously didmt read what I posted..therefore theres not much else for me to say to you..
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Pretty bad ideas in general. EGC was meant to finish the game faster. That is its purpose. It was not made so the killers can take advantage of it by any means. Killers very often forget that or don't even know about it and ask for something more during end game. Most killers want the survivors to open the doors so they can end the game and you suggest basically quite the opposite with that change - literally nobody would open the door and you as a killer would want to do that so you can abuse your offering/perma or whatever - that sounds quite absurd. They gave the ability for the killers to open the door so they can force the timer and just end the game if someones hides forever - that's all.
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And that was a mistake..heck it barely even does its job because survivors control it and the timer is still long..hence forth I took the opportunity to solve several issues at once for both sides..killers should have a final defence if they are willing to pay the toll..itll encourage new playstyles , builds, and fix certain balances..doesnt matter what the original purpose was..what matters is can it be improved? And I'm certain ive done that
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How about this...we can Mori after 1 hook as usual and you Survivors stop trying to make a game that's already super easy for y'all even easier?
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Lol you think I'm a survivor main..?
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Gotta be if you're trying to get Moris nerfed.
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Green keys would still be a meme. You wanna see all survivors? Bring bond. Using a key for aura reading is about the worst outside of seeing the killer. Do you know how fast those charges get used up? It takes about 2 charges just for it to start working. Also not sure about giving killers more BP. The BP gap is still a huge thing between survivor and killer because of how good BBQ is, and how bad WGLF is.
Also giving moris during EGC for free removes a lot of cool surprises during EGC. There'd also be no reason to use offerings for moris because you could do it anyways pretty much. The only thing it'd be used for is BP.
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This was worth a read. Well thought out and fair although the key thing is a little confusing
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I'm pretty sure the EGC mori thing will raise complaints like the "NOED rewards bad killers" crap. The point you mention about DS is diffucult, you cannot really "save" DS until engame unless you get hooked very close to endgame, otherwise the timer is off. And if already in endgame, you cannot activate it since you get mori'd.
Aura reading on keys is not that fancy as a trade I think. There is already an addon and perks to do so, so not much of a new idea. If aura reading, I would give it aura reading on the hatch, so you can find it quicker when it spawns. In advantage of Left Behind, which only works if you are the last one.
Just being able to reopen it seems like a good approach at first step.
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There are survivor mains and killer mains..then there are those of us in between
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It's not as complicated as it sounds ^^; any questions?
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I wanted to give it more base game relevance and unlike other perks this item only shows auras you want to see to maybe make a decision..seeing the hatch would still be a tad too strong especially when a perk for it killers cannot stop the key from being in the such it has gameplay significance while the mori offering doesnt..bit of a give and take for both sides..besides..if you go down after a door is open and your death hook regardless you rightfully were caught
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Killers deserve more bp as they work way harder for it's an iridescent has to do something big or it's pointless..and I'd say there are no real surprises in the egc over noed and blood warden , but in this case you'll be hit with the tension of thinking "Have I been hooked twice??" Bevause if you've been marked for death...moris are really fun but I'd rather they be more part of the game but fair over being rare and a massive power shift
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I like the Mori rework idea, I’ve been saying that forever.
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I love the mori animations but as a killer who gets by without the broken ######### you can imagine it's usually piss easy..but I love the executions..felt this was way more fun
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Saying they work harder for them is an opinion, not a fact and honestly Legion can get near full BP every game so that's not even true if you're actually going for bp. As for your thought process, killers can already potentially get 64k whereas a survivor will get at max 32k. Sure you could argue it's possible to get 64k bp on survivor but it's next to impossible.
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Yea I figured you had to at least play as Survivor otherwise what do you care how hard it is for them?
If they ever change Mori to only usable after 2nd hook (which they are cause they change everything the Survivors whine about) then they might as well just get rid of Moris altogether.
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It's a simple fact..survivors are now getting points just for vaulting and pallet add in perks like pts and I can easily get over twenty thousand for little to no effort on my part..this offering doesnt just hand them over anyway..they are solely based on cares if killers get more bp? They use several times the bp survivors do just to keep a healthy addon stock
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Hence why I designed this idea the way I nobody is leaving empty handed
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More like a healthy ebony stock, which they would already have to further increase BP gains. Again, they already can easily get double, and again, a Legion could easily get 32k BP nearly every game just by existing.
Also I'm pretty sure I've never gotten points for vaulting. I could be wrong as I don't always pay attention, but I'm 95% sure I don't get points for vaulting. Survivors have gotten points for dropping pallets IN CHASE because the discrepancy between killer and survivor BP is still big(and honestly this just reinforces bad play because ooh BP. I didn't get that before). The thing is, BBQ is what makes the discrepancy the biggest. It doesn't matter if a survivor can get 32k BP in a match, they're likely never gonna get that 64k that killers can get unless they manage to rework WGLF to actually be manageable.
Keep in mind, people who play survivor do also play killer. So I'm not sure about the idea that "Killers use more BP than survivors". Not everyone has every killer and every survivor at level 50 P3ed either, so saying one side needs more BP over another is ludicrous. If you could only use BP for whichever side you were playing, maybe there would be an argument here(not really because the survival rate is much less than the kill rate, meaning survivors do actually need to use toolboxes and the like).
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I'll prove it..can killers keep addons without a black ward..? No
Survivors can use the same toolbox and addons six times..on top of survivors having the advantage in the current meta..all I say is factual..killers use more bp than survivors on if you only play one side then obviously in your case it could be different however on average killers need and use far more bp as they dont get any reusability from their addons outside of a black ward which costs a hefty sum of bp in it's own items can be farmed for free via chests while killer addons cannot..its simple
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Can survivors even keep their addons in the event they take a White Ward? Not if Franklin's is in play.
Survivors have to survive to use the same toolbox and addons 6 times. Every time they use it, AND Franklins has to not be in play. They also have to buy their toolbox, whereas killers have a power base kit, meaning they have to buy more than just their addons, they have to buy their "power" too. Sure, they can find it in a chest, but it's likely to be a brown med kit or toolbox with nothing if they don't have Plunderer's/Ace in the Hole/Pharmacy, and then they have to survive to actually keep it and put addons on it. Say you buy Iridescent Button and Cold Dirt for Legion. That's 13000 BP. Now say you buy an Engineer's Toolbox, Brand New Part, and Socket Swivels. That's 16k BP, and 7000 of that cost can be undone if the killer happens to chase you off the gen in the beginning after kicking it and no one gets back on it. Leading me into another thing. Survivor stuff has less of an impact than killer stuff for the same costs.
You could argue that a killer should keep their addons in the event they succeed the same as survivors, but a killer's addons can help them win FAAAAAAR more than a survivor's can. This could create an event in which an Iridescent Head Infantry Belt Huntress could keep using that combo forever because it's strength allows her pretty much the ability to chain wins constantly. The combo I mentioned(probably the strongest survivor combo I can think of honestly) could not do this. So in the event someone played solely one or the other, I still think the survivor would be spending more BP than the killer would.
Regardless, BP is not a killer or survivor based thing, so comparing the costs of survivor or killer is silly. It's a currency that can be used on one or the other. My argument is that survivors get less in a game than killers do to spend with, meaning if I was playing survivor and I wanted to use that BP on killer, I'd be getting less than if I were to be playing killer and use it on survivor, despite the currency being exactly that, only currency I would get for playing a game. This is why the gap should be closed, not widened. You should be able to play whatever you want to get BP. You shouldn't be coerced to only play killer when you want BP and only play survivor when you have a challenge or something else. You should be able to play whatever you're in the mood for and still potentially get the same BP gains.
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As trivial as it is I disagree because the amount of effort needed to get those points differs greatly..that is my stance on the issue..survivor is more chill..I view it as a decent farming tool as items are merely extras
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I guess we can just agree to disagree. I don't feel survivor is any more chill than killer. Both have stress and high moments and low moments. Maps play a big part in this though I feel.
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With survivor my only stress comes from my team sadly
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Lmao now ur giving killers a reason to run infinite michael
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Why infinite michael ..? You mean ultimate evil Myers the meme?
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You are buffing moris
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I'm a killer main, and I think Moris are too powerful
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The description of Cypress Mori is "You worked well. The last one is yours." The Entity is clearly okay with sharing some of the spoils as long as the Killer does their job of feeding the Entity. So that is not a good reason to not make Cypress base kit.
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No I'm repurposing first
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He clearly didnt read the post
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Well ok then what will the offering do
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Nothing because the devs can just get rid of it.
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Your way of doing so buffs them
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Lol you know what a mori does correct ? This is a nerf by every standard in the book
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First of all, he wants to remove the emblem penalty, which is the only current penalty to using them. Also, he wants to make the ability to kill survivors during the endgame collapse basekit, what is simply stupid. Both these changes have a much greater impact than putting mories on second hook, so yeah buff
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Making it basekit to kill survivors and taking care of the emblem penalty. Yeah nerfs, i guess the person who doesn't know things here is you
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Like I and you'll realize how you sound and take it from me it isnt good